
Which is the preferred non-grid based CSS framework?

Which is the preferred non-grid based CSS framework? for a start-up of any project. I want to use a framewrk to save time but without using grid approach. because i don't make design . i work with different proportions. ...

In how many ways and places we can place comment in CSS?

In how many ways and places we can place comment in CSS? Can placement of comment can creat any problem in css rendering and validation? How to show comment in Firebug? How to write good comment for big and small changes in CSS How to CSS readable, clear from comment for easier management ...

Can we add javascript in IE conditional comment just before </body>

This code should i place this code at bottom of body it's in conditional comment. <!--[if lt IE 7]> <script src="http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta2)/IE7.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <![endif]--> ...

Why other languages character doesn't show in browser title bar?

Why other languages character doesn't show in browser title bar? for example see this http://chhotikashi.com/ ...

HREF to a .doc file works... an HREF to a .docx does not

Strange... When i create an HREF to a .doc, the browser behaves correctly and onclick allows the user to download the file. If I have an HREF to a .docx, it doesn't prompt to the user to download the file but shows a "The page cannot be found" error page at the url of the file. Any ideas? ...

Apply a href-like attribute to non-<a> elements

Hello guys, I've been working on a page where there are several entries contained in different <div>s. Each is only a title linked to a page, an image and a short description. However, the description may contain arbitrary tags, including <a> tags. Since these are pretty straightforward and the actual link isn't that big, I've made it ...

Store images in Javascript object.

Hi, I am not sure if this is possible, But I want to store an image in the javascript variable or an object. And when the page loads, i want to make those images appear where desired. I want to know that if some images are converted to binary form, Can they be converted back to images with Javascript. Thanks & Best Regards. ...

Andy clarke's "Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS" vs Eric meyer "CSS Reset".

Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS CSS Code : /* -------------------------------------------------------------- Standardised Internet Explorer 6 stylesheet: http://forabeautifulweb.com/blog/about/universal_internet_explorer_6_css/ Based on the work of: Mark Boulton: http://markboulton.co.uk Eric Meyer: http://meyerweb.com Cameron Mol...

Does placing order matter for IE conditional css and main css?

Should it always come after main css or place doesn't matter? For example: if DIV {width:500px} is specified in main.css and DIV {width:400px} is specfied in IEonly.css which is inside Conditional comment. Then is it must that, IEonly.css should come after main.css in source , or placement doesn't matter? ...

Is good knowledge of PHP needed to make an installable template for CMS's like Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal?

Is good knowledge of PHP needed to make an installable template for CMS like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal? Or is good knowledge of XHTML and CSS enough? ...

Using valid HTML 4.01 Strict with Django

I've found a similar question here, but I'm looking for more general solutions. As it is now, when Django generates anykind of HTML for you (this mainly happens when generating forms), it uses self-closing tags by default i.e. <br /> instead of <br>. <br /> is valid XHTML and I think HTML5 also, but it's not valid HTML4. Is there any c...

Padding doesn't get displayed

If width of a viewport is set to 1024px and if I create the following html document: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <style type="text/css"> p { background-color:blue; padding:0px 250px; margin:0px 250px; overflow:scroll; } ...

Based on what parameters does browser decide what the `width` of an element should be(when width="auto")?

1) If textbox element (<input type=”text” /> ) has its width property set to inherit, then textbox doesn’t overflow. But if textbox has width set to auto, then it overflows due to browser calculating the width. a) Why doesn’t browser take into the account that textbox is inside another element and thus adjusts the width of a textbox...

how to detect Compatible CLDC version of Phones?

hi, i am currently working on mobile base xhtml site. in this site i have to do download page. for this i need to detect Compatible CLDC version of Phone. please help me. thanks ...

Why <table> is not good for layout while <div> is? for screen reader users.

What is the problem with <table> tag which is not with <div> for screen reader users? Please Explain with example. ...

In XHTML/HTML which elements has semantic value , which are presentitional and which are not in both category?

In XHTML/HTML which elements has semantic value , which are presentational and which are not in both category? And who decide which tag is semantic, presentational? W3C or web developer with their own terms? What is the difference between structural and semantic mark-up? Is DIV and span not semantic , if yes then why we use ? ...

Is it really best to make site without using <div>, using semantic tags only?

I found this on net in google search and see article here: http://www.thatcssguy.com/limit-your-divs/ See his final layout here: http://www.nodivs.com/ Some quotes from article 1 When I limited the use of my divs all the major browser including both IE6 and IE7 would render the sites nearly perfectly. Or with very little fi...

xml invalid character in the given encoding

I am trying to validate my xml against it's xsd and getting the error invalid character in given encoding. The code I use to validate is below: private static void ValidatingProcess(string XSDPath, string xml) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(xml)); using (StreamRea...

Is it better to use "min-height" always in place of height in css?

Should we always try to not to give "height" to elements in XHTML through CSS? if yes the i think min-height would be better idea instead of fixed height. What cross browser, W3C valid css, non-javascript "min-height" method in css for browser which do not support min-height? if i add min-height to any tag example <div> then in future...

how to find the height of html content

Hi, I am trying to display 10 html pages as a single document,with 10 chapters. I am using Webkitgtk+ engine to render the HTML pages. I am getting the content of each html files and concatenating all of them to create a single 'char *content' and using webkit_web_view_load_html_string(WebKitWebView *web_view, ...