
Problem with loading resources from referenced assembly in Expression Blend

I have problem with loading resources for UserControl from referenced assembly in Expression Blend Here is the relevant code: <UserControl.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Referenced.Assembly;component/Resources/ResourceDic...

XAML Styles - how to use BasedOn while overriding triggered setter

I'm using a XAML style to create a custom radio button using my own images. The style uses triggers to change the look of the button based on focus, pressed, etc. Here's the style: <Style x:Key="SmallButtonAsRadioButton" TargetType="RadioButton"> <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}" /> <Setter Property="SnapsToDe...

Styling both Hyperlink and TextBlock with a single style?

I have two types of text that need to follow similar coloring rules based on an enumeration: public enum Modes { A, B, C } A Style with DataTrigger markup is used to colorize: <Style TargetType="SEE BELOW" x:Key="Coloring"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=.}" Value="...

Grouping child objects in WPF TreeView

I am trying to get my tree view to group a collection of similar items by what they are. To keep things generic, my object hierarchy could look like this: Objects Object Group #1 Item #1 (Type 'A') Item #2 (Type 'A') Item #3 (Type 'B') Item #4 (Type 'B') Right now my TreeView shows these objects exactly like the object ...

XAML: How are the Size and Move commands implemented in a system menu?

I have styled a window to replace the standard window chrome with a standard 'System Menu' popup and I want to implement Size and Move using the keyboard. Anyone done this or have an example? ...

Exception while XamlReader.Load(..)

Hi There, i get an Exception during (UIElement)XamlReader.Load(...) which says 'Cannot create unknown type 'TextBox'.' Line number '1' and line position '2'. on the following xaml: <TextBox Name="inputMyFirstString" BorderThickness="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Text="test"></TextBox> What did i wrong? ...

Nonstandard floating layout - grow then stop

Here is the sample pseudo XAML code <Window> <Grid Rows="2"> <Listbox Row="0"/> <Button Row="1"/> </Grid> </Window> Grid doesn't work here, just for example Listbox is databinded and can have multiple items Button is placed under the ListBox - immediately under, not on bottom of window Listbox can grow, mov...

Modifying an item in a WPF sorted ListView doesn't change the sort position of that item.

I have a sortable listview that gets filled with a live data as it comes. Sorting works perfectly but the real problem arises when an item is modified after being added to the collection. The position of modified item does not change no matter what the sort orders is. I have googled it but couldn't find a better solution to make my list...

Silverlight 3 : How to apply a style to all controls of a particular type(ex:TextBlock) ?

Silverlight 3 : How to apply a style to all controls of a particular type(ex:TextBlock) ? I know that it is possible in WPF but how about silverlight? for example this my style <Style x:Key="TextBlockStyle1" TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/> </Style> I tried removing the x:Key="TextBlockSty...

Silverlight 3: Techniques for adjusting to screen resolution

My developer's box has a screen resolution of 1680 x 1050. I'm developing a full-screen Silverlight 3 application that I'm considering deploying to the Internet. So, I want to make sure the application looks good on a variety of screen resolutions. I just started testing on other boxes, the first one having a screen resolution of 1024...

Do unused xaml styles increase the size of xap file?

If i include a bunch of styles that i don't use any more into my project will that increase the size of the final XAP file? ...

WPF: How can I change the way InkCanvas draws?

I've searched for examples for this, but the ones I've ran across seem to focus on simpler stuff like setting the InkCanvas DefaultDrawingAttributes such as Width, Height, Color etc. Doesn't seem like there's a lot of material for this. For example, if I hold down the mouse button I can see it drawing lines. What if I want to draw ellip...

XAML UserControl grid elements not shown

Still not solved: I have the following issue: I have a user control looking like this: <UserControl x:Class="UserControlSettings" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"&gt; <Grid x:Name="mainGrid" ShowGridLines="True"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> ...

Silverlight: Docking of controls

Is it possible to dock Silverlight based controls like Windows Forms control ? For example I want to use a tab control, which I want to use as a control for page navigation ! Unfortunately I don't find a "Dock" property :-( ! ...

ScrollViewer border moves out when HorizontalScrollBarVisibility set to "Auto" or "Visible"

Hello. In XAML I have a ScrollView and a ListView inside. <ScrollViewer Margin="0, 0, 0, 2" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"> <ListView BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="3" Name="listAnswers"> ... /> So, when I remove the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility tag, my border is unmovable while scrolling, but if I set Horizont...

How to make reusable template for non-rectangular window with code-behind?

I've created non-rectangular window with my own style. It is Grid which contain custom close/min/max buttons, title area, 8 rectangles for resizing and of course Grid for window content (LayoutRoot). All of it working with c# event handlers at code-behind file. Now i need to make this construction reusable and available from toolbox at ...

Default settings for bound WPF DependencyProperty

Ive created a custom user control named MyCustomComboBox. Everywhere in the application I put it I do the following: <Widgets:MyCustomComboBox Foo="{Binding Foo, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" /> MyCustomComboxBox has the dependency property Foo, I have some validation and other logic in t...

Sorting a combobox purely in XAML

I'm surprised that no one has asked this before here... well, at least I haven't found an answer here or anywhere else, actually. I have a ComboBox that is databound to an ObservableCollection. Everything worked great until the guys wanted the contents sorted. No problem -- I end up changing the simple property out: public Observable...

Why is my generic list populated in XAML empty at runtime?

All, I've got a generic list defined in a custom user control. private List<string> m_AnimationNames = new List<string>(); public List<string> AnimationNames { get { return this.m_AnimationNames; } set { this.m_AnimationNames = value; } } I reference this list in xaml, and populate it, like so...

Defining a Silverlight column derived from DataGridTemplateColumn

I'm learning Silverlight (from scratch, I'm feeling a bit like a fish out of water here!). I'm having a look at the DataGrid class, and am playing around with custom templates for columns and column headers. I want to display a grid that has a collection of columns that have a small image in the header (different image for each column),...