
Elegant way to import XHTML nodes from xhr.responseXML into HTML document in IE?

While navigating through a site, I'm dynamically loading pages via Ajax and then only updating the elements of the page that are changed, such as the navigation state and main content area. This is similar to Lala. I am serving the site as XHTML in order to be able to have access to xhr.responseXML which I then traverse in parallel with ...

given the html content, find out the height of the page for the given width,before rending the page...

Hi, i am interested in finding out the height for a given width,taken by the webpage for the given HTML content. Ex.say given html content is, < html> < body> < h6>My First Heading< /h6> < p>My first paragraph.... ... ....< /p> < /body> < /html> ======================================== How can i find out the height the webpage...

Close all HTML unclosed IMG tags

Is it possible to do a regex replace on all IMG tags that are unclosed? If so, how would I identify: <img src="..." alt="..."> ...as a potential canidate to be replaced? = <img src="..." alt="..."/> Update: We have hundreds of pages, and thousands of image tags, all must of which must be closed. I'm not stuck on RegEx -- an...

Internet Explorer 8 Standards Mode Results In Broken Blank Page

I'm running into a weird issue that I'm struggling to figure out what's causing the page to break. I have an internal website that's still under development (thus no link to the page) that works great in Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 in IE 7 Standards mode. But when I force it to IE 8 Standards mode the page will only display the tit...

What are cons to use jquery sifr plugin over original sifr 3?

If I'm alreadu using jquery library on site then should i use origional sifr or jquery plugin. What are cons to use jquery sifr plugin over origional sifr 3? jQuery sIFR Plugin http://jquery.thewikies.com/sifr/known-issues ...

Create Extension Method to Produce Open & Closing Tags like Html.BeginForm()

Hi Guys I wonder if it's possible to create an extension method which has functionality & behaviour similar to Html.BeginForm(), in that it would generate a complete Html tag, and I could specificy its contents inside <% { & } %> tags. For example, I could have a view like: <% using(Html.BeginDiv("divId")) %> <% { %> <!-- Form con...

I need a converter to make any jquery code to make no.conflict mode?

I need a converter to make any jquery code/plugin to make with no.conflict mode? or it's just possible with find and replace. ...

Floating not right in ie ?

Hi, i want to do like the following format: So this is what i did : <style> .toptitle{ font-size:14px; } .toprating{ background:yellow; float:left; font-size:12px; } .topcontainer{ border-bottom:1px #CCCCCC solid; } </style> <div class="topcontainer"> <div class="toprating">256</div> <div class="toptitle">Lorem Ipsum...</div> </div...

css background images doesn't show in Web developer in toolbar > Edit css

I'm working on a xhtml css locally. Why css background images doesn't show in Web developer toolbar > Edit css option? Is there any workaround for it? Has anyone faced this issue or I should reinstall firefox and plugin? ...

how to set background image in submit button?

how to set background image in submit button? I have to use a image in place of regular submit button? which way would be best in xhtml/css? Button should look same in all main browsers including IE6,IE7 ...

Is there any free semantically correct HTML Form code (HTML+CSS) maker, generator?

Is there any free semantically correct HTML Form code (HTML+CSS) maker, generator? With HTML and CSS both. ...

How to Convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout?

Is there any guidelines to convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout? ...

how to load part of the HTML page which is currently on display ?

Hi, i have an ebook(relatively large size say 800 pages),in HTML format. I am opening that book as webpage using webkit-gtk+. If i load the whole book at a time,it takes too much memory(RAM ).So i dont want to load the whole book at a time, but load the part of the book which is currently on display. and when the user scrolls down, next...

True or not: We should always use proper capitalization and never put whole sentences in all-uppercase.

True or not: We should always use proper capitalization and never put whole sentences in all-uppercase. If we must do so, we should use CSS for this task." Should we use the CSS property text-transform for other cases if we need them? (Note that I'm not talking about HTML tags, I’m talking about text content.) links to read : http:/...

Is the "data" attribute a standard attribute of the XHTML Strict Doctype?

Can't find this info ... looks like its HTML-5ish ...

How to Create A Document Type Definition

Hi Guys I've been creating a lot of my own custom attributes in my XHTML documents lately, and am aware that because they are custom attributes, they won't validate against the W3C standard. Isn't it true that I can specify my own DTD to make it validate? If so, can anyone tell me what's involved in doing this in an ASP.NET MVC app? T...

Is a server side script necessary to process a form?

Is a server side script necessary to send a form to email? For example, suppose I want to submit this form. Is it only possible with php asp.net etc. or it can be done with javascript only? <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>HTML form tutorial example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>HTML form tutorial example</H1> <FORM> Name...

Verify XHTML is valid in a JUnit test?

I have a Spring controller that returns XHTML, what's the easiest way to setup a JUnit test that verifies that the XHTML is valid? I'd also like to verify certain elements are present. ...

How can I get the error/warning messages out of the parsed HTML using JTidy?

I am able to parse the HTML but I want to extract the warning messages from the parsed HTML and show them to the user. Here is my code: Tidy tidy = new Tidy(); StringBuffer StringBuffer1 = new StringBuffer("<b>Hello<u><b>I am tsting another one.....<i>another....."); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(StringBuffer1.toString().g...

XHTML validating block level element as a link

I need a way to make an entire DL element clickable with only one anchor tag, that validates as XHTML. As in: <a> <dl> <dt>Data term</dt> <dd>Data definition</dd> </dl> </a> This currently doesn't validate as XHTML as the anchor tag cannot contain the DL. The only way I can get it to validate is if I make two a...