
How to serialize an object to XML without getting xmlns="..."?

Is there a way for me to serialize an object in .NET without the XML Namespaces automatically serializing also? It seems that by default .NET believes the XSI and XSD namespaces should be included, but I don't want them there. ...

How to deserialize an XML doc with a prefixed namespace but no ns-prefixed elements?

I have an XML document from an external source. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ns0:Info xmlns:ns0="http://www.ZomboCorp.com/"&gt; <Name>Anthony</Name> <Job>Developer</Job> </ns0:Info> I need to deserialize it into an object like this. public class Info { public String Name { get; set; } public String Job { get; ...

XPath + Namespace Driving me crazy

Its a .vbproj and looks like this <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"&gt; <PropertyGroup> <ProjectGuid>15a7ee82-9020-4fda-a7fb-85a61664692d</ProjectGuid> all i want to get is the ProjectGuid but it does not work when a namespace i there... Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocum...

Rename XML namespace prefixes

I have an XML (XAML) string that looks something like: <Zot xmlns="clr-namespace:A.B;assembly=A" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"&gt; </Zot> The Silverlight XamlReader class is unable to load this string, it needs a particular default namespace: <z:Zot xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xa...

How do I import XML external entities that contain elements with custom namespaces?

Trying to help out a friend here... There is some output generated by an external tool that outputs xml nodes into a file. He needs to make this xml well-formed and apply a xsl stylesheet on it. So we have b.xml (generated by the tool) and Encomp.xml that imports the contents of b.xml as an XML external entity like this (Create 3 xml fi...

How to serialize XML to generic collection when namespace is specified

Lets say I have the following XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Customers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Customer.xsd"> <Customer> <FirstName></FirstName> <LastName></LastName> </Customer> <Customer> <FirstName></FirstName> <LastName></...

Python: adding namespaces in lxml

I'm trying to specify a namespace using lxml similar to this example (taken from here): <TreeInventory xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Trees.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt;"&gt; </TreeInventory> I'm not sure how to add the Schema instance to use and also the Schema location. The documentation got me start...

Can I use predefined namespaces when loading an XDocument?

I often have to deal with XML documents that contain namespaced elements, but doesn't declare the namespace. For example: <root> <a:element/> </root> Because the prefix "a" is never assigned a namespace URI, the document is invalid. When I load such an XML document using the following code: using (StreamReader reader = new Stream...

XSLT root tag namespace instead of element attribute namespace

I have a XSL file to transfer another XSL file. I want the namespace declaration to be on the root tag, instead of it being repeated on every single element!! Here is my stylesheet: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:mynamespace="somenamespace" version="2.0"> <xsl:output method="xml...

How can I use namespaces in a SQL XML query with the "nodes" command?

Hello, I'm trying to query fields from the following XML query, (which is really a web service call): <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="[schema]" xmlns:xsd="[shema]" xmlns:soap="[schema]"> <soap:Body> <RunPackage xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"&gt; <xmlDoc> <Request> <SubscriberCode>543253</SubscriberCode> <...

XSL - copy elements but remove unused namespace(s)

I've got some XML which declares a namespace which is only used for attributes, like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <a xmlns:x="http://tempuri.com"&gt; <b> <c x:att="true"/> <d>hello</d> </b> </a> I want to use XSL to create a copy of selected nodes and their values - getting rid of the attributes. So m...

XInclude Schema/Namespace Problem?

I'm trying to use XML Includes to help manage a large XML structure that needs to be usable by both humans and machines. But am experiencing a myriad of problems when trying to construct XML files that can be validated against an existing schema. Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to do. My "main.xml" file does not validat...

YQL XML Output with custom namespace

I am attempting to parse a JSON feed from Yahoo Pipes to turn it into XML, using YQL. My query is: "select * from json where url='http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=[pipe-id]&amp;_render=json'" The problem is that the original Pipe was parsing an RSS feed, filled with dublin core tags (example: dc:title, dc:source, etc). The XML...

preventing xml namespaces passing to children

I have a bunch of namespaces in the xsl:stylesheet element How do I prevent the namespaces from being reflected in the children of the root. Assume i generate something like : for eg: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:a="aaa" xmlns:b="bbb"> </xsl:stylesheet> <result xmlns:a="aaa" xmlns:b="bbb"> <child1> <gchild11></gchild11> </child1> <ch...

WPF - Confusion with namespaces and "odd" errors

I've been trying to get my head around XAML and it's namespaces and I just cannot seem to get the logics of things. For example, I'm trying to animate a gridrow's GridLength property following a tutorial. I can get the sample code to run just fine. But trying to actually port the features into my own code seems to be impossible. I always...

XElement default namespace on attributes provides unexpected behaviour

I am having trouble creating an XML document that contains a default namespace and a named namespace, hard to explain easier to just show what I am trying to produce... <Root xmlns="http://www.adventure-works.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:SchemaLocation="http://www.SomeLocatation.Com/MySchemaDoc.xsd"&gt;...

Remove namespace from XML using PHP

Hello everyone! I have an XML document that looks like this: <Data xmlns="http://www.domain.com/schema/data" xmlns:dmd="http://www.domain.com/schema/data-metadata" > <Something>...</Something> </Data> I am parsing the information using SimpleXML in PHP. I am dealing with arrays and I seem to be having a problem with the names...

How do I specify XML serialization attributes to support namespace prefixes during deserialization in .NET?

I have a following XML: <person xmlns:a="http://example.com" xmlns:b="http://sample.net"&gt; <a:fName>John</a:fName> <a:lName>Wayne</a:lName> <b:age>37</b:age> </person> How do I define XML serialization attributes on a class to support described scenario? ...

Namespace Prefixes in Wsdl (.net)

Namespace prefixes in my wsdl are automatically generated: s1:, s2:, etc, how can i put a specific prefix for my namespaces? Can't find it anywhere... Do i have to override the xml serialization and add them by hand (how do i do that in .net webservices?) (i mean in .net2.0 asmx, the guys who are going to use this webservice say they...

Generated SOAP service interface not in the correct namespace

I've a relatively small problem. I'm developing and interface between my application and a third party program. The communication between both of them is made by SOAP webservices. They have provided me the wsdl that they are going to use to receive AND send data. I've create the service interface and the client with the wsdl.exe tool, an...