

Are there any examples of using the YUI Editor to allow user to submit code snippets etc, like may be used in a bulletin board?. I am talking specifically, about an example that allows a user to apply syntax highlighting to sections of the submitted code, so that it is rendered (for example) as C++, PHP, Python code snippet. The SO Edit...

Send Django CSRF Cookie with YUI Uploader Request

I am trying to use the YUI uploader to upload files to Django view. However, I am getting a 403 error in CsrfViewMiddleware. I have determined that the problem is due to the flash uploader (that the YUI uploader uses) not sending the CSRF cookie in the file upload request. The YUI uploader's uploadAll() function allows additional data...

Loading scripts dynamically

I'm loading a few YUI scripts dynamically in my code in response to an Ajax request. The DOM and the page is fully loaded when the request is made - it's a response for an user event. I add the tag to head, as children. But I stumbled in a few problems: I add two YUI scripts hosted at the Yahoo! CDN and an inlined script of my own res...

FireFox 16px gap between DIVs problem

My website renders correctly in Chrome but it shows a 16px gap, between divs, in FF. What could be wrong here? Link to Application: http://simateriaisportal.appspot.com (Conta -> Dashboard). The code i posted before was working correctly, the problem comes when content (dashboard) is filled dynamicaly ...

Good javascript event calendar using YUI

Has anyone come across an Events Calendar (e.g. shows events on a calendar format rather than allowing user to choose date) that uses YUI as its base? I have found some based on jquery, but I am trying to standardise my stuff to YUI so wondering if anyone has any there, I can't seem to find one on YUI pages. Otherwise a recommendation ...

Help! YUI async GET request using HTTPS defaulting to OPTIONS request method

Hi, For some reason whenever I do an async request using YUI and specify it to be a GET or POST, and the request is HTTPS, the actual request comes through with the OPTIONS request method. help! why is it doing this? P.S. I tried this with Prototype and got the same deal. ...

How can I inspect element like in Firebug via JavaScript ?

I need to have a user poke at an element on a website, almost exactly like with Firebug as a developer. Does anyone know a simple way to do this in JavaScript, or a library like YUI or jQuery? ...

yui bubling library

I am trying to figure out how to create dependencies between panel 3 and panel 4 at http://bubbling-library.com/themes/bubbling/jscripts/yui-cms/examples/accordion/yui-collapsable-panel.html. Can anyone explain how the dependencies are created? ...

How to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest and return results ?

I'm using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to get data from database, here is the code : function getCountArticle(contentCurValue) { var handleSuccess = function (res) { var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText); var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords; alert(contentCountPubmed); //re...

Use jQuery to select, then use YUI to animate? Good idea?

jQuery's animation engine isn't working well for me. It doesn't have easing and color animation built-in, and the plugins I am using for them don't work properly together consistently. I've had good experience with YUI's animation engine in the past. Is it possible to use jQuery to select items, and then use YUI to animate them? Here's ...

Form validation in addition to YUI

Hi, I'm in the process of adding some much needed client side form validation to a website I'm working on. We're currently using YUI. YUI doesn't have any form validation built in as I can see(prove me wrong). I googled it http://code.google.com/p/yui-form-validator/ It's not important that it's a YUI-extension as long as it plays alo...

How do you make a synchronous / blocking XMLHttpRequest with YUI

There are a number of questions here that ask this but the answers invariably just tell the person they really want an Asynchronous request rather than actually answering the question of how to do a Synchronous request with YUI. I know how to do one with jQuery and when directly manipulating the XMLHttpRequest object but how do you do it...

Dojo vs YUI javascript framework

I want to know what you guys think of these 2 frameworks, in terms of: robustness, code quality, core developers moving forward with new features, cross browser problems, module components, easiest to learn and integrate I already know and use jQuery, I recently found it lacking in terms of 'enterprise ready' components for large w...

YUI Two levels of tabs control browser history.

I want to be able to have two levels of tabs control the browser history, to allow for back/forward button functions. I would like the first row of tabs open up a set of links, that would open one more step, and then allow the back button to trace back each step one by one. Example is: My Friends (The First Tab) --Click to--> Joe Brown...

Grails and AJAX: Grails form validation working using ModalBox or YUI2 Dialog ?

Several Grails applications, like the one I'm writing, require a /user view and /admin view that are 'dashboards', basically the user or admin lands on that page, possibly after a successful login and all the datatables and tabs are there, so they hardly ever need to navigate off that page, providing a more satisfying users experience, l...

YUI shrink panel around content?

Hi, I have a YUI resizable dialog that contains a multi-tab widget. Works fine on IE > 7, Safari, FF, Chrome. Question: Initially, when a user changes tabs, the dialog shrinks to fit the new tab. But after the user resizes the dialog, if a new tab is selected, the dialog does NOT shrink to fit the new tab. How can I change the size o...

YUI skinning scrollbar used in container

How can I implement custom-looking scrollbars in YUI containers? ...

YUI3 Tabview Initialization

I'm trying to setup a simple tabview from existing markup, ala this example from the YUI developer network. Works like a charm. However, my question is, how do you designate which of the tabs should be initially selected? Can it be done via the existing markup, or is the only way via javascript? This isn't really addressed in the example...

WCF and Ajax interoperability using YUI

I'm currently building a corporate website using YUI. I have a Silverlight component left from a previous project. It's functionality is needed. Since this current project must support Linux I'm thinking of recreating it using Javascript. Using Moonlight would be an option - but the component relies on a few November 2009 Silverlight To...

Showing default browser bullet points on a <ul> when using YUI CSS reset

I'm using YUI 3 CSS Reset on my page, but want to display a specific unordered list using the browsers default list styling. I've put an example page up on the URL below to explain: http://www.nsmith.me.uk/list.php I want to be able to style <ul> on the page as if the css reset script wasn't included. For an example, add ?hideReset=1 o...