
YSlow says my JavaScript file is no longer cached after combining 5 files and packing them

I started with 5 normal human-readable JavaScript files - they were around 10 KB in total. After using YSlow, I decided to merge the 5 files and pack them using Dean Edwards' packer. Now I have 1 file that is 4.5 KB. When I re-run YSlow, it is now showing the JavaScript file in the primed cache under 'statistics', where previously (whe...

dns lookup VS HTTP Parallel downloads

HTTP 1.1 allows 2 connections per host name. On the other hand, yahoo performance rules suggest to reduce the number of DNS look ups. how does one balance this? thanks ...

Recently my site has been slow and Ive been getting timeout messages in browser - whats wrong?

How can I diagnose timeout problems and slow page loading with my site, I have ySlow plugin in firefox and it shows that grade A/B for most pages so i would expect pages to load quickly. Should I contact my hosting company? The company I bought my domain name from? There is not much load on the server at present and I am using a v. fast ...

CSS/HTML: Does using max-height on images help HTML rendering?

I just finished reading YSlow recommendation to always define the image dimensions (height/width) to improve HTML rendering performance. However, I don't know the image dimension I'm linking too. What I do know is that the height will never be larger than 200px and the width will never be larger than 300px Would I be a benefit if I de...

Figuring out page size with YSlow / Web Developer extension

I'm trying to figure out how much javascript is being loaded on my website. I'm using Reducisaurus to shrink my js files. The problem is, this is causing both YSlow and the Web Developer extension report the size of my files as ~.04K, which I know can't be right (one of the .js files is jquery, which is 50kb). Is there any way to accurat...

ySlow, Mod Deflate, cPanel Website Optimizer & Javascript.

Hello, I just got around to installing mod_deflate on my server. I also added the following to my Website Optimizer in cPanel: text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/js text/javascript Now, the site shows considerable improvement in loading time (almost 3x!), but ySlow is still giving me an "E" rating for "Compress Components wit...

Wordpress site painfully slow...

Hi, What tools are there out there for determining why a site takes so long to load pages? I'm using a very simple theme that I changed to fit my needs, it's a brand new site with only two test posts and it takes a while to load. I used YSlow for Firebug and it gives the site a Grade A (90) so that doesn't really help. Is there anythi...

YSlow giving inconsistent results on ETags

When I run YSlow against my site, I get an "F" on the "Configure ETags" item; it claims that there are no etags for many (all?) of my images, stylesheets, etc. However, if I run the test on one of those images directly, I get an A on the etag test. Furthermore, on the Firebug Net panel's Response headers I can see the etag on this item ...

is this true? "Gzipped items will not have the same etags (even if the content did not change)"

Is it true that we should disable etags if we are compressing with apache because the etags will be different each time? Is it true for deflate too? Thanks ...

Compress components with gzip - J2EE

I am looking to improve front-end performance of my application, so I used YSlow tool in Firefox. When I ran this tool for my app, in the YSlow grade tab it showed up a issue 'Grade F on Compress components with gzip'. Seems to be that we need to compress the files(js, css) while sending from the server to client to increase the server r...

Is it really possible to achieve grade "A" in yahoo's yslow for all things for a dynamic/CMS website?

Is it really possible to achieve grade "A" in yslow for all things for a dynamic and CMS(PHP/Asp.net) based websites? and using same server. http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/help/index.html#performance_view ...

Yahoo's Yslow or Google's "Page speed"

Yahoo's Yslow or Google's "Page speed" which tool should be used? Google is more popular search engine and most of the world care about site ranking in google? So should we use Google's tool ...

cookies tend to be top-down. is there a way to ban them from certain directories?

in a website where cookies are used for top-level pages (such as example.com/test.php, example.com/whatever.php), is it possible to ban cookies from certain directories such as "/images/", or am I just going to have to use a second domain (static.example.com/images/photo.jpg) ? does anyone know of a workaround? it's for a CMS where I ma...

speeding up website load using multiple servers/domains

When Yahoo! developer guide says "Deploying your content across multiple, geographically dispersed servers will make your pages load faster from the user's perspective". And as an explanation I read somewhere, that browsers will load up to 5 things simultaneously from the same domain. Would a subdomain, for example cdn.example.com be ...

JavaScript is blocking images from loading

I'm using the following code to allow parallel JavaScript downloading on my website var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var sTag1 = document.createElement("script"); sTag1.type = sTag1.type = "text/javascript"; sTag1.src = "http://example.com/one.js"; var sTag2 = document.createElement("script"); sTag2.type = sTag2....

PHP Library to test loading speeds

I was wondering whether there is a simple PHP library to test the loading speed of a web page or a single resource similar to Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow. The reason is that I'd like to build a web based alternative. ...

GZipping CSS and JS files

I'm using YSlow to improve the speed of my site, and I'm having trouble with the "compress components with gzip" grade. I have this in my .htaccess file: SetOutputFilter DEFLATE AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript But YSlow is saying There are 4 plain text components that ...

How reliable is HTTP compression using gzip?

YSlow has suggested that I use HTTP compression to improve the performance of my site. However, as noted by Yahoo that are some problems. There are known issues with browsers and proxies that may cause a mismatch in what the browser expects and what it receives with regard to compressed content. Fortunately, these edge cases ...

How to get grade A on these Yslow rules?

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Compress components with gzip Configure entity tags (ETags) Add Expires headers If i don't have access to Apache configuration. ...

Is there a Perl alternative to YSlow?

I'd like to have a tool in Perl to gather useful statistics for page loads (eg, download time/speed, CDN information, headers, dns lookups, compressions) Does anyone know if one exists or if there's a place to learn about how to make one? ...