
YUI Datatable & Large Data Sets w/o Pagination

I am currently implementing a YUI datatable as a reusable viewer to show sales reports (and other such things) for internal use. The problem is, many of these reports are up to, and even more than 1000 rows long, and client-side performance becomes an issue on even newer, faster machines. For a variety of reasons, server-side pagination...

How to restrict displaying paginator only in Header or Footer in YUI?

How to restrict displaying paginator only in Header or Footer in YUI with out using any extra div tag? By default it is being displayed both at the top and bottom of the table. ...

YUI Editor hiding the title bar?

Is it possible to hide the title bar created by the YUI editor? I want to have the editor rendered in a tag without the titlebar and unable to collapse the toolbar. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. ...

How can I reduce page reflows when using JavaScript widgets?

A lot of JavaScript libraries have user interface widgets. Usually they are created after the page is loaded. The user sees a page re-flow and parts of the page shift around or change appearance. How can I reduce the amount of reflowing that occurs when a page loads, especially if I’m using several widgets? Here’s some examples. These...

YUI menu with animation

Is it possible to have YUI menus e.g. slide in as opposed to simply popping up? ...

YUI DataTable Sorting

Hello, I'm using a YUI datatable to create some basic client side sorting for some stats, returned via a web service I've created. Didn't quite want to figure out YUI's ajax datasource stuff, so I'm loading the data in via jquery and addRow()'ing the data. The problem is, all the data is not sorting properly. The string field seems to b...

How to show busy status when clicked on tree node in YUI?

How to show busy status when clicked on tree node in YUI treeview? Here the operation on clicking of node will take more time, so I want to indicate the end user that request is being processed. So what is the best way to do this? ...

Is there a way to set the CSS information for a particular instance of YUI DataTable?

The place were I wnat to use the YUI DataTable is in a wiki that allows HTML and javascript. I have created the custom table, put it in a div and gave it an ID and it works really well except that it usees the CSS from the container wiki page and visually it is not presentable. I would like to be able to set the CSS information for this ...

YUI Autocomplete: search after pasting?

I'm using an auto-complete widget from YUI to implement live search as in the examples. However, it works fine when search text is typed in, but fails to work when the text is pasted into the field. Which would be the proper way to initiate an autocompletion on paste? Haven't found anything for that in the documentation... EDIT: Pasting...

YUI Datatable: custom column definitions and data

Hi, I am trying to use the YUI datatable to display data from a JSON object which looks like this: {"results":[{"label":"Column 1","notes":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "},{"label":"Column 2","notes":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."},{"label":"Column 3","notes":"Lorem ipsum dolor si...

Translating jquery idiom to YUI

How can I translate the following jquery idiom to YUI? $("a").click(function(event){ alert("Saw a click!"); }); The above is supposed to add a custom on-click event to all anchor tags in the document. ...

refresh single cell in yui datatable

I am using a yui datatable to show tabular data with certain fields that update in real timee. All examples I've seen require that the entire table be re-drawn even if only one column of data has been changed. Obviously this causes problems with both client-side sorting and scrolling and adversely affects UI performance as well. Is th...

YUI Event Utility problem

I create a button, when clicked, it activates a backup feature. My problem, backup is launched before I have clicked to this button. How, do I fix this problem ? Any Idea ? Here is my code (fragment) : (button) : var oSaveCuratedQuery = new YAHOO.widget.Button({ type: "button", label: "...

YUI dialog - what's the equivalent of postdata when using "form" (not ('async")

I'm creating a dialog with YAHOO.widget.Dialog. The dialog is fired off by clicking on a link, and the function the link uses specifies parameters that finally get added to a postdata option like so: var myDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("myDialog", { fixedcenter: true, // postmethod: "form", postdata: propString }); ...

YUI Rich Editor + invalidHTML + style

Hi, I am trying to insert an inline style tag into the editor content. When I call saveHTML it strips out the style block when I'm in rich editor view. I have tried changing the style property of invalidHTML to false, but it still seems to strip the style block out. Any pointers to the API or suggestions would be helpful at this stage...

Localizing labels in org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker

Does anyone know how to localize the "Month", "Year", "Okay" and "Cancel" labels of the org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker? According to the API you can override the the localize(Map) method to set up localized Strings, but i failed to find out what the names of the corresponding properties are. ...

YUI Menu: Build tiered menu based on attributes from json object

I have a json object that has properties into a type and product. I am looking for a way to loop through the elements and organize them into a tiered menu using YUI menu so the first level would group them by type and then the second menu would group them by product. The json looks something like: [{ "productId":1, "typeId": 1, "produc...

YUI 3 Selector for multiple class names

Hello, I have a bunch of divs like this: <div class="bear"></div> <div class="dog"></div> How do I get a nodelist that includes all divs with class of bear and dog? I tried: Y.get(".bear .dog").each(function() { }); But it returns null. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! ...

Preventing the hover effect

I want the node expand button (the +/- one) to highlight only when the mouse is over the button itself but not when it is over the node text. By default, the button is highlighted in both cases. Is there a simple way to achieve this? I'm using YUI 2.7.0. ...

Javascript file inclusion in html pages- what happens underneath in the browser?

Hello, I think this may be a browser dependent question- Suppose I have 10 Javascript files and several HTML pages. Suppose HTML pageA needs only JS1.js and JS3.js, similarly HTML pageB needs JS4.js and JS1.js. I want to know what would be effect of including all the 10 javascript files in all HTML pages? Will it directly relate to the ...