
Javascript framework popularity

Are there any resources comparing the adoption rates of the various javascript frameworks similar to tcpi? Basically the number of sites using a particular framework on a time-line would be ideal. ...

YUI Treeview (override labelClick)

I am using dynamical loading in treeview, however I want it to load children nodes when click the plus icon instead of clicking label, I tried to override lableClick event and preventDefault event, but it didn't work, yui still load the children node when I clicked label tree.subscribe("labelClick", function(e) { YAHOO.util.Event.pr...

Is it possible to dynamically change the page size in a YUI Paginated Datatable?

I have a YUI Datatable which is paginated. The height the datatable is able to use can change. What I want to happen is that when there is a size change (which I already have a handle on), I can take the new height and find how many rows are going to fit in a page, then change the datatable or it's paginator to have that number of rows. ...

Why YUI Reset CSS dosen't pass Validation?

I tried to validate my site's CSS using the W3C CSS Validator. Unfortunately, reset-min.css from YUI framework produced parse error on the string " {*font-size:100%; ". The validator results. On further investigation I noticed the following error on Firefox's error console: Warning: Expected declaration but found '*'. Skipped to ...

YUI Editor: How to make two fix rows of buttons

Current state: I have a lot of additional buttons in my editor-implementation. I already do need two rows of buttons. The linebreak is made automatically and is dependant of the width of the surrounding div. In my case this div can change its size. Now everytime this happens, the buttons are realigned and some buttons move up in the firs...

YUI Autocomplete/button skin to look like a standard dropdown.

Does anyone have a example of how I would go about making a YUI Autocomplete combined with a YUI button component look like a standard dropdown. The combobox example on the YUI developer site is a start, but I can't seem to get the button sized to the input box or eliminate the space between the input box and the button. http://develop...

Yahoo Resizing Hover Events

Does anyone know if it's possible subscribe to an event (possible a mouseOver) while using Yahoo!'s resizing library? I need to disable some other listeners when a user hovers over the handles of my object, however, I don't see anything in the documentation to do so. Thanks. ...

Using 'this' inside a link generated by a javascript object

Javascript is pretty shaky for me, and I can't seem to find the answer to this. I have some code along the lines of var Scheduler = function(divid,startDate,mode){ this.setHeader = function(){ header.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="this.showScheduler(1);">Show</a>'; } this.showScheduler = function period(){ ...

Transferring JSON from YUI client to WCF web server?

From YUI Client I want to send data using JSON object to WCF webserver. I am using YUI's YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', uri, callbacks, postdata) method to send the data to Webserver. But the web server is not responding to the call. I see there is a problem in sending postdata. WCF expects it to be part of URI, but in YUI we a...

YUI 2.7.0 File Uploader - Firefox 3.5 / flash 10 / iis 6

i have a project that uses the file uploader, i have taken the example of the queue management, and altered it to upload to the location i would like it to save to, and all the custom settings, and skins i have given it. i run it locally through vs2008 - running on my local iis 5.5 (xp machine), the post to page is aspx(vb.net) and test...

Nested Objects With YUI and Javascript

I am working on a Javascript object that contains some YUI objects. The key thing is, my object needs to contain it's own set of YUI tabs so that I can display multiple instances of my object on the same page and have the tabs control their own object instance. I set it up as follows: var Scheduler = function(divid,startDate,mode){ ...

Dashboard Widget in the AJAX format

We are looking for a rich dashboard component. Ideally, we do not want to use Flash technology but instead something implemented with pure AJAX. While YUI offers an excellent AJAX library and it offers a lot of rich UI components it does lack, to my knowledge, sophisticated widgets like dashboards. For sure, such components can be foun...

YUI JSON Datatable: how to dynamically change the request without POST

I have been playing with server side sorting/paging using YUI DataTable, and everything is working as expected. I want to be able to have something like a form input element to restrict the rows in the table, and my json proxy can handle it, for example: new YAHOO.util.DataSource("/php/json_proxy.php?") will return everything, wherea...

Super class methods in javascript

I am writing some objects (classes I guess) in javascript. Class B inherits from Class A. Class A has a method called isValid, and class B overrides that method. I am using the YUI extend function to have Class B extend Class A. A = function(){ } A.prototype = { isValid:function(){ /* Some logic */ return booleanValu...

YUI Event and Links

Using YUI, I have a div, with an attached listener that says if I click on the div, execute a callback function. Inside the div is a series of normal html links to other pages. What I WANT to happen is that if I click a link, I go to that page. But, if I click anywhere in the div outside a link, it executes the callback function. What...

Preferred customizable progressively enhanced dropdowns/menus?

I was looking at what YUI had, http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/button/btn%5Fexample07.html Can anyone recommend a library/plugin they used to progressively enhance native select element dropdowns at the request of a client? I know it's impossible to style a dropdown in IE, so it's either this or Flash which I don't want to get i...

Overriding ACTIVE_CLASS in YUI

I a using the YUI tabs compontent: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.widget.Tab.html I am trying to override the default value of ACTIVE_CLASS which is 'selected' as I wish a different name class to be applied to each tab when active. Any pointers appreciated, thanks. ...

simple mouse over image swap with YUI

Hi, I am attempting to do a simple image swap on mouseover event with YUI. Is this a simple task? As when I google all I get is plugins. Thanks. ...

Is there a tristate GUI element in YUI?

I'm not seeing anything in YUI that could be used for a tristate GUI element. Is there one? ...

YUI: Aligning the baseline of a YUI button with the text next to it

Possible Duplicate: Aligning the baseline of a YUI button with the baseline of the text next to it I'd like to display a YUI button next to some text, but the baseline of the YUI button text does not line up with the baseline of the text next to it. My text size and font for both the button text and text next to it is identica...