
Script stops at YAHOO.util.Event.addListener

I am new to YUI. Just trying to get a most basic functioning example working on my site. Here is the code: <button id="mytest">test</button> <script type="text/javascript"> var helloWorld = function(e) { alert("Hello World!"); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('xx'); YAHOO...

Client-side filter of YUI Datatable with select list ?

Can I filter the rows of a static dataset using multiple drop-down menus and a paginated YUI datatable ? http://www.mappingbahia.org/project/iguape_dataset.html ...

Constrain a YUI Container in a DIV

Is it possible to constrain a draggable YUI2 Container in a DIV instead of the whole page? I know its possible using YUI3 Drag n Drop: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/examples/dd/constrained-drag_clean.html ...

Issues subscribing to YUI2 DataTable events using 2in3

Does anyone know if there are any known issues subscribing to events fired by a YUI2 DataTable when using with YUI3 2in3? I'm trying to do the following and it's not working: myDataTable.subscribe("initEvent", function(){ Y.log('******** hello from initEvent'); }); Other features of the DataTable seem to be working but I can't s...

How to Real time multi line graph using Yui

Hi, I want to make Real time multi line graph using YUI. If any sample pls let me know. ...

Mapping of jQuery functionality to YUI 3?

I have a project that is using both jQuery 1.3.2 and YUI 2.6, and it has come time to pick one or the other. I have a lot of developers that love jQuery and can't live without it, but I think some of the features of YUI 3 are a better fit for the project (e.g. the base widget). I was trying to find a mapping of functionality between jQ...

Issue with Resizeable Columns in YUI2 DataTable Nested in YUI3 Tabview

I'm having an issue with resizing columns in a YUI2 DataTable when the table is nested inside a YUI3 Tabview. My situation: YUI3 Tabview has 4 tabs. Each tab contains a DataTable that has sortable and resizable columns. The columns in the DataTable of the first tab (the default tab that is displayed after loading the tab view) are sor...

Cropper ratio formula

Hi I am using the YUI Image cropper to, well crop images. I have the cropper all set up ok. I am now setting the cropper's width's and height vars to defined values that fit my website structure. I have the cropper set up so that a small resized version of the original is shown with the cropper attached to that. Now, my problem is dete...

YUI 2: Storage Utility - Why aren't key/vals persisted from page to page

Trying to use the YUI 2 Storage Utility and followed the example which worked (on the same page); but when I create a second page (say page2.html) and try to access the key I get null back for the value. So on page1 one I call: localStorageEngine.setItem('testText', 'this is a triumph (local storage engine)'); and if I use getItem on...

Add another image on top of a drawn image on canvas, then have it respond to onclick event, is it possible?

Here's a canvas app I come across : canvasphoto (uses YUI 2 I believe, which I haven't used before). It displays images on a canvas and it lets you resize/move the images across the canvas. What I want to do is to add a close button on the top right side of the images drawn on the canvas and have it trigger an onclick event when clicked ...

YUI 2 in 3 locally

Hi, I am new to YUI and I want to load YUI 2 in 3 locally, not from CDN. I have pasted both 2 and 3 in same directory named Scripts. I am pasting my code below: <script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/build-yui3/yui/yui-min.js"></script> function showError(panelId) { YUI({ groups: { yui2: { base: '/build-yui2/', ...

JQuery Vs YUI ? maybe prototype?

Through the past few years I've been busy with server side programming and I kinda ignored these JavaScript libraries. Because of my good knowledge and long experience with JavaScript I always wrote everything from mostly scratch. Even back then it seemed stupid but I guess it was more the challenge and student mentality. Recently I've s...

YUI Buttons not passing value in firefox (linux)?

Hello The following code works in IE and Chrome (linux) but will not working in Firefox. Any Ideas why? This is using the YUI 2 developer tools. It will display the buttons, however it does not pass the actual value of the radio buttons. // php <? print_r($_POST); ?> // html var oButtonGroup3 = new YAHOO.widget.ButtonGroup({ ...

Best approaches to merge 2 standalone ajax applications?

I'm looking to display multiple web projects (in this case a standalone ajax webmail client, and a standalone ajax webchat client). In the same browser window... I would like the objects to be able to overlay one another (like the way google talk messages appear over gmail). What direction should I consider going in? I'm thinking of u...

How do I make an XHRDataSource request to a Django server in YUI?

I'm using post, and the YUI documentation example code isn't working. YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window,"load",function() { var columnDefs = [ {key:"url", sortable:true, resizeable:true}, {key:"title", sortable:true, resizeable:true}, {key:"count", sortable:true, resizeable:true} ]; this....

Controlling z-index for multiple panels in javascript

We have to deal with multiple panels on the website ( refer to the screenshot below ). The problem is we need to make the panel that users select on top of other panels We can manually try to control the z-index of each panel, but is there an easier way to do this? Env: - YUI 2.7 - IE7/8, FF3.x multiple panels screenshot ...

CSS: why does setting margin-top only work in Webkit?

Here is a test case/live example. Summary of problem: This only works in WebKit: Y.one('#container').setStyle('margin-top', 100); This works in all browsers: Y.one('#container').setStyle('margin', 100); Why does setting margin-top work only in WebKit? EDIT: the fix is shown below in one of the answers. You need to have marginTop ...

Configure widgets positions on website

What is the commonly accepted way so an admin can set panels/widgets positions (i.e. from the image below, set "Data Finder" to sit on "top left") ? In other words, the customer/admin would like to be able to configure the widgets/panels positions at startup (and users see that by default), maybe using a JSON configuration file that is ...

How do I make an non-ajax POST request with YUI javascript library?

If I wanted to do a GET request I could just use document.location = "what-ever-I-want". But how do I do that with YUI? I was told that I can't do it with YUI 2 Connection Manager and afaik I really can not. Then I was told that I can do it with YUI 3, but in trying to do so I've not found the answer and I'm thinking I really can't. Pl...


Hi, Two questions regarding yui autocomplete: Is there a way to make yui autocomplete mouse selection and keyboard up/down selection create only one selection at any time ? Also is there any way to update the text in the autocomplete textbox with the selection done with keyboard up/down arrow only ie force the selection to appear in...