
Compiling on Linux and Mac OSX: Working with Xcode build and make?

I'm writing a plain C project. I'm using a Mac and I like working with Xcode and I want to use the Xcode project and build environment. I'd like to be able to build it on other platforms though. Not being overly familiar with Linux (yet) I assume this would involve a makefile. My project has no dependencies and it's about as vanilla as i...

How to get the app path name from an Xcode project on the command line?

I'm writing a build script to compile and package my app, and I'd like a nice way to get the full path name of the .app created. I can't find any command line tools other than xcodebuild, which doesn't appear to have much in the way of inspecting an Xcode project. My full compile command is xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos2.2.1 so it'll build...

Automating iPhone App Submission Process

Is there an API or any other method to automate the submission process. To elaborate: I have a number of apps which are similar in functionality and UI structure. I create the user interface by picking up variables from a plist. For instance I save the source of the API from where I pick up the data. Creating a new app involves just c...

Xcode - how to include c library and header file to cocoa project?

How do I add c library to Xcode Cocoa project? Or what is the best option, I don't want to copy them into Cocoa project directory. I have a C project called a which compiles into library a.dylib and header file a.h, the project is located in it's own directory. I want to use this library from my objective-c application in Xcode. How ...

How can I write to the current directory in the iPhone SDK when running xcodebuild from the command line?

Hi folks. Does anyone know how to obtain the path to the current directory when running xcodebuild (mainly, the project directory) and write files to it? I'm trying to save the results of some unit tests to disk from my obj-c code, but I'd rather not dump them deep in the app's document path if possible. I might be able to append '../../...

GCC4.2 build warning : Default deployment version is greater than the max value for the iPhone simulator 3.1.2 SDK?

Hi I upgraded an iPhone project from the 2.2.1 SDK to 3.0 SDK recently... And when I build the project I am getting the following warning: GCC 4.2 default deployment target 10.6.2 for architecture 'i386' and variant 'normal' is greater than the maximum value 10.6 for the Simulator - iPhone OS 3.1.2 SDK I have the iPhone OS D...

How to bypass code signatures on Snow Leopard?

Greetings everyone, Couple of days ago, I upgraded my Mac to Snow Leopard. I notice that all my settings are preserved and very impressed with Snow Leopard performance. But today I noticed that I was unable to build my iPhone application for "Device -> Release" mode. Xcode complaints that a valid signature is not found. I googled, but ...

ld: library not found for -ljpeg os x artoolkit

Hello i have been trying unsuccesfully to compile on Xcode the latest version of openvrml + artoolkit, i get: ld: library not found for -ljpeg How can i fix this? Thanks in advance. ...

How to speedup xcode builds without any project modifications?

Last version or XCode (3.2.1) is running very slow on OS X 10.6. What kinds of tweaks can you do to your Mac in order to speedup Xcode build process. I'm not looking for general hints like how to restructure your projects, just tweaks that are related to environment. For example I remember that on Windows for Visual Studio two signi...

How to filter the xcodebuild command line output?

Running xcodebuild from the console will bring you very verbose output and I wasn't able to locate any options for limit its output in order to display only warnings and errors. I'm looking for a way to capture the xcodebuild output and filter it. It would prefer a Python solution that will work with pipes but I'm open to other approach...

How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?

Hi, I've got a problem that I couldn't solve with a deep search in different resources as most of the "similar" points out to be an error with Icon.png size, etc... I've tried to upload my application after verifying that: Correctly builds and run on my device That my certificates are installed properly That my certs / profiles are n...

iPhone ad-hoc distribution howto?

Hi, how do I do an ad-hoc distribution profile? Been reading many links but I think there is something that I'm still missing. Just can't figure out what. Here are the steps that I took 1. a team member sent me his UDID 2. I add his phone to "devices" under the dev portal Then this is what I did to create the ad-hoc profie 1. go to ...

XCode bundle identifier formatting from {PRODUCT_NAME}

Assume I have an iPhone application whose Product Name is "My App" (with a space between words) in XCode build settings. In my info.plist, the Bundle identifier is specified as com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} In the resulting info.plist in the application bundle, the bundle identifier is shown as com.mycompany.My-App. I ...

When compiling for multiple targets in XCode, how do i ensure that certain files will not be included one target.

Hi all.. I searched for a long time on stackoverflow using every keyword I could think of to solve this. I am programming for iphone and I have a lite and paid version of my app. I followed the instructions here Creating Lite Versions of iPhone Games / Apps for duplicating the target. This works and now I am working on slimming down t...

how to invoke terminal.app from a php script?

Hello all, I want to invoke terminal.app from a php script is this possible if not then how do we invoke terminal using applescript/shell script. I want to use php because there is no other option for me. also after invoking terminal i want to navigate to a folder and run xcodebuild command from there. Does someone knows about it? ...

Xcode: Can't Build Downloaded Project because Compiler Cannot Find a Framework

I'm new to this so please make allowances. I'm trying to build Audioslicer which seems to need a framework called IntervalSlider. The IntervalSlider build fails with: framework not found InterfaceBuilderKit. However, the framework seems to be present under the Frameworks group with the necessary headers. Can anyone suggest what I'...

Protocol Methods not Recognized When Implemented in a Category

I have a view controller class that has to implement several protocols. Too keep things neat I have a habit of putting each protocol's methods in a category on the view controller class. This time I am getting warnings from the linker that the class does not implement one of the protocols. The methods do work at runtime, the linker jus...

How can I install and ideally run an iPhone app entirely from the command-line?

I'm porting an existing game engine to the iPhone. As a result of a large and complicated build process that isn't really conducive to Xcode I'm developing my own build system that calls the same programs and does the same build steps as Xcode does. This is generally working pretty well, referring heavily to xcodebuild's output for refe...

Resources check

hey I am frequently uploading my XCode iPhone projects to an svn repository to be build on another machine. My problem is that when I add resources to my project sometimes I forget to add the resource as relative to the project. I know one answer is to be more careful (not easy when your tired!) but if there was a way to run a script t...

Xcode acting strange

I am typing code from Head First iPhone Development (O'reilly) and Xcode will build and run fine once and then, without any modification to the code, the second build will fail. Why?(I'm using command+R) EDIT: the first error was something similar to "can not take an object as an argument." ...