
XMPP Gtalk javascript

Hi, I want to create browser widget for gtalk. I need to know about XMPP and its javascript support. Can anyone guide me in this process. Thanks in advance. ...

XMPP.php Class not working

I am using XMPP.php (i.e XMPP Class) to create a chat application in GTalk. i have put the correct username and password of Gtalk but it is not working. the code i used (got it from GitHub.com) <?php include 'XMPP.php'; #Use XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE to get more logging for error reports #If this doesn't work, are you running 64...

Restful APIs behind non-restful interfaces

Hi, I'm trying to find relevant best practices/specs/literature/etc. to the general problem of using a restful API (say, a standard Rails app) behind a non-restful facade, like a XMPP API or a websockets channel. For example, I've got a restful Rails app, and I want to expose a read-only asynchronous interface. It's pretty straightforw...

How would services like yammer be using xmpp? does xmpp cross paths with a queue?

How would services like yammer be using xmpp? does xmpp cross paths with a queue? i.e. could one use rabbitmp instead of xmpp or are they completely different things? ...

"xmlns:xmpp" & "xmpp:xmlns" What is the Difference ?

This one works Ok. curl -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d " <body rid='2965554435' xmlns='http://jabber.o=utf-8' ver='1.6' xmpp:version='1.0' xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh' /> " https://dashboard.onsip.com/http-bind this one was returning an empty response curl -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d " <body rid='2965554435' xmlns='...

Facebook Application integrating Chat

How can I integrate a php web application with facebook chat? I have integrated the facebook application and successfully coded the granting of xmpp-login permission. But now i need to connect using Jabber using the X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM mechanism. How can i do that? Facebook api reference has some explanation on these and a Python scrip...

Logging into same jabber account from 2 different android devices using Smack

Hi, I have developed an application on Android which makes use of the Smack API to connect to XMPP server.In this application I hardcode the User Sign-In information i.e. Username and Password. xmpp.login("admin", "tigase"); and I get packets from a different user PacketFilter filter = new AndFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(Me...

Javascript callbacks work in Firefox but not in Chrome or Safari

I am working with Ejabberd and Orbited and I am having a few issues with my JavaScript callback functions not being called. The following is my JavaScript file where the TCPSocket connection happens and I have two callback functions namely onSocketConnect: which is called when the Orbited established connection with port 5222 of the XMP...

Ruby Jabber/Jingle library

Do you know any well documented library for handling Jabber's Jingle (audio/video) extension in Ruby ? ...

twistd in Twisted cant be run in window

in command prompt i type >>twistd echobot.tac Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\Scripts\twistd.py", line 18, in ? from twisted.scripts.twistd import run ImportError: No module named twisted.scripts.twistd the twistd is at C:\Python26\Scripts\twistd.py #!c:\python26\python.exe # Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted ...

Which port(s) does XMPP uses?

I´ve searched and didnt find which ports does XMPP uses. I need to implement XMPP server and client and use XML transfer, file transfer and streaming. Do they use different ports?? Is there a way I can make them use all the same, so I dont need to bother the network admin? Thanks ...

How to handle asynchronous Java calls from an AJAX call

I want to make an AJAX call to my Java webapp. The Java webapp will in turn make an asynchronous return call elsewhere. The result of that call will then be returned as the result of AJAX request. The crux of my question is what would I do with the HttpRequest whilst I'm waiting for the second call to return? Do I just block and wait ...

xmpp component: only send message if jid is online

I am coding a xmpp component using http://xmppjs.prosody.im/. I want to sent message to a jid, but only if user is online. What is the quickest/most efficient way to achieve this. I would like to detect this so that for example I could send an e-mail when the user is offline. ...

Does Openfire store custom message types (with PacketExtensions) offline?

I have a custom message type with some of my own packet extensions. I need these messages to be stored when the recipient is offline. So far the server isn't storing them (yes, it is configured correctly). Does anyone know if Openfire will actually store offline custom message types? If not, is there anyway to force / trick / hack it so ...

Validating an XMPP jid with python?

What is the correct way to validate an xmpp jid? The syntax is described here:, but I don't really understand it. Also, it seems pretty complicated, so using a library to do it would seem like a good idea. I'm currently using xmpppy, but I can't seem to find how to validate a jid with it. Any help appreciated! ...

apache proxy module gives 403 forbidden error

Hi, I am trying to use the apache's proxy module for working with xmpp on ubuntu desktop. For this i did the following things - 1) enabled mod_proxy by creating a symlink of proxy.conf, proxy.load and proxy_http.load from /etc/apache2/mods-available/ in the mods-enabled directory. 2) Added the following lines to the vhost <Proxy ...

How to create MUC and send messages to existing MUC using Python and XMPP

I was wondering if anyone here can provide some code samples on the following scenarios. I'm particularly interested in using xmpppy to do this as I'm already using the library for my app, but other libraries ok too. It is unfortunate that the xmpppy project website doesn't have any samples on this. Browsing the expert/advanced API docs,...

C++ / Gloox: how to check when connection is down?

Hi all. I'm trying to write own jabber bot on c++/gloox. Everything goes fine, but when internet connection is down - bot thinks that it's still connected, and when connection is up again - of course bot doesn't respond to any message. Each time since bot is successfully connected gloox' recv() returns ConnNoError, even if interface is...

Incorrect User status in Spark using OPENFIRE

Hi, I'm experiencing some problems using Spark API that the user presence status does not get display correctly when inviting that user to Conference. For ex is a user is away or Do Not Disturb, he still gets shown as available on the conference window. I'm using Spark with Openfire XMPP server. Could somebody tell me where I need to...

xmpp group communication

hi all, i implemented the xmpp client in android.its working fine.the next task i focused on group communication from android.please anybody help me in the java code which related to group communication from xmpp. thnku in advance regards renuka ...