
Using YUI is it possible to add another css footer that sticks to the bottom of a page?

I'm a big fan of using the YUI library as my CSS and design skills are typical of a developer. I can find many examples of CSS techniques that result in a footer sticking to the base of a page. However I have failed in trying to add this to the YUI grids, I'm just wondering if anybody else has achieved this and if so would they mind sha...

YUI Datatable Column Filter

Does anyone know of any plugins/extentions to the YUI Datatable that will allow column sorting similar to how a sharepoint grid works. I'm looking for something that works/looks a bit like this from sharepoint (click on the clumn header, and a drop down appears with options to filter the datatable based on the data in that column): An...

YUI Hello World

I'm trying to do some experimental stuff for which YUI looks like the best solution. The Getting Started documentation is all written on the assumption that you already know how to use YUI and only need to find out how to use specific components. Is there any documentation available that tells you how to go from an empty public_html dire...

Tutorial/Suggestions on YUI with Ruby on Rails

I'm looking at using YUI in my Ruby on Rails application. What is the best tutorial, examples, or how-tos about generally integrating YUI into my Rails app. Thanks in advance! ...

Yui Mouse Coordinates over Element

I'm trying to determine if the mouse is over an element preferably with YUI if there is a method for that already. Basically something like function bool IsMouseOver(Element); ...

Rounded input boxes with YUI

Would it be possible to use YUI to change all my input boxes to have rounded corners? I cannot use a background image as the inputs will be variable width and I cannot add divs wrapped around them because some input elements are generated. Also I cannot use border radius or any moz/webkit variation as it needs to appear the same in IE6....

How do I change YUI Autocomplete textfield Value population Options?

Data: JACKSON, MS 39212|39212 BAINVILLE, MT 59212|59212 CROOKSTON, NE 69212|69212 COLUMBIA, SC 29212|29212 SPOKANE, WA 99212|99212 Code: <form method="GET" target="_blank"> <fieldset><legend>remote example</legend> <label for="myRemoteInput">Enter a state:</label> <div id="myRemoteAutoComplete"> ...

Need to find height of hidden div on page (set to display:none).

I need to measure the offsetHeight of a div that is inside of a hidden element. <div id="parent" style="display: none;"> <div id="child">Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet.</div> </div> The parent div must be set to "display:none". I have no control over that. I realize that the offsetHeight of the child div is going to be 0. I need to fi...

Using yui to customise select boxes

Hi, I know how to customize select boxes using such techniqiues as http://ryanfait.com/resources/custom-checkboxes-and-radio-buttons/ however Im trying to figure out if yui provides such functionality. Thanks. ...

YUI (JS): Putting a MenuBar in a Panel

If I put a YUI menu bar in the body it works perfectly. However if I use it inside of a Panel it shows up without the proper background. It is larger than it should be. Other than the default sam skin I'm using only the following css. .windowbody is the class of the panel. <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; } .windowbody { ...

Make sure most recent SQL query result is used in autosuggest

Hi all, I'm using the PHP code below to get results to return to an autosuggest / autocomplete. The problem is that if an earlier SQL query takes longer to return from the database than the most recent SQL query then the results of the older query will be displayed in the autosuggest results box. So if you start searching for Thomas, it...

YUI Button initiates Postback Twice

I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 under VS 2005. Page_Load is getting called twice for my .aspx pages. AutoEventWireup is set to true, but even if I set it to false and manually add the EventHandler, it still gets fired twice. // also set AutoEventWireup to false public _Default() { this.Load += new EventHander(this.Page_Load); } // oops -- fi...

Comprehensive list of IE8 changes that break JavaScript code

Is there a list online somewhere of IE8 changes that might break existing JavaScript code? We have a few clients which we developed a few different apps for using jQuery, YUI and some pure JavaScript. All have problems after upgrading their browsers to IE8. The jQuery display we did won't show. Tabs in YUI won't work. And table.deleteRo...

IE6 showing wrong background image

Hi, Im using the YUI tabs components and customised each tab to show a unique icon and then show a variation of the icon when the tab is selected. As we know YUI adds 'selected' class to the selected tab and I manually added 'nav-xxx' where xxx is the tab name to each tab. Im using the following css: .nav-directory { background:...

What's a good JavaScript grid with tabs?

I have 3 sets of tabular data I want to display with a JavaScript framework in ASP.NET MVC. I know I can embed a separate grid in a tab, but this seems inefficient especially when large datasets are involved since I imagine 3 separate grids would be created. I haven't found a JavaScript datagrid which emulates what a spreadsheet does w...

Building a YUI component from a tree and a datatable

I want to build a component that is composed of a treeview and a datatable, in a layout similar to the Windows Open Dialog. I am using a custom treeview and a custom datatable, derived from YUI's own, but I know they work because they work on their own (and they only perform configurations and add custom events). I tried various ways, ...

'Unexpected' behaviour when calling ColdFusion code (server-side code) from javascript event handlers

I have a simple YUI dialog with 2 buttons - Accept and Decline. I would like to call ColdFusion code together with JavaScript code when each of the buttons is clicked. When I introduce CF code together with JS code unfortunately both CF code present in each of the functions get triggered. All the code is shown below: <script type="tex...

YUI TreeView Object

Does anyone know how to remove the connecting "lines" between the nodes of the YUI TreeView object? I know I can use the TreeView plugin for jQuery, however, I'm already using YUI as my main js-library and don't really want to include both. Thanks. ...

How do I disable the click handler on a YUI Node?

I am wanting to be able to disable the click functionality of a radio button so I can uncheck it. However, when I uncheck it, the click still fires and the end result is a radio that unselects (and modifies other page elements accordingly), and then re-checks because of the onclick event. var clickFunction = function(e, radio, p){ ...

Always keep aspect ratio when resizing images in YUI Rich text editor

As the topic said: I'm using an RTE in my web page today, and I wonder if there's a way to always keep the aspect ratio of a picture? If you drag in the corners in Firefox it keeps the ratio, but not in IE. ...