
spring framework form tag and yui text editor

hi developers. i'm using spring framework form tag. and it's simple text area . but i want to use YUI rich text editor.i can use text editor with form tag in upload page. but i want to edit that form. so how to open edit page YUI rich text editor with old news? sorry my english skill i hope you understand ...

How do I show character count in YUI when editing a cell?

Hi, In the YUI datatable I want to limit the number of characters a user can type into one of the cells. I know how to properly display the amount using a formatter, but is there a simple way to change the editor box to show a "124/500" character count limit? ...

YUI Rich text editor, image centering ?

Apparently YUI RTE seems to have text flow settings for images, left, right, inline, block... Im wondering how I can get 1 option for centering the image, if there is a way to add it with custom code, can any one guide me to the right direction to achieve this ? I know that to center the image, i will need to add a style of margin-left:...

YUI: specify fallback in case loading script from CDN fails?

Hey is there a way to specify a fallback js just in case loading from the YUI CDN were to fail? ...

Using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest() in place of DataSource.sendRequest()

I'm looking to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest() to get updated information for my DataTable, so I can bind the request to a form. YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(this.myForm); YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("GET","/foo/bar/?", oCallBack); instead of: this.myDataSource.sendRequest(myRequest, oCallBack); The issue is that asyncReque...

How can i change yui calendar error message?

Hi friends, I have a problem with YUI 2 calendar. I activated the year selection property of it, and when the user enters a wrong type of year(for example 19m9,aaaa,bbbb), it writes "year needs to be number". How can i change this message, for example "not a valid year or enter a valid year", without changing default js file of calendar?...

Question about executing javascript post-processes in Java app

Traditionally we have always used xml in the response which is parsed by a Javascript method to execute post processes. I came up with a new, simpler implementation which uses a hidden input set by a requestAttribute and executed in an ajax callback. JSP: <% String jsPostProcess = (String)request.getAttribute("jsPostProcess"); ...

yui2 and yui3 events

Can the yui3 construct of Y.on() be used to setup listeners for events on yui2 widgets, or do they simply use separate event systems? ...

Traversing an XML file using YUI 2.8 library

I have a requirement to parse/traverse an XML file using the YUI 2.8 library. From the YUI's manual page of DataSource, I could get info about how to get the XML file using XHRDataSource and then set the response type and response schema (understood it after so many readings :P ). But, after setting up the DataSource, I don't know what...

Appending tr to tbody using YUI

I know this can be done easily using jQuery but haven't been able to find out how to accomplish it with YUI 2. I am submitting a form via AJAX and in the callback, on success, I want to add the information that was inserted into the existing table in the DOM. This is what I am trying with no success: var callback = { success: func...

YUI3 selector problem in ie8

Y.one('form fieldset:nth-child(2)').toggleClass('hide'); in chrome, FF, opera this line works but in ie6-8 it throws an error 'Y.one(...)' is null or not an object. where is the problem? ...

How to make Connect not callback when reload page in YUI?

I found this a common issue, but it seems that there is no obvious solution after googling. In my page, some user action would trigger AJAX request. With YUI 2.X, the code is like below: Connect.asyncRequest("POST", url, { 'failure' : function() { alert('failed'); }, 'success': function() { doSuccess(); }, 'scope"...

YUI Resize -- handles not showing

Hi, I am really new to YUI and have been struggling with this for days now.. I have this piece of code where detailsPanel is HTMLDivElement var resizeDetails = new YAHOO.util.Resize(detailsPanel, { handles: ['t'], maxHeight: 150 }); When I examine this in Firebug there is no resize handle on top. I'm sure I'm missing somethi...

How do you hook an event to a datasource in YUI?

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/datasource/#events I'm trying to use the responseParseEvent but I don't know how to hook into into my datasource object because YUI doesn't provide any examples. Sidenote: Has anybody else noticed this with YUI? That their documentation doesn't contain nearly as many examples as jQuery? ...

YUI: What is the semantic of Module.destroy()

I am using a YUI Tooltip to show an error message when users mouse over an error icon displayed next to a form field. When the error goes away, I remove the alert icon from the DOM, and want to remove the tooltip as well. For this I call tooltip.destroy(). Is it the right way to do this, or is the destroy() intended for something else? T...

yui css compiler - accept input from php file

I'm trying to pipe all the content from a PHP generated file to YUI CSS compressor. // this command works great for Google Closure Javascript Compiler php jscompressor.php | java -jar compiler.jar --js_output_file compressed.js php jscompressor.php pulls up a PHP file that has a lot of generated JS. I was hopping I could do exactly t...

Change YUI Datatable height dynamically

YUI Datatable allows to set the height during construction like: new YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable("xyscrolling", myColumnDefs, myDataSource, {width:"30em", height:"10em"}); Is there YUI api to set Datatable height programmatically on already existing instance? ...

Reloading a number of YUI data tables and other elements with a javascript function

I am searching for help on how to properly refresh all code on a webpage on submit. Below is a little overview of what I'm trying to do, does it make sense ? PHP <code> <?php if($_POST['submitted']) { setting php variables to pass to yui here } ?> JavaScript <script> YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function () { yui datatable an...

How to use YUI 3 History standalone without the loader?

Using YUI scripts on our SSL page turned out to break the SSL connection because they dynamically load scripts from yahoo (combo) over a http connection. As we only use the history manager of YUI 3, I wanted to host the code on our server. If I copy the code from http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?3.2.0/build/yui/yui-min.js&amp;3.2.0/build...

YUI Panel renders differently in IE 8 with youtube video

Currently I have a YAHOO.widget.Panel that gets created when YAHOO.onDOMReady and the page contains a youtube video. In firefox, the panel appears on top of everything including over the youtube video which is the behavior that I want. But in IE 8, the youtube video renders completely over the panel. The youtube video is basically inc...