
How do I implement support for ftp in WP7?

Hi I would like to retrieve documents from an ftp in my Windows phone 7 application (built with XNA in my case). As far as I understand WP7 does not support ftp due to port and protocol(?) contraints. Is there any way to get ftp support working? I guess I will be able to implement it my self once socket support is added but I dopn't wan'...

how can i animate fbx model by changing frames in xna

i am simulating a tennis game and i have a tennis player which i made with 3d max and it has frames for each movement and exported it as fbx model but i don't know how to use this frames to animate the player inside the xna code . thanks ...

XNA Where to begin?

I am going to look into XNA But i dont know where to start. What book will you recomand? is there a site with tutorials of some kind? ...

XNA - GraphicsDevice Initialization confusion

So it's well known that you're supposed to call game's base.Initialize() before using the game object's GraphicsDevice right? That's what I gathered from reading a lot of tutorials online. Apparently that's not where game's GraphicDevice is created because I'm able to use it before base.Initalize() like this... protected override void ...

2d Camera Not following Sprite Correctly XNA 3.0 C#

Hi, I need help with a camera following a sprite. I have a camera class which isn't following the sprite properly. My camera class is camera cam; cam.position = sprite.position this piece of the code isn't executing properly. everytime I run this code it resets my sprite as if it was in position (0,0) and then follows my sprite. Her...

How do I render my animated Texture2D in the 3d world in XNA4.0

As I've studied so far, there are 2 ways to draw in xna; using spritebatch or putting items onto the 3d world and then use a camera to render it. Currently, I'm working on my 2.5D game. I'm using a mechanics that makes the deeper sprite translates slower, so that it looks like there is really depth there in the game. However, consideri...

Which design patterns to use for a XNA strategy game?

I'm creating a real-time strategy game based on XNA. Which design patterns are worth considering? ...

Architecture questions regarding game design using XNA

Architecture questions regarding game design using XNA Is game architecture game type dependent? Which are the most popular game architectures? Part of my background is in application development, where client and server are divided in different architectural layers. A typical enterprise application has UI Layer, Business Layer, Data...

XNA - controlling an object with keyboard input

Ok so I have a ship which moves up and down based on the axis regardless of where the ship is facing. How do I make the ship move in the direction it's facing? i.e. if my ship is facing east, key up makes it go north rather than east. ...

C# How to get files from an xbox directory

I am trying to get a list of all files in a specific xbox directory as shown below, however I get a 'System.NotSupportedException' - Additional information: The given path's format is not supported. var path = @"XE:\MyDirectory"; var files = Directory.GetFiles(path); Does anyone know a way around it? Thanks ...

What technologies to use for a particle system with enormous calculation demand?

I have a particle system with X particles. Each particle tests for collision with other particles. This gives X*X = X^2 collision tests per frame. For 60f/s, this corresponds to 60*X^2 collision detection per second. What is the best technological approach for these intensive calculations? Should I use F#, C, C++ or C#, or something els...

too many polygons : XNA Framework Reach profile does not support 32 bit indices

hello! when i try to load a big map, the screen gets all black and frozen and when i ctrl-alt-delete it i found the following error : " XNA Framework Reach profile does not support 32 bit indices. Use IndexElementSize.SixteenBits or a type that has a size of two bytes. " . Any ideas ? ...

XNA Change Game Service dynamically during runtime

I have an interface (ICamera) which is implemented by 2 classes (FreeCamera, StaticCamera). The classes are inheriting from GameComponent. Example definiton: public class FreeCamera : GameComponent, ICamera { ... } Now I'm adding the classes to the Game Components and register one of the components to a game service private FreeCa...

Combining Windows Forms and XNA, but lacks "Game" instance.

Hello, I am currently working on a Map Editor for my 3D game, but I am having some problems getting the using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game included. My 3D engine is stored in a library, and the constructor for it needs the Game instance and a GraphicsDevice. The GraphicsDevice is not a problem since i used some example from App Hub (li...

XNA - object doesn't move correctly

Ok, I have this ship object which the user controls using the arrow keys. if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) == true) mAngle -= 0.1f; else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) == true) mAngle += 0.1f; if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) == true) { ...

XNA: Get an array/list of resources ?

I am currently developing a game using XNA (School project), and I was wondering if there's a way to list all the resources during runtime because my resource files are named ###-Name## and I want to index them on the first 3-digit number. ...

xna not working anymore

Hello! I wanted to change from Reach to HiDef and when i tried that i got this error : Error 1 Building content threw AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.FbxImporter.Cleanup() at Microsoft...

can't find fbxImporter XNA

i've reinstalled xna and when i tried to run a game that worked fine on the old xna, i got "can't find fbxImporter". Any ideas why ? Regards, Alexandru Badescu ...

Manual control over when to redraw the screen

I'm trying to make a turn-based roguelike engine thing for XNA. I'm basically porting the game over from a previous work I did using an SDL-based roguelike library called libtcod. How can I modify the basic XNA template thing to make the game not redraw the screen every frame, but, instead, when I want? ...