
Extract XSD ComplexType enumeration

can anybody help me how to return the enumeration of my XSD complexType I want to get Hz, and Orders enumeration. <xs:complexType name="ScalarType"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:float"> <xs:attribute name="Units"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:en...

XSD Identity Constraint with a node-set.

I'm having trouble generating an identity constraint due to a field evaluating to a node-set within my instances. Given a sample set of XML: <data> <Clusters> <Cluster FileID="0" Function="1"> <Isotopes> <Isotope StickID="0"/> <Isotope StickID="1"/> </Isotopes> ...

Writing WSDL file to existing web service

I need to write a WSDL file to an existing web service which is provided to me by a colleague (it's realized with Perl and SOAP::Lite). Therefore, I have a given format for the SOAP-response and need to define the service formally to be able to generate the code for a Java client to the service. To test the WSDL file against the service,...

XSD any element any order any number of times

I have tried all the xs:all, xs:choice, and xs:sequence. Does anybody know how would you validate something like this. <Menu> <SubMenu> <MenuItem .. /> <MenuItem .. /> <MenuItem .. /> </SubMenu> <MenuItem .. /> <MenuItem .. /> </Menu> Where, Under the tags Submenu, MenuItem can ...

Biztalk 2010: mapping an xsd with a lot of elements with the same name

In Bitzalk 2010 I should map from an input to an XML with the following structure: <REQUEST> <PROGRAM name="PROGRAM123"> <INPUT> <INSTRUCT name="INSTR1"> <FIELD name="FIELD11">VALUE1</FIELD> <FIELD name="FIELD12">VALUE2</FIELD> <FIELD name="FIELD13">VALUE3</FIELD> </INSTRUCT> <INSTRUC...

Limit only numeric chars in XSD in variable sized element

I have the following XML: <customer> <name>John Paul</name> <cpf_cnpj>1376736333334</cpf_cnpj> </customer> The <cpf_cnpj> element must have a minimum size of 11 and a maximum size of 15, and there can only be numeric (between 0 and 9) characters. My XSD is looking like this: <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFo...

xml xsd element restriction using another element

I am wondering if there is a way to restrict what validates using one element to check another element. In the example below, is it possible to check a restriction that if OptionOne is selected as "B", then RefIssue will have to be selected as "XXXX-B-XXX" and vice versa? I have looked into key / refkey, but I was not able to figure ou...

Looking for a tool to flatten WSDL and its XSD

I have a web service exposed by an external entity that is developed in java. My client is a .Net client. I am unable to create the proxy class for this webservice using WSDL tool it errors out when it tries to read the schema file referenced in the WSDL file as <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ...

How to verify that an XML document downloaded fully

In my SSIS Package, I am using an XML file that was downloaded by another process. Before I proceed to other portions of work in the package, I want to ascertain that the file downloaded completely. I have the XSD file handy as well. How do I verify in SSIS that the XML file downloaded properly? ...

Multiple XSD files with same entities defined

Hi, Thanks for any help, We have two XSD files, both of them shares some same entities and some others different. Note that the one with differences are called differently. We want to generate C# code that can Serialize / Deserialize those entities, without ending up with two entities that share the same name and same content in two ...

How to automate generating XML instances from XSD files, using Eclipse MDT XSD project?

I am working in a project where we create XSD schemas, and would like to generate sample xml instances for testing purposes. In eclipse, there is an XSD editor that has the option Generate > XML which does it by a click of a button. But I would like to convert this mouse click to a Builder, Maven or Ant task. Any ideas of how to do it? ...

Is there a way to fail a C# compile on XSD warnings?

I have been gradually replacing very large text file lookups with XSD validated XML lookups that provide basic validation like making sure there are no duplicate values or invalid values. I want to make the compile fail if a developer enters data on the XML that violates the key constraint. I have set my projects to treat warnings as e...

How to specify schemalocation for an xsd in local folder, while importing it into a wsdl file

I have a XSD in local , and I need to import the same into a WSDL. I have couple of other xsds too which are already on the production namespace. Now I have little clue as how to make this XSD that is only in my local to be made available in my WSDL file to test the webservice using soapUI. So questions, what will be the namespace and...

Java6 XML binding integration in Maven

When developing with Java6, is there any Maven plugin for compiling an XML schema into the associated Java classes from Maven? ...

How can you enforce XSD?

I just started switching my old DTD over to XSD when I found out about it, and I am wondering how I can enforce the XSD with my XML files? I have seen the W3C validator out there for it, but I wish that there was a way to make the program not run in the browser if an XSD error was found. Is that possible? ...

How to define an attribute in XSD whose type can change dynamically

Hi, I need to define an attribute called "DataValue" of an element "MyData". But the requirement is that the type of "DataValue" can change dynamically i.e., the data value could be string in one instance and in other instance it could be int or bool. It could be any of the xml data type. For example in one instance the xml could look ...

WSDL xsd:choice to java ?

Hi, I'm parsing a WSDL which has a xsd:choice. How can I model a xsd:choice on java?, I didn't find a union class or something like that. ...

xsd Elements: how to place single simple values with complex type (sequence)

I need to create an xml file like this: <AGENDA> <COVER COLOR>BLACK</COVER COLOR> <PRICE>24.99</PRICE> <ENTRIES> <NAMESURNAME>AAABBB</NAMESURNAME> <PHONENUMBER>3434534543</PHONENUMBER> <NAMESURNAME>EEEAAA</NAMESURNAME> <PHONENUMBER>2342342</PHONENUMBER> </ENTRIES> </AGENDA> That is, one or more options and a complex type i...

how to enforce atleast one occurence for 2 element types in XSD schema

Hi, I need to develop an xsd for the scenario. where i have 2 element of types Server1 and Server2. There can be any number of occurances for Server1 and Server2 but atleast one of the occurance is mandatory either Server1 or Server2. <element name="Server1"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="hostName" type="string"/> ...

Strongly-typed XML native database with XSD support

I am looking for a Java-based implementation of an XML native database, which exploits XML schema to provide strongly typed operations and checks over the stored data. Does anyone is aware of such a database? ...