
z index background issue in IE

I have a jQuery tools scroller set up with controls managing two separate divs of info - one images, the other related text that needs to sit over the top of the images with a transparent bg image. I am using z-indexing to achieve this and am aware of IE's issues with this but am unable to sort it (tested in IE6-8). Image of the issue be...

IE7 is messing up the z-index property with my subnav (although I've already fixed that!)

OK, so I had this issue with my jQuery subnav in IE7 where it was scrolling down behind the main content after the header. Did a fair bit of research and found a great fix involving simply applying a z-index value to the header, and one to the main content. All was well. Or so I thought. Turns out IE7 is still messing up the subnav z-i...

CSS JQuery Tools Slider Z-Index Layering Issue

I have a complex layering situation for the website: http://andstones.ca/contact/ where I use a large background image for the content to scroll in and out of... Only problem is the transparent image covers up the content and makes links unclickable? Any idea for a fix that keeps the slider looking the way it does now? Thanks, Kor...

IE z-index Issue

Looking good here in the result, but I can't achieve the same in IE. Is there any workaround for this? JsFiddle for this: http://jsfiddle.net/3f3Xa/ Many thanks for your help! ...

Dropdown menu + slideshow in content z-index issue

I'm having a problem where a slideshow (using jQuery Cycle) gets rendered in front of a dropdown menu in the navigation. The weird thing is that everything works in Internet Explorer but in Firefox, Chrome and other decent browsers. I suppose this has to do with z-index, but I'm not sure how to fix it. You can view the code on http:/...

parent zIndex problem IE6 and IE7

For my understand. I need to put div 2 in front of div 3. How can I do this in IE6 and IE7. All of others browsers works normal. Here is my code. CSS div { position:absolute; } #div1 { background:#0F9; top:0; left:0; width:500px; height:400px; } #div2 { back...

Z-INDEX HELP to bring link to front.

Okay so i have a nav bar on top of the webpage and on the nav there is a log in link. but i have another login link and i have set the css so that it would be perfictly above the nav but the nav bar is above it even though i set it to z-index 444; and the bar is 443 HELP PLEASE THANKS IN ADVANCED. CODE: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C...

jQuery's $('#divOne').animate({zIndex: -1000}, 2000) does not work?

I tried jQuery's $('#divOne').animate({zIndex: -1000}, 2000) to that element which has a z-index of 1000, but it is still above the other elements? (If I use firebug to change it to -1000 then it will be below other elements) ...

Why an HTML element being changed to "position: relative" will cover up other elements?

I have a div 300 x 200px, and put some words in it with 180px font-size. Below it, there are 2 images. So naturally, the images cover up the words, because the images are at a later stage of the document, so it will cover up previous elements. (if the HTML elements are viewed as in a tree structure, then it is the order of depth-first...

Negative margin, z-index and click blocking

I'm using negative margins to layout two columns: <div id="left-column"><input type="checkbox" /></div> <div id="right-column"> <div id="right-column-inner"></div> </div> Css: #left-column { width: 200px; float: left;} #right-column { margin-left: -200px; width: 100%; float: left;} #right-column-inner { margin-left: 200px; float:...

Why is z-index not working for this webpage?

Open up http://irule.at/quovadis, and it will show you a regular theme. The problem is that the div photos is not showing up. It's most likely hiding behind body/html because of the z-index, but I want them to show behind the divs in the middle. How do I fix this? ...

IE7 making jQuery animate() visible

If you check out this site: www.pensardevelopment.com/TEST/ you'll immediately see what's happening. In IE7 (don't have to accommodate for 6 thank god), the image animation is visible when it's supposed to be masked whereas all other browsers hide it. What gives? ...

CSS: Child div overlapping parent

I have something vaguely like the following: <div id="body"> surrounding text <div id="pane" style="overflow: auto; height: 500px; width: 500px;"> lots and lots of text here <span id="some_bit">tooltip appears below-right of here</span> </div> more surrounding text (should be overlapped by tooltip) </div> and: <div i...

Child Indexes in AS3

I've got an app in as3 that at first adds a sort of container to the stage then as you progress through the app it adds and removes children from that container. I wrote a modal function to display errors. When I call on this function it adds all the necessary children to the stage and then fades them in. What I've found is that it place...

can I override z-index inheritance from parent element?

is there anyway to override z-index inheritance from parent elements when using absolute position. I want 2222 div to be on top of 0000 div <div style="background-color:green; z-index:10; position:relative">OOOO</div> <div style="background-color:yellow; z-index:5; position:relative">1111<div style="position:absolute; background-color:...

Sandwich div between two other divs in separate container in IE6

I'm working on a tricky design with several layers, and it requires me to layer a div between two other overlapping divs in a separate container. Here's my simplified example which works in Firefox, but not IE6 (which is of course the client's browser of choice): http://dawnup.com/sandwich Source: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHT...

Change Google Maps polyline z-index

Hi. I'm using the Google Maps API v3 directions service to calculate a route between two points. There are a lot of markers on my map and I want the polyline of the route to overlap the markers, so that the route is always visble. How can I do that? I tried to use PolylineOptions.zIndex, but this z-index value is calculated with regards...

CSS z-index issue

I have the following setup on 2 div tags: <div id='div1' style='position: absolute; z-index: 2;'> </div> <div id='div2' style='z-index: 999;'> </div> The problem is tha the second div tag contains a link which is not clickable, meaning that the intiail div tag (or DIV1) is on top of it preventing me from being able to click div2. I...

iframe z-index dropdown menu

Due to the structure of my website, i am forced to use a iframe to display the dropdown menu html file. if not, I am not able to see the dropdown in IE. Here is the code I am using. <iframe id="a"name="FRAMENAME" src="http://website.com/dropdown.html" width="1000" style="position:relative" background="#F3F0ED" style="z-index:10000" heig...

how do I prevent other elements from being affected by overflow hidden?

I have a parent element that has dynamic text in it that needs to be confined into a certain area. I had users that where writing sentences without using spaces (example:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy etc...) This was breaking the structure of my styled text area. #ProfileCommentBody{ width:500px; font-family:Arial, He...