
Zend Framework form with jquery

Any one a idea how to simply create a form with Zend_Form and jquery? I want to use Zend_Form to validate the form so I don't have to dual script the form in JavaScript and PHP. Thank you, Ivo Trompert ...

Zend Framework - Static form elements

I have got a form which a user can use to create a new store and to edit an existing one. When this form is being used to edit a store there are certain fields that I want the user to see but not edit eg. store_id. I have explored the different Zend_Form_Elements hoping to find some kind of static element but with no luck. So my questi...

How to put 2 buttons in a row in one Zend_Form

I assume it's a common requirement to have forms in your web apps that have Edit Delete buttons under them. But ZF puts one button under another, which is counter-intuitive. I guess ViewScript decorator could help me completely override button html. But how to do it across other forms, to avoid duplicating? May be I am overcomplicating ...

Zend From Decorators not working with ZendX_JQuery_Form

I am using two decorator - To get tabular form alignment - To get date picker (ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_DatePicker) both are working individually, but not at a same time Error: Warning: Exception caught by form: Cannot render jQuery form element without at least one decorator implementing the 'ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_UiWidgetEl...

Zend Framework Zend_Form Decorators: <span> Inside Button Element?

I have a button element that I've created like so: $submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('submit'); $submit->setLabel('My Button'); $submit->setDecorators(array( 'ViewHelper', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li')) )); $submit->setAttrib('type', 'submit'); This generates the following HTML: <li> <label for="submit" clas...

How can I output HTML from a Zend Validation Error?

I am trying to get this Zend Validator to output a link that goes to a resetpass form. At the moment, it is simply outputting the HTML as text. Any ideas on how to get it writing to the page as HTML? Thanks! Here's my code: protected $_authAdapter; protected $_messageTemplates = array( self::NOT_UNIQUE => 'This email has alre...

Is there a Zend_Form_Element that renders a plain div with some content?

Working on a bunch of forms at the moment and I'm finding that I want to be able to split a form into sections with some text in between. Is there a Zend_Form_Element that simply allows me to place some text mixed in with my form (not as a label or description linked to an individual input)? Thanks! ...

dojo.data is undefined Flitering select

hi, I am having a few problems with Dojo Filtering Selects when using the Zend Framework Forms and need some help to find out what I have missed as this is driving me mad. I am currently getting this errors in firebug: dojo.data is undefined dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore is not a constructor Below is the code that I am using to cre...

How do I print the html element hidden in Zend_Form_Element_Select

I have a form which I create manually (a lot of JS in it...). I am using the Zend_Form classes in the server side to validate input and some more. Is there a way to get a Zend_Form_Element_Select (or any other element) to be rendered without rendering the entire Zend_Form object? ...

How to remove dd and dt html elements when rendering a Form element in ZF?

I am rendering in my view a Zend_Form_Element_Select. $t=new Zend_Form_Element_Select(....); ... ... echo $t->render(); I get the drop down and the options correctly, but I also get the select element wrapped in <dt> </dt> <dd>[elm]</dd> How do I remove that decorator? ...

How to change the value of a Zend_Form_Element_Submit

I have several forms which the only difference is the text in the submit button. I am trying to change the Submit text by changing it's value, but to no avail. $form=getForm()//get a full Zend_Form object with elements. $form->getElement('mySubmit')->setValue('new value'); .... .... $form->render(); //This will still put 'mySubmit' in t...

Zend_Form decorators ordering (Errors before form element issue)

Hello, I have the following Zend_Form code to apply to form element decorators: $decorators = array( 'ViewHelper', 'Description', array('break' => 'HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'br', 'openOnly'=>true)), array('Label', array('class' => 'formLabel', 'separator'=>' ', 'requiredSuffix' => ' <em class="requiredForm...

Action View Helper in Zend - Work around?

I'm working on building up an interface that I want to function as a "tabbed browsing" sort of function. Each of these tabs has already been written as an action and the tabbed interface works fine as links to the individual tabs. I decided to try writing the "index" page for this controller - putting the content of all the tabs into h...

Is there a built in way in Zend-Form to hide the value of the SUBMIT input field?

If I build a form: $search_words = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('text'); $search_words->setRequired(true)->setDecorators(array(array('ViewHelper'))); $form->addElement($search_words); $go = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('gogogo'); $go->setDecorators(array(array('ViewHelper'))) ->setIgnore(true); $form->addElement($go); ...

Refactoring a Zend_View_Helper_Action widget, utilizing Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger, into a model

I've tried to create a login widget that can be included at will in any action that is outside the content of the application that requires login. My thought here was that I wanted a DRY-approach for rendering the login box with any error messages from a previous login attempt. To enable this I utilized the FlashMessenger for saving the ...

Zend_Form and OOP design patterns

What is right way when using Zend_Form to create concrete application forms 1) Using "extends" and derived class class MyForm extends Zend_Form { public function __construct() { $el = $this->createElement('text', 'el'); $this->addElement($el); // ... } } 2) Or using delegation/proxy pattern class MyForm { private $_form;...

Zend framework common code for all the controllers

I have a login button in the header of the website. This header's html is programmed into Zend framework views/layouts/home.phtml. I have a hidden form in this layout that is triggered by jQuery thickbox inline content display integration. Reason, I dont want to make a ajax call to just fetch a small login form. I create the form us...

Form builder like Zend_Form_Html or ExtJS Form for JQuery

I was wondering if there is a JavaScript based HTML Form builder, similar to what you can do with Zend_Form_Html or with the ExtJS Forms but based on JQuery? There are several form related plugins but you still have to code every form manually. The idea is, that I usually only want to edit/add single entities from my Domain Model (e.g. i...

Better ways of using Zend_Form in Zend MVC

When using Zend_Form I find myself creating a lot of controller methods that look like this: function editPersonAction() { $model = $this->getPersonModel(); $form = $this->getPersonEditForm(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() { $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); //$form->populate($data); [removed in edit] ...

How to apply stripslashes() to all form elements prior to output with Zend_Form

How do I apply stripslashes() to all form elements prior to output with Zend_Form? I have tried: //the filter class lib_filters_Stripslashes implements Zend_Filter_Interface{ public function filter($value){ return stripslashes($value); } } ... ... ... //In the form $form->setElementFilters(array(new lib_filters_Stripsla...