
Why YUI.lang.extend implements Inheritance this way?

I'm reading YUI2.8.1 source code yahoo/yahoo.js. The YAHOO.lang.extend method is implemented this way http://github.com/yui/yui2/blob/master/build/yahoo/yahoo.js I don't understand why it creates another F function. IMHO, below code should also work(ignoring overrides part) function extend (subc, superc ) { if (!superc||!subc) { ...

Use string to access object in Javascript

I have a variable containing a string "Y.Plugin.abcd" and I would like to access an object with the same name...I'm using YUI 3 and attempted the Y.namespace method with no luck. var nm = "Y.Plugin.abcd"; Y.log(Y.Plugin.abcd); //outputs the correct object Y.log(Y.namespace(nm)); //outputs an empty object I'm pretty much looking for ...

yui_editor not loaded when loading the partial via an ajax call

Hi In a Rails app, I am loading a partial via an ajax call. (still using prototype) The partial is a form that contains a textarea enriched with the yahoo yui_editor (similar to tinyMCE or FCKEditor) <%= f.text_area :body, :class => 'rich_text_editor', :rows => "15", :style => "width : 90%;" %> The yui_editor is not loaded and the...

Recommended Javascript Image preloader

There are a couple of tools and several tutorials (even some including links to github) on how to preloading images and other artifacts, like css and scripts. YUI3 preloader seems to be the most reliable one. Is there a better one? Are there any others that are faster (possibly through parallel loading), more usable or has better browse...

Embedding video in my YUI rich text editor

I am few hours old using YUI rich text editor. I can only find the insert image button, what do i do to enable me insert videos? Thanks ...

yui io-upload-iframe suddenly stop working

problem: on ff the form submits to the original window which causes a refresh. on ie and chrome works fine but after the upload somehow the form's target attribute was set to "_blank" the form just won't submit to the iframe transport, i checked the target attribute and everything and all goes find, even rollback to the previous working...

Is there a YUI datatable after Render event?

I have some javascript I want to do post-render for a YUI datatable, but I couldnt find anything in their API for this. Did I miss it? ...

YUI Uploader - How to tell when all files have been uploaded?

I'm using the YUI 2 Uploader to upload some files. My users will be uploading more than one file, so I want to use YUI Uploader's 'file queue'. That is all working successfully. I disable the uploader when the files are uploading, so people can't add new files to the queue once they start uploading the files. I want to do something (in ...

Trouble finding DataGrid to implement for over 10,000 records with pagination, filtering, and clickable links for each row.

I have tried using a few different data grids (FlexiGrid, ExtJs Grid, and YUI DataGrid) and have found YUI to work the best as far as documentation and features available. However, I am having difficulty setting up the data source. When I try to set it up using JSON, it takes too long, or times out. I have already maxed out the memory ...

AJAX + OData + Basic Auth for Sharepoint 2010's ListData.svc, JSON-P or JSON + xdr

I am looking for a way to either: Do a cross domain plain JSON request a-la YUI IO (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/examples/io/io-xdr.html with Basic Authentication) or alternatively, Have Sharepoint 2010's ListData.svc support JSON-P (e.g. /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/?$format=json&$callback=loaded) so I can use jQuery.ajax to make a Bas...

Does YUI allow you to sort dates in a datatable?

Is there a way to sort dates in yui without having to define your own sorting implementation? ...

Why I dont see YUI used that much often

I have been using jQuery/Prototype/ExtJs and other frameworks for last two years. These frameworks have been very useful. I switched to YUI recently and finding the learning curve a bit too steep. Also the framework is not making my life as easy as with Extjs or Jquery. When I consulted several other developers no one seems to be very...

HTTPS and external (CDN) hosted files?

I have a page that references a couple of externally hosted javascript files - namely, jQuery on Google and YUI using YUI Loader. The trouble is when I access the page via HTTPS the browser complains of mixed insecure content, since the external javascript files are being accessed using http instead of https. What's a good way to deal ...

How to localize calendar component of YUI?

Hi friends, I have a question about YUI. I am using YUI calendar component in my website project. I insert the codes inside ASP as javascript. (like that http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/calendar/germany.html ) Now, i am about to hearing your questions, i am answering them immediately. Yes, this link explains how lo localize YUI ...

jquery Slideshow in combo with YUI 3 ImageLoader

I am using a jquery based slideshow with total 38 images. Since I removed any controls from the Slideshow and know the transient between slides. thereby able to predict when the images need to be available for the sideshow (of course connection speed/bandwidth is another factor) I would like to use YUI 3 ImageLoader to load the Sldesho...

which better ? jquery and YUI

hi all which one am i use jquery and YUI. which one is better jquery and YUI or another javascript library or framework ...

Suppress native keyboard events in Firefox (select tag)?

I'm trying to suppress the normal keyboard events on Firefox's interpretation of the <select multiple="multiple"> box, but the methods I'm used to aren't working. YUI's stopEvent doesn't seem to actually suppress the effects of a keypress or keydown (or both). keyPressHandler = function (e) { YUE.stopEvent(e); }; YAHOO.util.Event....

Avoid page flickering when updating a YUI DataTable

I am using jlinq a library for extending linq to json and hence i filter my json data. Consider i have a json data that draws a yui datatable on page load with 100 rows. I am doing a clientside filter which will reduce my json data and i am now redrawing the same datatable. What happens is it works pretty well but with an annoying flicke...

Flot - Column charts, series aligned together

Can I plot charts like this http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/charts/charts-rotation.html using flot ? I mean, I have two series with the same values on the x axis, I want to show them aligned together like in the example above, Flot plots them one above the another. Any ideas ? ...

ellipsifying the text in a yui datatable

hey I'm looking for a good way to ellipsify text in a yui datatable. By that I mean, formatting the text so that it fits nicely into its cell and has an ellipse (...) trailing it if the text had to be truncated. I want to do this wihtout the use of CSS selectors, because I have a large dataset and selecting each cell by classname would...