
How can I get auto-complete to work for an attribute in my XML document?

In Eclipse, if I create a new Spring application context XML document when I press Ctrl+Space while inside the "class" attribute, Eclipse will let me browse through Classes that I can use, for example: ..and Eclipse will show java.lang.String, etc. I've created my own XSD and now I'm making an XML file that references it. My XSD defi...

Provide xsd schema in jar

Hello, I have written a little library. Now I want to let the user configure the lib with a xml file just like in spring. I have a xsd file to validate the xml config and therefore I have a few questions. Is it possible to achive this spring like configuration with a noNamespaceSchemaLocation? Where should I put the xsd in the lib in ord...

How do I force the auto-generated WSDL on two load-balanced machines to match?

We have a WCF service that is deployed to two servers. The bits are exactly the same. In the auto-generated WSDL at https://mywebsite.com/SomeService/Soap.svc?wsdl, the <wsdl:types> node lists out a bunch of XSD's, in this format: <xsd:import schemaLocation="https://mywebsite.com/SomeService/Soap.svc?xsd=xsd0" namespace="http://service...

Creating XML and XSD files based on .NET entities

Hi I've been looking around for this for quite some time and cannot seem to get anywhere. I need to find a way to accomplisht the following two tasks, based on a .Net Entity object: Create an XML file that contains the data in this entities, complete, with cascading nodes (representing foreign key relationships, basically). I've consi...

XML variable tag names

I have been tasked with writing an xsd, for an xml file format that my company has created. Unfortunately one of the tags contains two variables, here is an example of the tag <to_1.1.1.0_24> The is an ip address and as such can change, and the 24 is the netmask. Is there anyway of expressing this within an xsd document. Ma...

Getting an advanced structured object with Ksoap2 from a WCF-service to an Android app

Hello, What I want to accomplish is the following. Create a WCF webservice that is called by an android application. The webservice should return alot of information that is gathered from a large database. The information will consist of a View with 20 different tables with around 1-2 rows in each tables containing information. The...

How to make a dotnet webservice set minOccurs="1" on a string value

I have an XSD: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://a.com/a.xsd" targetNamespace="http://a.com/a.xsd" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <xs:element name="A"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> ...

xs:choice embedded in xs:sequence prevents the use of a union

I have the following xsd <xsd:complexType name="myID"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="testID" type="priv:testID"/> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="newID" type="priv:newID"/> <xsd:element name="testID" type="priv:testID" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:choice> </xsd:comple...

XML Data Binding for Common Lisp

I'm interested in finding a code generation tool that, given a set of XSD files, will generate a set of CLOS classes from XSD, generate deserialisation routines from XML to CLOS and generate the corresponding serialisation routines. The closest project that I've been able to find is CL-SOAP but it seems to be at an early stage. I need su...

xml : how to reference a .xsd file at .xml file?

Hi all, I want to see xml file in browser as I define in .xsd file. Please check the following two files for me and point out what do I need to do. These two files are under same folder. employee.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <employee xmlns="http://www.w3schools.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocat...

Dynamic java bean from xsd

Hello, I have two applications, one acting as client and the other as server. In server application I generate ObjectFactory and classes using xjc from Eclipse. As a result, one of this classes is called widgetEvenCall. From the xsd: ... <xs:element name="widgetEventCall"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:elem...

How to define a Xpath-selector in xml schema for a recursive type.

Edit: added keys. Hi, I have a xml schema with the following types: <xs:complexType name="definition"> <xs:sequence/> <xs:attribute name="id"/> </xs:complexType> <xsd:key name="definitionId"> <xsd:selector xpath="definition"/> <xsd:field xpath="@id"/> </xsd:key> <xs:complexType name="elem"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element n...

WPF TextBox won't update source

I'm trying to make a simple form that contains textboxes that draw from a db in my project. I'm using the table adapter's GetData() method in the xsd file to populate the data context. I want to update one of these textboxes and have the changes reflected in the database. The textboxes populate fine, but the changes don't make it back to...

JAXB workaround for Chameleon XSD imports?

Hi there, this is my first question, so please be gentle ;) I'm stuck with a weird problem. Essentially i get three XSD definitions like the following: PartA.xsd targetNameSpace="PartA" include="PartB.xsd" PartB.xsd <!-- no namespace definition!!! --> PartC.xsd targetNameSpace="PartC" inlude="PartB.xsd" import="PartA.xsd" The error...

XML Schema Binding / Object Model Framework in Cocoa

New to XSD here. Has anyone found or written a framework for working with XML schema object model in Cocoa/Obj-C? What I really need is the ability to define permitted types of modifications to an NSXMLDocument, as described in an XSD File. This includes defining sequences of child elements, list of attributes and their permitted valu...

PHP 5.3.3 fails to validate XML against nested XSD's... plz help!

After upgrading from PHP 5.2.8 to 5.3.3, the new libxml_disable_entity_loader(false) function does not seem to work on Windows via command line to a PHP file on a network share. More specifically, DOMDocument::schemaValidate() fails with XSD files that contain multiple levels of nested include()'s to other XSD files on a network share. ...

How can I programmatically determine the XML elements that can be inserted next?

When I am editing an XML document that has an XmlSchema, how can I programmatically determine the elements that can be inserted next? I am using C# and I already know which element I am in. Is there an MSXML method I can call or something else? Thanks. ...

How do I make more complex XSDs using JAXB?

Using JAXB I can create an XSD using code like: JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(classes); ctx.generateSchema(new MySchemaOutputResolver()); That makes a goods XSD describing the structure of all the JAXB objects in the list of classes I pass in, however, I can't figure out how to add other types of XSD restrictions like minO...

parsing XSD with ruby

Hi i have a XSD that i want to parse. Note that i don't want validate it against a XML but get all enumerations that i have there. For example <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <xsd:simpleType name="fruitNames"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="banana" /> <xsd:enumeration valu...

How to get location of includes in XmlSchema?

Hi everyone, XSD file has include tag that has location for the other reference XSD. When we load original XSD in C# into XmlSchema object how to get the location of the referenced XSD? Thanks ...