
Can I use chromeless player/playback stats with the new Youtube Player iframe embed style?

The Youtube Player API has a bunch of functionality that I'm interested in, such as the chromeless player, playback statistics (where you can see the current state of the player, current time etc) and the ability to set volume levels. But I've been using the new iframe embed style. Is there a way to use those features with the new style...

Is there some way I can take a youtube rss feed and automatically download the files either to flv or avi?

I want to grab youtube videos as they come in and download it to my local machine e.g - any new video download it to my machine. I am open to a solution in any language, tool etc. If this is the wrong place to ask this question, I ...

Embedded YouTube code does not validate

While validating my not be a big issue to some people, I personally want my page to validate whenever possible, as I feel it's a good habit to code properly whether the compiler/browser/person reading your code understands anyways. Anyways, I'm building a website for a client that is requesting a YouTube video of theirs be embedded in ...

Open youtube video on bada phone

I have read in other sources that we can use Data API from Youtube to get the 3gp link and feed it to the native Video Player. The problem, i always receive "Bad Requestion" Error and don't know why Here is my code: url = L"rtsp://"; ArrayList...

Video encoded by Expression Encoder is 3 seconds long on YouTube

Hi, I am trying to upload video created using MS Expression Encoder 4 to YouTube, but after processing any video is played in 3 seconds. Any ideas? Is it problem of encoder configuration or YouTube? Thank you. ...

How to safely sanitize input from TinyMCE in ruby?

Hi, I just added TinyMCE to a small CMS I built in Rails. I've been using Redcloth before to style user generated articles. Since I started using TinyMCE, I would like to also allow users to embed video (from youtube for ex) into their blog posts. I'm using the follow helper in the views: sanitize(text, :tags => %w(a object p...

Show a private YouTube movie on a single enabled domain?

Is it possible to embed a YouTube movie marked as "private" on a specific domain or URL? Probably using the YouTube API? Thanks! ...

How to avoid Security Errors when using the Youtube AS3 Player API.

I'm using the Youtube AS3 Player API to load video's in a Flash Project. I get this really annoying Error when loading the Player swf: SecurityError: Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: parent: cannot access[[IMPORT]]/ I tri...

Is there YouTube Live Broadcast via API Thing

I need to know about a feature of YouTube live broadcasting. I am even not familiar whether this feature is in YouTube or not. If it is then is there a API that allows to interface with that? ...

Convert Python Script to PHP for YouTube Auto Upload

Hi All, I am after a PHP Script to login to YouTube and Upload videos (the standard YouTube API does not do what I a after). I have found the exact thing I am after: or maybe even this: But they are both in Python. ...

Android and youtube videos

Within an Android App is it possible to get a list of youtube video titles that have been downloaded (streamed) ie. is a record kept of the videos played? If not, is it possible to collect this info when a video is being streamed? ...

How can I lazy load non-image content in jQuery?

I want to lazy-load the results of my Youtube API search, so that as the user scrolls down, Youtube players are being added to the page. It seems that the lazy loading plugins are focused on images, but what I will be loading is just HTML, because I'm using iFrames to load the Youtube players (as per the new Youtube embed style). How can...

Allow members of my website upload videos to YOUTUBE through my account

1) I register account in Youtube. 2) People, who is logged in in my website can upload their videos on my site. 3) Videos is uploaded to my Youtube account. 4) So, one account of youtube holds all uploaded videos by my website's members Is it possible to do that? If you didn't understand, feel free to ask. Thank you very much. +I w...

logging into youtube from android

I am trying to log into you tube using the following code mService = new YouTubeService("Nothing", developer_key); //Authentication try { mService.setUserCredentials(mUsername, mPassword); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); } but I am getting: ConnectYouTube:

oEmbed with Mobile devices

I've just found out about oEmbed and was wondering if there is a way to get a mobile link/embedd code by sending the user-agent (or prefered format, like 3gp)? I've might have missed something, but I can't find those options on the oEmbed website. For example (Youtube), I would like to get the 3gp rtsp link for devices that supports t...

Why is the Flash Video Player not showing in Firefox?

I am trying to implement a Flash YouTube video player on this page. I am using swfobject. Here is the code: <!-- begin youTube player --> <div id="flashArea" class="flashArea" style="height:376;"> <p>This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.<br /> <a href="

Disable caching youtube videos

YouTube achieved quite a feat when they made youtube videos work with cache. However, this is causing a problem on my ajax site and would like to know if there is a way to disable youtube videos being cached. Especially in Internet Explorer. Any one know any solutions? ...

How to know when Youtube player/plugin on iPad goes fullscreen?

Is there any way to know when the Youtube player/plugin on iPad goes fullscreen? I have a UIWebview being displayed inside a Modal view controller that contains a Youtube video. If the user choose to view the Youtube video in fullscreen mode, it's displayed in fullscreen (naturally), but behind the UIWebview's modal view. I'd like to k...

Youtube support in google-api-java-client vs gdata-java-client

Hello, I'm trying to use the google-api-java-client (I suppose this is what is referred to as 2.0) for writing an android application for youtube. (gdata-java-client (1.x) does not support android, I understand). I have loooked through the youtube documentation as well as the sample provided in "youtube-jsonc-sample", which only queries...

How to add YouTube videos to watching queue?

I have a list of youtube video links on a page. I want to let user mark interesting ones, programatically add them to a watching queue, and then forward a user to YouTube where they can watch all those videos in sequence. Is it possible? ...