
How Can I create,send and receive iq packets using smack(java)

I am connected to server(Xmpp) but unable to send and receive packets at my psi client Here is snippet of my code POSClientIQ posclientiq = new POSClientIQ(); posclientiq.connectXMPPServer(); posclientiq.processMessage(); } public void processMessage() { try{ final IQ iq1 = new IQ() { public String getChildElementX...

Configuring XMPP server

I am developing a messenger like skype. For this i have downloaded Ejabberd Server. I am developing my own client using Java. But i do not know how to configure the server so that they can communicate with each other. Please help me in that. ...

Is there a way to implement an XMPP client or message reciever that can recieve all the messages from an XMPP server?

Basically im trying to build a bot that can send a message using one of many accounts out to a user and be able to receive messages to that account it originally used process and do whatever I need it to do. So far I found the JAXL library (http://code.google.com/p/jaxl/) but based on examples it is only able to handle one user at a time...

Calling an object from another class (java, javafx)

I'm already working on this for weeks to get it working but without success. I'm using Javafx and java for implementing a small chat programm using the smack API (xmpp). The problem is how to get the received messages from java to javafx. The code below is actualy working when I have variable with a static string like "test message" and ...

seeking basic understanding of implementing Xmpp in PHP applications --

I am new to xmpp and need to understand its basics for integrating it with my php application. I have set up Openfire server and want to use my preexisting mysql database to get the users. So as per the docs, i modified Openfires config xml file to add the database Auth and User settings. Also the Xmpphp lib seems to be the right lib...

Standalone php jabber client in browser without javascript

Hi all, Is there any way to maintain stream from php to the jabber server without javascript to keep the client side live? Some low end mobile do not support javascript, so to maintain permanent connection to server is key question? any hacks? ...

Python Jabber/XMPP client library for Twisted

I am looking for a Python library for writing Jabber/XMPP clients using the Twisted framework. ...

Google-Talk invisibility

Hello I was trying to create an XMPP and a Jabber chat-program. I was unable to set chat state to 'Invisible'. I would love to hear from users experience if this is possible and how they do that. I don't mind to use any .NET assembly for it. ...

Asynchronous XmlReader in .NET?

Is there a way to access a XmlReader asynchronously? The xml is coming in off the network from many different clients like in XMPP; it is a constant stream of <action>...</action> tags. What i'm after is to be able to use a BeginRead/EndRead-like interface. The best solution I've managed to come up with is to do an asynchronous read for...

XMPPPY have function to manage invitation in client side?

Hi, I'm coding by python about Gtalk I use XMPPPY. But I can chat with GTalk client but the problem is I can't accept invitation. Is XMPPY can do ? ...

XMPP server does not respond to Smack login request

Hi, I'm trying to establish a connection to an XMPP server using smack. ConnectionConfiguration cf = new ConnectionConfiguration("jabber.ccc.de"); cf.setTruststorePassword("changeme"); this.connection = new XMPPConnection(cf); this.connection.connect(); this.connection.login("user", "password"); But whenever logging in I get an XMPPE...

How does the app know whether it's ok to send XMPP messages to the user in App Engine?

I've read this paragraph from the App Engine documentation a dozen times and still am completely in the dark about how chat invitations work: Invitations Google Talk and other chat servers will only accept messages for users that are "subscribed" to the sender, either because the user invited the sender to chat or becaus...

Check if a user is typing using App Engine XMPP

The XMPP service in GAE is great and all, but I'm really interested in when a user opens up a window to send a message, or when he/she starts typing. I think XMPP supports this, because Pidgin does this, as does Google Talk, so why not the XMPP/GAE service? ...

Datatransfer using XMPP - any reasons why not?

hello, I need a simple, lightweight authentication and data transfer mechanism (on .NET platform). I have looked a WCF and SOAP etc. they all seem too top-heavy and complicated for my needs. I need something simple and straight-forward leading me to a chat protocol like Jabber. My data-transfer is mostly small - example: user searches fo...

A Facebook Chat Bot now possible with XMPP?

With Facebook now supporting XMPP, would it be possible to implement a simple chat bot, perhaps through an app (i.e. conversations not coming from an individual). ...

XMPPHP gTalk stream_select error

Hello All, i'm working on a IM Bot that will send a simple IM to GTalk account, but I'm having trouble using the XMPPHP library. The authentication works fine and it looks like the first message sends correctly, but the last message receives an error from google code: 503. You can view the errors here: Example Method Here is the sa...

XMPP server-to-server - traffic optimization?

I'm working on a design for a xmpp chat solution which involves some servers and where at least one server is connected with serious bandwidth limitations. Assuming, we have two servers A and B, some users 0..n connected to Server A and some conferences 0..m provided by Server B. Now assume, some users enter a conference room and a mes...

Twisted connectionLost Event

Hey there, I use the twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client.XMPPClientFactory . Do you know how I can callback a function when the connection gets lost (for example WiFi-connection is down)? thank you for your help! ...

Game data across network

I'm designing a game where players are programmed bots competing in a programming contest. The bots can be programmed in any language - Java, Ruby, Python, C#. I'm looking for some way to transmit game data across the network or some way by which the game server can talk to the bots. What would be a better choice for this? Should i use X...

Getting a Jabber status via Python

I'm developing a website using the Django framework, and I need to retrieve Jabber (okay, Google Talk) statuses for a user. Most of the Jabber python libraries seem like an incredible amount of overkill (and overhead) for a simple task. Is there any simple way to do this? I know very little about XMPP/Jabber, though of course I'm willi...