
use multiple views in an application

Hi All, I am new to Iphone programming. So please don't mind if I ask some basic questions. :mad: I want to develop an application where the landing screen will be a login screen and after login application should display a new screen with the list of available categories. And on selecting any category a new screen should appear with ...

XCode find and replace in project problem with XIB

I wanted to rename one badly named variable to something more naturally named (UITableView myListView --> myTableView). Did that with XCode "Edit - Find - Find in project" and replaced all found 7 items with the new one. Application compiled ok, started and crashed. After some debugging found out that there was one (1) old name remainin...

Decomposing an iPhone user interface -- multiple views in one xib?

I have one main view with an associated controller. I have some rather complicated toolbars that I need to switch in and out depending on user interaction. To keep things simple I manage the toolbars with my main view controller, rather than having all sorts of intertwined dependencies or really deep delegate chains. Anyway, how can I ...

Multiple Xib files - Same Class

Hey there, I'm fairly new at this, but I think what I'm looking to do makes sense. I have a xib that is displayed in portrait and one that is displayed in landscape. Both views are similar, but have a few differences. Some of the buttons, labels and textfields are the same. I can reveal one and hide the other when the orientation is...

What are the differences between Xcode generated .nib/.xib and interface builder .nib/.xib template?

I am new to iPhone development so I have been working through some tutorials. What I don't understand is how xib fit into the work flow. In a tutorial, one of the instruction is to create a new UIViewController subclass with "XIB for User Interface" selected. On my first try, I neglected to check that option and I thought may be I c...

What design pattern best represents the "File Owner" object in the iPhone?

I'm new to iPhone development. I'm reading that the "File Owner" in the xib is the responsible for instantiating all objects defined in the nib... some type of factory pattern comes to mind, but maybe I'm not looking at the big picture... So, what would be the closest design pattern (gof) associated with the "File Owner" concept? ...

Can I deploy UI within an iPhone Static Library?

I'd like to have a UIViewController class, with the UI created in Interface Builder within a static library I am building. As an analogy - In the iPhone SDK, I can access the address book through a low-level API, and the AddressBookUI api. I am doing something similar. There's doesn't seem to be a way to include XIBs in a static librar...

How does NSViewController avoid bindings memory leak? [have sample app]

I'm trying to implement my own version of NSViewController (for backwards compatibility), and I've hit a problem with bindings: Since bindings retain their target, I have a retain circle whenever I bind through File's owner. So I thought I'd just explicitly remove my view from its superview and release the top level objects, and that wo...

Is there anything like viewDidLoad for the loading of the app's main xib?

As in the one defined with "Main nib file base name" in the app's Info.plist. Should I just use applicationDidFinishLaunching? ...

Cocoa: what is the var name of an instance created by a NIB file?

When a Cocoa NIB file instantiates an instance of a custom controller object, what is the name of the variable that that custom controller instance is assigned to? In case that isn't clear, if you manually created an instance of that class you would do: MyControllerClass *myVar = [[MyControllerClass alloc] init]; What equivalent of "...

Cocoa View Template

In IB, there is a Cocoa View Template that creates a xib without any type of window. I have looked in the docs and can't seem to find how this is useful. You can't just load a xib without a window. Well, you can but it doesn't show anything. Does anybody know how to use a View Xib without a window? Can it be used as a popupmenu? ...

Cocoa: what creates the instance of a controller class linked to a NIB file?

This is a question about the inner workings of Cocoa NIB files and the supporting framework classes for them. For a handy example, please take a look at the Apple Currency Calculator tutorial: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCTutorial/01Introduction/01Introduction.html If you open the MainMenu.n...

How can I call the ViewDidAppear only one time?

When the user start the app I want it show the stockholm.xib and It does here: -(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [super viewDidAppear:animated]; NSUserDefaults *startPage =[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *page =[startPage stringForKey:@"page"]; NSLog(page); if(page==nil) { //Do nothin...

iPhone - preload xib

I've got a custom UIViewController that loads a xib. The first time it's instantiated, it takes some time before it appears. Is there an elegant way to preload it, so it won't do this? I tried just creating it and immediately after release it. That didn't seem to work. I suppose if I wanna do it that way, I'd have to add it to the main w...

UITableView with multiple viewcontollers

Hi, Noob at the most. I just filled my UITableView with Planets. I would like each cell clicked to open into a new Xib (if this sounds like the wrong approach please direct). I can get a secondviewcontroller working, its getting the thirdviewcontroller and fourthviewcontroller working? Thanks. ...

iPhone: View that is a Property Fails to Appear after Adding a @synthesize Directive for the Property.

I have a mainwindow.xib which has a tabbar controller. The first tab bar has a view, that loads from "View1.xib". In my View1.xib, I drag the UI element on it. It has this in .h: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @class View1Controller; @interface View1Controller : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIView *view; IBOutlet UIButton *startButton...

Two nib overlapped: how to interact?

Hy guys, i've a problem. I've two nibs, the one partially overlapped to other. Into the first nib there's a full interactive area (it's the big red button). Into the second there are two buttons (a visible one "button 2" and a hidden "button 3" that slides up when you press "button 2"). How can i click the "button 1" when i am into the...

Pointer to NSWindow Xib after loading it?

In my code below, CustomWindow is a subclass of NSWindow. CustomWindow *window = [[CustomWindow alloc] init]; if (![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"NibName" owner:window]) [window center]; // doesn't work How do you get a pointer to control your XIB after you load it so you can do things such as centering the NSWindow (I mean the serialised o...

When overriding initWithCoder is it always necessary to call [super initWithCoder: coder]

In this code I am loading a View Controller (and associated View) from a .xib: -(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { [super initWithCoder:coder]; return self; } This successfully works, but I do not really understand what the line [super initWithCoder:coder] is accomplishing. Is that initializing my View Controller after my Vi...

How to get a compiler warning when an IBOutlet is disconnected

How can I have Xcode warn me if an IBOutlet of one of my objects is not hooked up to anything in a NIB? I can check that outlets are connected at runtime by adding assert(ofEveryOutlet); in awakeFromNib or viewDidLoad. But it's not as useful, or reliable, as having the compiler do the checking for me. ...