
Is it possible to use xib file in cocos2d

Hi all, I am creating application in cocos2d, but one thing I would like to know is it possible to use xib file in cocs2d as we are using in simple iPhone application creation? If yes then how to make call to such xib files, can any one tell me the answer, is is possible or not? Thanks in advance. ...

Cocoa - loading a view from a nib and displaying it in a NSView container , as a subview

I've asked about this earlier but the question itself and all the information in it might have been a little confusing, plus the result i want to get is a little more complicated. So i started a new clean test project to handle just the part that im interested to understand for the moment. So what i want, is basically this: i have a vie...

Getting xib file errors and waring about lack compatibility with OS versions < 3.0

I have a project that has existed for quite a while, and I recently upgraded it to 4.0. Though it now throws out a bunch of warnings and an error similar to this: {some xib setting} is not supported on iPhone OS versions prior to 3.0. I have the Base SDK set to 4.0, and the deployment target set to 3.1, so why does XCode think it ...

How to I navigate back to a previously loaded xib file?

in my app I have three views. Originally the appDelegate opened the xib file for the mainViewController, and the preset settings on my application template included a flipsideViewController, which would be shown when an information button was hit. Later I decided to include another view controller and xib file, called CountySelectionVie...

how to set UIPickerView's current selection.

I have a picker View in one xib file, and a map View in another. The user selects a map view with the picker View, and the clicks a button, which loads the mapView. However, when I return to the picker View xib file, the picker View goes back to the default selection. How do I make the picker view automatically select the mapView that th...

How can I set title of NavifationItem from IB (separate xib of my own ViewController)

Hello Anyone, Can anybody help me in such situation: I have Navigation interface in my application and push TestController to nav stack Also I have separate xib file: Test.xib where File owner's is TestController. Test.xib has View (property TopBar set as NavigationBar and it shows) with only TextView. All works fine: Controller is pus...

Showing and hiding subviews in a xib (obj-c xcode)

I have an app with some buttons and multiple pages: each page is a XIB with a PNG and some buttons. The button actions to call up the other pages are coded into the UISubview Controllers for each of those XIBs. Now I need to add buttons to those XIBs that will pop up overlaying imageviews. How do I execute this? I think I need to program...

iPhone animated view overlay

I have a few XIBs that are my pages, and i'm using presentmodalviewcontroller to switch between them with some buttons. Now I want to use other buttons to pull up overlays on those views. How I have it now is I have a button which simply toggles the "Hidden" property on the UIImageview. What are options for animating the show/hide fun...

UITextView text is pixelated when loaded from my XIB file

Ok, I've got a XIB class called MenuItemView with 3 sub views, a UIImage, a UILabel, and a UITextView. I'm dynamically loading instances of MenuItemView as pages in a UIScrollView. It creates a similar effect of scrolling through food items in the Chipotle app. My problem is, the text in both the UILabel and UITextView are becoming...

Switch from XIBs with only one ViewController

Hello, i'm trying to crete an App that works in potrait and landscape mode, with ONLY ONE ViewController. So i've 2 file XIB... how can i select one of them from the ViewController? I've already found how to check if the device is in potrait or landscape mode but i can't switch between the 2 XIBs... :( Please help me! Thanks! ...

Convert view xib to empty xib

I have created a "view xib" but I want to convert it to an "empty xib" (Without of course removing the old xib and creating a new one). Is that possible? ...

UIView not being positioned with setFrame

I'm probably not doing this correctly. Having not done an iPad app before I'm doing what seems natural to me. I have a UIView that is going to be made of up other UIViews. Specifically, I want to dynamically create and add subviews to each of these subviews. In other words: UIView | | --> UIView | | --> Dyna...

Loading a xib (nib) file twice to obtain two different instances of a view

Hi, I have a UIViewController* compViewController which switches between two copies of the same view (with small differences between the two views). Currently, both views come form the same xib file. The xib file contains two almost identical copies of the same view hierarchy. One of the copies, "the main one" is connected to the vie...

Do I have any ways to see the code of an xib file?

Sometimes I know how to set a property with Interface builder, but I can find the right function of the code, how can I slove this? ...

How to use AutoSizing Property from xib + iPhone

I want to know how to use autosizing property in interface builder i.e. how this property can be used in autoadjustment of subview height , width and their position in superview. Thanx, Regards tek3 ...

Page flip transition

Hi, I was wondering how to turn this code into a page transition. I want to switch Xibs with this page flipping affect. Thanks! .h: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> @interface PageOpenAnimationTutorialViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIButton *openPageButton; IBOutlet UIImageView *pa...

iPhone XIB quickly grows to huge size

I used to have a very small/simple XIB file. Something has caused it to quickly grow to over 500k. The only graphics in it are 3 small PNG files (about 4k each). Here's some of the XIB. Any idea on what is causing this size increase? <string key="NSFrame">{{0, 44}, {320, 416}}</string> <reference key="NSSup...

XIB files becoming blank - using iPhone sdk 4

Hello All, I just updated to iPhone SDK4. The problem I am facing is - I was writing an app in iPhone sdk 3.0 just open that project in xcode 3.2.3 made some changes in xib file, now when i run this project in simulator the user interface (xib) appearing blank (with black color). Any idea why this is happening...? Thanks Saurabh ...

Allignement issue of UITableViewCell in iPad when created from XIB file

Hi All, I created a TableView and its TableViewCell is created from a XIB file. I referenced the below link to do that. http://www.bdunagan.com/2009/06/28/custom-uitableviewcell-from-a-xib-in-interface-builder/ Now even if i set the autoresizing property for the cell from IBuilder, the right most UI components are not arranging prope...

How to create a custom UIView?

I've created a UIView subclass and corresponding xib file where I've laid out some UILabels and UIImageViews. I want to then put multiple copies of this custom UIView into a UIViewController. When I do that they appear blank in interface builder and don't appear when the app loads. What methods do I need to implement on the UIView subc...