
Have a Crystal Report but not the XSD - how to extract it?

I have a Crystal Report used in an ASP.NET web application that I've just come into a project I'm assessing/turning around. The reports are called from a web page or web service and are sent an ADO.NET dataset - using ReportDocument.SetDataSource for some tables with a relation etc - all defined largely in code - initially loaded from t...

JAXB, xs:any and targetNamespace

I have an XSD that defines the following schema: <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://example.com/2010/aa/" xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xjc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc" xmlns:aa="http://example.com/2010/aa/" targetNamespace="...

xsd: How to extend a type with an unordered list of elements

Hello. This is a part of my xml schema <xs:complexType name="Friend"> <xs:all> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="phone" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="Coworker"> <xs:all> <xs:ele...

WebLogic com.bea.xml XML validation

I am not sure if I implementing this API properly to validate an XML: XmlOptions xmlOp = new XmlOptions(); xmlOp.setDocumentSourceName("C:/Dir/SubDir/SubDir2/myfile.xsd"); assertTrue(doc.validate(xmlOp)); I want to validate the xml object doc against the schema File myfile.xsd. The assertion is passing but I wanted to make sure that i...

XSD Required One of Two Attributes?

Hey all, Quick question, i know i can choice elements, so one or the other is required, that's grand. Is it possible to do that with Attributes? Simple sample... <xs:element name="date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="monthid" type="id" use="optional" /> <xs:attri...

XSD problem - trying to generate xsd from xml

Hi, I am trying to generate a schema from this xml file: http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?rettype=xml&amp;retmode=xml&amp;db=nucleotide&amp;id=AB573763 I store it as s.xml and then tried: xsd s.xml It just does not finish it - seems to be stuck in an endless loop or something. What other options do I have to ...

XSD schema that allow random order

I'm try to design a XSD schema that allow elements to be in a random order and have maxOccurs="unbounded". My XML: <root> <key></key> <group></group> <group> <key></key> <key></key> <group> <key></key> <key></key> </group> </group> <key></key> <key></key> <group> <key></key> ...

XML Schema to match the following ("all", with unbounded maxOccurs?)

Say I have an element, call it <A>. <A> can have children types of <B> and <C>. Now - here's the twist. Any number of <B> and <C> children can live in <A>, in any order. For example: <A> <C> <C> <B> <C> <B> <B> <C> ... </A> Is there a schema rule that fits this? Seems like "all" would work, if I could put maxOccur...

Error when validating a XML with XSD

I'm trying to validate a XML file with XSD, but I get a "Could not find schema information for the element 'xxx'" for each element and attribute. My C# code is: public ReadeXmlFile(string FilePath) { var settings = new XmlReaderSettings { IgnoreComments = true, ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema, Check...

ASP.NET Web Services code examples

Hello there, I am new to ASP.NET Web services (coming from PHP background) and I now have to develop a project in ASP.NET which will have to be very flexible, which means that I will have to play a lot with XML (schemas, data description etc.). Although I 've pretty much understood the whole concept, I still have a problem familiarizin...

Python: Is there a way to generate xsd files based on xml examples

I have a list of xml examples I would like to turn into schemas (xsd files). Exactly what the trang tool does (http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang.html). I don't like calling trang from my script (i.e doing os.system('java -jar trang...')) - is there a python package I can use instead? ...

Update xsd after changes at structure of table

I got a project where I must fix a lot of bugs, but I have a problem with changing tables. I change type of column from nvarchar 32 to nvarchar 64, and my xsd looks still the same: <xs:element name="MyTableID" msprop:Generator_UserTableName="MyTableID" msprop:Generator_RowEvArgName="MyTableIDRowChangeEvent" msprop:Generator_TableVarName...

How do I define custom datatype in xsd?

Hello. I want to check if a field in my XML is of type positive double/decimal. There is a type="xs:positiveInteger" datatype in XSD but no positive double or decimal. Is there a way to achieve this either by defining custom datatype or some other way? ...

Can I zero-pad an integer in an XSD-generated class?

Here's the situation: I have a client who's issued me an XML schema, and my software converts their records from tab-delimited to XML. One of those fields, "file-sequence," is typed as an integer in the schema. However, the client's client (the integration target) wants that integer zero-padded and 4 digits long (EG, <file-sequence>0001...

Generate XSD for SOAP messages

I'm consuming a classic Web Service using .NET. Is it possible to automatically generate a XSD for the messages from client to service? The service proxy can be generated using svcutil but I would like to use XML serialization for the actual messages. Right now the service methods take XML strings as parameters whereas I want to use obje...

Tool that can combine many XSD files into one?

I need to create XML serializer classes for approximately 65 XSD files, for which I am using Microsoft's XSD.EXE to generate the C# code... However, I keep running into Window CMD's character limit in the resulting output file (in which XSD.EXE combines the name of every XSD included): "The specified path, file name, or both are too lon...

Modify XML structure to create a Nested Tree XML structure using XSD or XSLT

Hello, please I was wondering if someone can please help as its quite urgent. I need to convert the structue of an xml file to another xml structure so that I can bind it to a asp.net treeview control (i'm a c# developer). I noticed the asp.net treeview control accepts a transform file or xpath expression and am wondering if some one kno...

Android Converting objects to XML and vice versa

Hello all, I created a xsd and I created Java objects using Castor. Then I imported this in my Android project and tried to build an XML from the object, using the marshal method. Marshaller.marshal(v, writer); I received some wired exception trouble processing "javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder.class":... So my question is Can I use ...

How to validate xml so that only elements that actually exist can be used as attributes?

So, basically what I want to do is to emulate the "ref" attribute of schema validation. I have the following XML, for example: <node name="parent"> <subordinate name="child3" /> </node> <node name="child1" /> <node name="child2" /> And I want this to be flagged by my schema as invalid, since "child3" isn't one of the availab...

SAXException when parsing XML file with XSD schema

I have the following XSD file: <xs:schema xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' targetNamespace='http://www.wvf.com/schemas' xmlns='http://www.wvf.com/schemas' xmlns:acmewvf='http://www.wvf.com/schemas'&gt; <xs:element name='loft'> </xs:element> </xs:schema> and the following XML file: <?xml ...