
Whats the correct CSS to apply to a YUI menu bar?

I am trying to figure out the best way to use CSS sprites as header images for a YUI menu control. I have a CSS sprite with the following CSS : .navImg0{width:61px;height:23px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;background-image:url('/dynamicimage/navigation');background-position:-0px -0px;} .navImg0:hover{width:61...

How can I reference the element that contains the event from the function called?

From inside of the fireAlert() function, how can I reference the element that called it, without having to pass this as an argument through the link? <script type="text/javascript"> //function function fireAlert(){ alert(); } </script> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="fireAlert();">Fire</a> ...

YUI Editor (RTE): Insert HTML element and place cursor inside

I have a problem. I've been trying to tackle it for a while now and I'm ready to explode. Here's my requirement: I have an external toolbar (not part of YUI) above the editor that I want to use to insert HTML tags. The user should be able to click a link on the toolbar after which a few things may happen: If there's any selected text, ...

Synchronous GET request with YUI 2.7?

hi, i'm relatively new to YUI - browsing their great docs, i do not find a method or a flag to load an external resource synchronously. or the question the other way around; for each matched node i need to call a method, which inserts something at the node; with asynchronous calls the remembered identifiers seem to mess up. therefore...

Translate the following jQuery code to YUI 2.x code

Disclaimer: I have no experience using YUI at all. I was wondering how the following lines of jQuery code would look when written in YUI. Also, since YUI is using a hierarchical dependency system, which .js files need to be included in order for the code to work? 1. Given the ID of an HTML element, apply multiple style rules on the e...

Good CSS for flashes (aka info messages in Rails, growls in OSX)

I'm having difficulty getting CSS to work like I want it to for flashes (those little messages that show when you log in or do something or whatnot to confirm your action, eg in Rails). I want it to: live within any arbitrary div look like a centered box with text in it be only as big as needed to fit the text (if less than specified ...

How to cancel drop event in YUI drag & drop utility?

We are using drag & drop utility between one source and multiple targets. We have a restriction that one of the target can only have one child element while the other ones can have multiple items. I have tried subscribing dragDropEvent of the proxy item and returning false in case the destination target has multiple child elements, wit...

What are best practices for handling WsiWyg text from an editor such as the YUI Rich text editor?

I'm looking for any experience someone can share regarding the usage of a rich text editor such as YUI's rich text editor. In particular I'm interested in how to deal with or prevent issues with Cross site scripting Image or attachment handling Any similar questions you can provide links to or web articles would be appreciated. ...

First Column of a Grid is the headers?

Is there a way (using jquery, yui or some other js library) to display a grid that has the headers in the first column? That is, I would have something like: Name Geoffrey EMail GMan67@.. Username GJFM Instead of: Name EMail Username Geoffrey GMan67@.. GJFM G-Man ...

JavaScript frameworks and CSS frameworks: JQuery, YUI, neither, or something else?

I haven't done web development for about 6 years. I'm trying to get back into it and there is a lot of new stuff out there. I've chosen to write my next project with Perl and Catalyst. I keep hearing about various JavaScript and CSS frameworks. I know very little about these frameworks so maybe this question is overly broad and ope...

how do I link my YUI datatable so it is resized when the YUI layout panel it is in is resized

I'm developing a fairly simple database fed web app, that really just displays the contents of a DB in a grid control. I have a YUI datatable control which displays the data in a grid, and it resides inside a YUI layout control which splits my screen into 4 panels. The datable is sized to fit entirely into one panel of the yui layout co...

yui and server-side pagination

I'm using YUI 2.7.0, and I've gotten the client-side pagination down, and am now trying to get the server-side pagination down (The query could possibly return thousands of results). Right now, no results are being shown (I get the "No records found." message). Can't seem to find an answer on the web. The call to alert() shows the correc...

How to use YUI's

I experienced with JQuery and new to YUI. I'm looking for YUI's equivalent of the JQuery "$(document).ready". I found "onDOMReady". If I have a .JS document with a large number of functions, what is the right way to wrap them all in "onDOMReady"? ...

jQuery version of YAHOO.lang (isUndefined, isNull, isString etc.)

Does anyone know of a jQuery plugin that has 'helpers' or extensions like those found in the YAHOO.lang namespace? I have in mind functions such as: isNull isDefined isString isFunction I would also appreciate the same kind of thing for strings and arrays, such as Contains, StartsWith (I know these are easy to write, I'm just looking...

How to make YUI lighter and faster?

I've seen many sites based on YUI, but all are very slow-responding. Is there any good solution for this, to make those javascript files lighter and faster? I've now already used a yuicompressor and another javascript compressor, but it is still too slow. It seems YUI considers too many corner cases so that each file is very big. If th...

Permission denied to call method Location.toString

I'm using YUI, and sometimes I'll see this "Permission denied to call method Location.toString" error, It's reported in connection.js, I didn't find any clue why this error occur yet. Very strange ...

Can't get YUI Autocomplete to work

I've spent the last several hours reading through YUI docs and code and I'm not able to get this working. My remote data source is XML. I have a local proxy acting to retrieve the remote data. I've confirmed via Firebug that as I am typing in the input field, the requests are being sent off and the data is being returned. However, the ...

How to give a page focus again so that the space bar pages down in FF?

I have an ajax script with a "get more posts" button that inserts a couple screens/viewports worth of information. In doing this, the document looses focus at some point and thus the default behavior of the space bar (page down) doesn't work in firefox. How can I focus the document again to regain the default behavior? What components c...

YUI Calendar: How to disable the nextMonth click

Hi, In the YUI Calendar header there are left/right arrows (links) that changes the current month. I'd like to be able to disable the click event of this links. I tried using changePageEvent() but it happens after the month have changed. YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener didn't seem to work (maybe I'm doing it wrong). thanks ...

Optimum query delay for autocomplete

In a yui AutoComplete or similar how many milliseconds are you using as query delay (time between the last key input and the request to the server)? I recently changed the default value of an autocomplete cotrol similar to yui's from 750ms to 280ms using Keystroke-Level Model as a reference. Any other useful references out there? ...