
title bar is missing in YUI

I'm using the YUI Rich Text editor on my site. I'm loading it using the load javascript from Google. When I try to create a link (or any other action that creates an "settings" box, the title bar is missing, see picture here. You can see how it supposed to look over here at Yahoos site for YUI. I'm using this code in the <head>-tag: <!...

Styling a YUI Split button

I want to use split buttons for a left side menu. I tried adding the class following. <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> .catbutton { display: block; } </STYLE> The buttons were the right width but the menu arrow was the section taking up the variable width. Not only was it ugly but the menu activation section was in the correct place on the far...

Anyone know a YUI-based Image Magnifier?

Does anyone know of a YUI-based image magnifier? I'm looking for something similar to the JQuery "JQZoom" plugin. Mousing over the image displays the matching portion of the enlarged version in a separate panel. ...

How to change the datasource on a YUI datagrid after creation

I am using the Yahoo DataTable for which the API is here. I am having difficulty changing the data once I have rendered the grid once. I am using jQuery to get data via AJAX, or from a client side data island and need to put this back into the grid. There is no setDataSource method in the DataTable API, and changing 'dataSource.liveDat...

Aligning the baseline of a YUI button with the baseline of the text next to it

I'd like to display a YUI button next to some text, but the baseline of the YUI button text does not line up with the baseline of the text next to it. The font family and size is identical for both the button text and the text next to it. If I use a plain HTML button the text baselines correctly line up. Here's a live example of the pr...

YUI Grid CSS for 100% width page with custom template width

I am using Yahoo's UI Grids to structure most of my pages. One of my pages is a Google map and I need about a 400 pixel fixed left column to put map legend information into. YUI Grids however only offers 3 columns for their 100% page layouts, namely 160px, 180px and 300px. Is there a way that I can customize their 'template 3' which pro...

YUI Theater license

Hi, What license does the videos on YUI Theater have ? Just want to put them on our internal network. Regards ...

YUI Charts Styling

Hello people. Through my search for a open-source charting system, I found the YUI library. So here is the question. How can I make the x-axis and y-axis transparent. style: { border: {color: 0xD0D696, size: 1}, font: {name: "Arial", size: 10, color: 0x559330}, dataTip: { border: {color...

Weird IE8 CSS/HTML bug when using Yahoo's YUI Uploader

This video explains the problem best: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cQ1Oc9f1L Basically the directory is located here: http://www.ipalaces.org/uploaderprogress/grrrrrr.html Is the problem piece using YUI.js as the uploading script. The YUI updates the table's row with new information on every event. So I have it update it wi...

How to implement AJAX data collection properly?

I'm currently implementing a small application driven by a YUI DataTable. For this DataTable I need two configuration arrays, which I both get from server with an XHR. However, my current implementation makes me wonder how these things are done properly. What I have now is two asynchronous AJAX requests which both set their respective d...

yui-css grid: how to get a 1/4 - 2/4 - 1/4 grid set up?

I have been trying to get yui-css grid system to make a three column grid, where the first on (left) uses 1/4 of the space, the second (middle) uses 2/4 of the space and the third (right) uses 1/4 of the space. Something like this: | header | -------- ------------------------ | left | middle | right |...

jQuery equivalent of YUI StyleSheet Utility?

Does jQuery - or one of it's plugins - have equivalent functionality to the YUI StyleSheet Utility? "The StyleSheet Utility is capable of creating new stylesheets from scratch as well as modifying the existing stylesheets held as properties of elements sourced from the same domain or any inline elements." This (I'm fairly sure) is cr...

onmousedown and onmouseup with YUI Animation Utility

My goal is to create an animation with the YUI Animation Utility that does the following: The user clicks a button. An element begins moving from point A to point B The user releases or moves the the cursor off the button. The element stops and stays in its current position. The user clicks the button again. The element animates from i...

Support for encoding query string or POST data in YUI ?

How do you encode a javascript object/hash (pairs of properties and values) into a URL-encoded query string with YUI (2.7.0 or 3.0.0 Beta) ? I want to do the equivalent of Object.toQueryString() from Prototype: I need this to encode parameters for GET and POST requests with YAHOO.util.Connect. It turns out YAHOO.util.Connect has a set...

IE8 CSS Bug? Not displaying DIV correctly with javascript

This video explains the problem best: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cQ1Oc9f1L Basically the directory is located here: http://www.ipalaces.org/uploaderprogress/grrrrrr.html Is the problem piece using YUI.js as the uploading script. The YUI updates the table's row with new information on every event. So I have it update it wit...

How to do basic DOM manipulation (clear content, append to content) with YUI?

I am doing a project with YUI where I attempt to do things I have previously been doing with jQuery. I am finding it difficult to do some basic operations, and namely: clear content of DOM element append to content of DOM element In jQuery, I would do: $(".someSelector").empty().append("<div>something</div>"); How to do the above ...

Retrieving Field Value from Form Input Generated Dynamatically

I am not sure whether this only happens to me. Basically if I have a new element added to the page using YUI var element = new YAHOO.util.Element(document.createElement('input')); element.set('value', 'some value'); element.appendTo(document.body); Then I read the value of the element using these different ways, and get consistent res...

TabView and close button problem

I try to do the same thing as Davs Rants Example : http://blog.davglass.com/files/yui/tab3/ But I must forget something... I have this error : Node was not found" code: "8 [Break on this error] this._tabParent.removeChild( tab.get(ELEMENT) ); Here my code : function onGenePubmedSubmit() { var contentCur = document.getElem...

Advice "upgrading" from jQuery 1.2.6 to YUI 3?

I have a web application that is using both jQuery 1.2.6 and YUI 2.6.0 and I am thinking about upgrading one or both of these libraries. The current versions (as of this question) are jQuery 1.3.2 and YUI 3.0.0 (beta 1). The main reason for jQuery was the selector engine, and the main reason for YUI was components like TreeView and Dat...

Running a function when the content of yui rte is changed

Hello, I'm currently using the Rich Text Editor from the YUI framework. But I don't know how I can run a function when the content of the editor has changed. Want to do this to give the user a message if they leave the site and there is unsaved changes. Any idea anyone? :) ...