
What are the strange characters in the XSD downloaded by svcutil.exe

I used svcutil.exe /t:metadata <url-to-xsd> to download an xsd file. Question: What are strange chatacters in the resulting file as displayed by using the 'type' command from the VS CMD prompt? ...

XSD for the XML file that Nunit uses

Where can I find the XSD for the XML file that Nunit uses ? ...

Is there a shorter way to define a anything element?

Hi, I want to define a tag in my schema for anything. It should be able to contain any combination of tags and text. So far I've found <xs:complexType name="customType" mixed="true"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute processContents="lax"/> </xs:c...

How to serve a XSD Hierarchical Business Object Entity to a Sliverlight client Using RIA services?

I'm looking for a solution to a problem I've encountered using RIA and XSD. The main problem is that the XSD schema generates a Hierarchical entity type with no relations to its children ( because the relationship is implicit from XML) the problem that I've encountered is that RIA handles Relational Entity objects and there is no way to...

XML schema and problem when deriving from mixed type...

Hi, I have following XML schema: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <xs:element name="content" type="contentType"/> <xs:complexType name="contentType"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="versionedElementType"> ...

I18n of XSD validation error messages in Java

I perform XSD XML validation using the following classes: import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; The problem is that XSD error messages returned by validator are always in English language. Is it possible to call locale-aware validation with JAXP API? ...


Hi All, I have been assigned a work to validate a XML against an XSD and if everthing passed will parse the XML so that can import the same in to my system. My Qyestion is whats the best way to validate an XML against the XSD and which is the best API for parsing the XML in to my domain object. Looking for valuable suggestions Thnaks...

Visual Studio 2010- a target schema that allows "anything"

Some background: I'm investigating porting our existing WebForms project to ASP.NET MVC coupled with client-side XSL manipulation to hopefully reduce our bandwidth usage and, y'know, not use WebForms. As a result of this, my .aspx files are actually outputting XML rather than HTML, and I get a huge load of validation errors. I know I c...

JBoss Web Service deployment not producing nillable attribute

I have deployed a JAX_WS service in JBoss using the bottom-up approach. In some class attributes, I specify the following annotation: @XmlElement(name = "networkInfo", required = true, nillable = false) however, I only get the following in the generated WSDL: xs:element name="networkInfo" type="tns:networkInfo" The minoccurs attrib...

Adobe Flex4 mxml schema

Is there a MXML schema xsd given by the latest Flex4 distribution? I found from the old release notes that : Flex includes an XSD file that you can integrate with your third-party editing tools for schema validation and easier MXML coding. This file is installed in the following location: {install.dir}/extras/schema/mxml.xs...

XSD restricting an xsd type while also allowing attributes

Hello everyone! I am new to XML and I am working on XSDs at the moment. I am supposed to validate an xml document that is based on credit cards. I have worked through most of the assignment, but I am stuck on declaring an element that must be a positive floating point number, while also allowing that element to have a required attribute...

how to avoid sequence using XSD

i want a particular sequence to be generated in a random manner <item> <i1>abc</i1> <i2>pqr</i2> </item> now how can i make an xsd where <i1> can come before <i2> ? ...

Choice of Attribute(s) on XML instance for directly defined attributes or references

Hello, I'm looking for a variant of choosing an attribute for an element, that can be directly set or be referenced. this is what I have in Mind: <root> <element> <attribute ref="shortname" /> </element> <element> <attribute name="shortname" isEditable="true" anotherattrib="0815" /> </element> </root> Since this wouldn't ...

XSD creation problem

Hi All, I have been assigned to create a XSD schema for a proposed XML. i know what tables will be involved and what will be required fields which we always going to expect in the XML as well as optional. I am very new to XSD and don't know where to and how to start.Can any one suggest me how to proceed so that i can start exploring som...

View XML data as a table

Is there a way I can use Visual Studio to view my XML data in a tabular structure by applying the appropriate XSD to it? Are there any other tools I can easily use for this purpose? PS: I need this for a one time use. ...

The element cannot contain text or white space. Content model is empty

HI, I have an xml like below <Root> <Content>gDRAQEAcABwAA(Base64Content here)</Content> </Root> When i do Schema validation i m getting "The element cannot contain text or white space. Content model is empty" error. Data Type of Content element is given as base64Binary. Can any one help me. Regards Pradeep ...

Is there a way to create XML dat according to an XSD in Perl?

I have a CSV file, and a XSD from which I need to create an XML file which conforms to the XSD Schema. Is there a way to create an XML according to an XSD? Doing it manually seems unreasonable. ...

Possible xml deserialization bug

I'm using the following xml schema entry to deserliaze some xml into an xsd generated block. <xs:element name="Action"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="src" type="xs:string" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="dst" type="xs:string" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="create" type="xs:string" use="optional" /> <x...

Howto use XSD generated class to fill and adjust XML

Hi, using xds.exe i created following class: namespace vgtunesWPF { [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "4.0.30319.1")] [System.SerializableAttribute()] [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType...

How to mix indicators in XSD

I have the following XML snippet <restriction> <name>notempty</name> <field>title</field> </restriction> which is validated by this XSD <xs:element name="restriction" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name=...