
Is website accessibility mandated in some countries? What are the consequences of not being accessible?

Is it mandatory in some countries to make all websites accessible? If so, what would happen if someone in country with this mandate does not make a website accessible? Can the government remove or block the IP if the site is not accessible? How could the government know if any website is not accessible? Do they check every single websit...

jQuery saving show/hide state after page refresh or form submit

Hi. I am dynamically adding dependants to a form with jQuery link like so: $('a.add').live('click',function() { // Show the next hidden table on clicking add child button $(this).closest('form').find('table.child:hidden:first').show(); $(this).closest('form').find('hr:hidden:first').show(); // Get the number of hidde...

Using the XHTML closing slash (/) on normal tags?

I was just wondering whether it is acceptable to close a common tag, eg. a <span> which requires no data using the XHTML closing slash to reduce markup. So for example: <span id='hello'></span> could be written as <span id='hello' /> ...

Should I use "]]>" or "//]]>" for closing a CDATA section into xHTML

I want to inline Scripts or CSSs into xHTML without escaping special characters. I can do that using a CDATA marked section. According to www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.8 the CDATA section can be defined as: <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ ... unescaped script content ... ]]> </script> Then, according...

Is there a way to make jQuery output *actual markup*?

When using jQuery to dynamically build markup, it sometimes becomes useful to have it return the actual HTML that it's generating as a string, rather than as a bunch of jQuery objects. Is there a way to do this? For example, here: $("<strong></strong>").text("Hi there!"); I want to be able to extract the plain-text string "<strong>H...

Can name of CSS ID, Class, JavaScript variables be a copyrighted issue?

If I use any commercial or free/opensource/ CMS's CSS and JavaScript with existing CSS classes, IDs and variable names can it be a copyright issue? ...

element = $(element); Object expected error?

on a webpage in under developmnt i'm getting this error on IE element = $(element); this code is in prototype.js Object expected How to get rid of this error. Update: jQuery is also being used on site. ...

Relative paths in Flying Saucer XHTML?

I am using Flying Saucer to render some PDF documents from strings to XHTML. My code is something like: iTextRenderer.setDocument(documentGenerator.generate(xhtmlDocumentAsString)); iTextRenderer.layout(); iTextRenderer.createPDF(outputStream); What I'm trying to understand is, when using this method, where are relative paths in the X...

Howto place selectbox and inputbox on the same place?

Hy eveyone. I think this is a css Problem. Im not good at css, so i need your help. basicaly what i want to do is, create a small select box, thats fine i did that and a input box, thats also fine i did that also. But unfortunatly the selectbox is over the inputbox. How can i place both on the same place? Here is the code <select styl...

navigation menu issues with css (background is not appearing behind the whole div)

I am writing a css code for a webpage, i have a navigation menu on the top with the code: <div class="nav-menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li><a href="#">About us</a></li> <li><a href="#">Tell a friend</a></li> <li><a href="#">Mission</a></li> <li><a h...

"Click here to read this article" "Read More" Why these are bad for screen readers?

I use "read more" at the end of paragraph just for reminder for user same like P.T.O Why it's problematic? ...

What is best method to link PDF(with icon)?

What is preferred method to link PDF(with icon) on a page in terms of semantic, accessibility, usability and SEO? for example this is a name of PDF "01ccc5.pdf" but inside PDF this is the title of PDF "How to search in long PDF" Should i use PDF subject as a file name like "How-to-search-in-long-PDF? and I want to show link of PDF as ...

Do all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6?

Does all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6? * background-attachment * background-position ...

Question of standards: I, EM, B, STRONG, BIG, SMALL

In real work, I always use EM for italics, STRONG for selection. And SMALL. I decided to update their knowledge in HTML + decided to look towards the HTML 5 So, xHTML 1.0 strict, as the language of separating flies and cutlets, and allowed the following inline elements related to the text: I, EM, B, STRONG, BIG, SMALL here, I came ac...

Could anyone help me fix this xpath expression?

Hi all.. Time for another silly question :) I got some tables in a xhtml-document with class="mytable" and inside those tables all sorts of elements, including <input type="checkbox"/> .. Now, I need to select all these checkboxes. I figured I'd use jquery with xpath, but my expression doesnt seem to work. So far, I've come up with ...

Is there any jquery version of IE7.js available?

I need jquery version of IE7.js or any other similar jquery based js for same thing? http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/ ...

HTML to XHTML WebBrowser control

I have been using the .NET WebBrowser control in edit mode as part of an interface for end users to create sections of HTML content for insertion into various websites. They have had a very cutdown list of tags available such as <p>, <br>, <a href>, <strong>, <ul> <li>... they could not apply any formatting on top of the tags as that was...

Firefox navigation issue. fine in IE and Chrome, random scrollbars.

I have no idea why, but for some reason the top navigation at http://www.wilwaldon.com/crossing/badnav.html creates scroll bars in Firefox 3.6 when you click one of the links. It works fine in IE and Chrome. I've tried everything and can't find a solution for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ...

html form not sending correct data, php pagination

I have recently used a php pagination tutorial http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/pagination.html to display record information from mysql database. The problem is that the page only sends out the information sent in the latest form and am not quite sure how to fix the problem. the code for the form output is shown below $musicitems...

jQuery Background Canvas transparency

Hi. I'm using the jQuery Background Canvas plugin and have created a DIV with rounded corners and a gradient effect. However, I'm unable to get the transparency to work. What am I doing wrong? Here's the JavaScript: $(document).ready(function() { $(".Test").backgroundCanvas(); $(".Test").makeElementTransparent("#CECFCE"); $(".Test").bac...