The problem occurs when I try to create small plugin to allow me toggle on and off WYSIWYG on all textareas in the website.
//$('form.default textarea').each(function(){
// console.log( $('<a href="#">Enable WYSIWYG editor</a>').insertAfter('form.default textarea').prev('textarea.wysiwyg').tinymce().hide() );
The full (a bit si...
I've earlier worked with WYMeditor but this time around, the editor window does not show any markup (p, h1 h2 etc). Also the default blue color background of wymeditor is missing. I'm able to use it correctly however. The editor itself is as such functioning but somehow the markup is missing
This is the code I'm using
<script type="tex...
I have ckeditor embedded into one of my pages....but I don't know how to wire up certain buttons in ckeditor to perform specific actions. Most importantly, how do I tell it when the save button is clicked to save the document?
I remember earlier this month or last month, perhaps it was during google i/o, but there was some mention of google open sourcing their wysiwyg editor, not the one that's dependent on execCommand, I think that one is in closure, but the one which they built using all custom JS to control everyone from cursors to uh, everything custom.
I'm trying to use contenteditable and styleWithCss.
It doesn't seem to work in webkit.
Anytime I use do an execCommand, it generates a <b> rather than the span I expected.
Here's a demo:
Select part of the text, click the bold button, and see the html output.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong....
I'm building an Android App where users need to be able to edit their own content, including minimal layout. I just want to store the formatted source in the database and pull it out and display it the way I would with something like TinyMCE in a web app.
Any ideas how users can enter and format their own content in an Android GUI?
In many places on many of my sites, users are permitted to enter formatted text through a WYSIWYG or through plain text with tags. Naturally, such input is sanitized for security threats, but it is not stripped of tags nor is it fully entity encoded. Something like <p>hello world</p> ends up going back to the end user as <p>hello world</...
I need to build a visual editor in C#. Given a piece of PHP and/or HTML code, the software will display them in the form of an editable webpage. At the same time it will display a dialog box from where the user should be able to edit options for the selected component. It is pretty like Adobe Dreamweaver's HTML editor but it needs t...
I am trying to install the CKEditor for use with Django-WYSIWYG. This is proving to be oddly difficult.
As mentioned on the site for Django-WYSIWYG, it is possible to "install" CKEditor by dropping the distribution file in the MEDIA_URL folder on one's system.
In addition, you've got to set a variable in settings, which determines Djan...
Possible Duplicates:
Looking for WYSIWYG HTML editor
Which HTML WYSIWYG tool do you recommend?
I need easy to use files upload and MS Word cleanup ability.
Any idea how Gmail implement their simple WYSIWYG editor, visible when composing email messages?
This website that I use has a WYSIWYG that ONLY works in IE. And I refuse to use IE or to tell my non-tech team to use IE.
I was wondering if there is a user script or browser plugin that would enable anyone to inject a WYSIWYG such as onto any site textarea?
Edit: I would also be willing to work on it myself if anyone wan...
I'm working on a project that needs a WYSIWYG editor, but I haven't had to integrate one in a while, so I'm not familiar with the latest and greatest ones. I've used both tinyMCE and nicEdit in the past and I'd prefer not to use tinyMCE for this project because of its large overhead.
I don't need it to be overly complex, but I need the ...
I am looking for a list of WYSIWYG editors that use contentEditable rather than a designMode iframe.
The reason I want this is that I want to have a few regions (divs) on my site that users can edit, and I want the styling (fonts, font colors, etc). to look the same in the edit area as it normally does. I don't want to have to apply a s...
I'm having to debug a WYSIWYYG javascript based HTML editor that is failing in IE8. It's only designed for use in IE so that should simplify the solution. Here's the existing code that is failing:
function isAllowed() {
var sel
var obj
sel = foo.document.selection
if (sel.type != "Control")
Right now I am using the TinyMCE wysiwyg editor within my projects.
However there are some disadvantages with tinyMCE:
Tons of GET requests
It is slow. I can't have a large number of TinyMCE editors at the same time. (Especially in IE)
Changing the DOM position of the TinyMCE caused issues where the listeners got lost.
I'm having issues with dynamic form with wysiwyg editor. I'm using FCKEditor (I'm forced to).
From the begining, I create a cute form in Fencybox, working correctly. I'm having only one small isssue, form is not sending any value. According to documentation link text everything is implemented correctly.
I'm trying to get editor...
I want to write a very simple WYSIWYG editor, but i don't understand how do they work :(
I've tried to read sources of tinyMCE but stuck in all those classes and functions.
As I know they're creating iframe then do some black magic there and everything works.
The question is: what do those editors do with iframe so it becomes editab...
Yesterday google introduced their wysiwyg editor and I was really exited.
However it seems to be kind of heavy.
Online demo
It took my Firefox 8 seconds to download all 180 requests.
The network traffic was 2MB.
What is the point of using it anyway?
What is the most efficient WYSIWYG editor that can be used on a blog?
I'm looking for something like the one in Gmail, but I'm really annoyed that sometimes the cursor gets stuck in some invisible wrapper div tag or after selecting and deleting a part of text the cursor jumps to then end of the whole block.
The ideal editor doesn't hav...