
Getting total number of rows using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in Zend DB Table Select

Is there a way to get the total number of rows in Zend db select like with using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in a regular mysql query. I haven't been able to find a similar functionality for this apart from running the same query without the limit clause. ...

UNION and NOT IN Mysql Operation with Zend framework

Hi, I need to execute the following mysql query in Zend;I am not an excpert with Zend framework SELECT `optionride`.`featureoption_id`, `optionride`.`featureoptionride_id`,`foption`.`featureoptionblock_id`, `foption`.`labelname`,`optionride`.`value` FROM `engine4_ride_featureoptionrides` AS `optionride` LEFT JOIN `engine4_ride_featu...

How to call a method before the mehtod of requested controller is executed : magento

Hello Experts, I want to call a method before the execution of every and each controller's method. I don't want to go and call the method in every method. I just want to call it from one place and it will be called before any method of any controller in magento. And I am sure we can do this but I don't know how it can be accomplished. ...

zend framework question

Hi stackworld, Well heres my question. In my project im using a rest service to authenticate clients. That part is ok as I have used a simple authentication by hashing a user id and a password together. After the authentication I want to open to the users few other rest services through the modular scheme in zend framework. I am curre...

Zend Routing can this be done

This is possible in Symfony with some routing magic but in Zend I'm not sure how to do this. I want to make this url http://example.com/unit/view/id/[15] look like this instead http://example.com/unit/[15]/view/[name] where unit/view is the controller/action and id/15 is parameter key=>value, and [name] is the name of the unit be...

PDO to Zend_Db_Select with JOIN

I have this query: SELECT groups.name categories.name, categories.label FROM groups JOIN categories ON (categories.group1 = groups.id OR categories.group2 = groups.id) AND groups.label = :section AND categories.active = 1 Now, this is my JOIN using Zend_Db_Select but it gives me array error $select...

How to display data from 2 related tables in Zend Framework

Hello I need help with displaying data from 2 table. So i Have 2 models: //Klasy.php class Model_Klasy extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'klasy'; protected $_primary = 'id'; protected $_referenceMap = array( 'Nauczyciele' => array( 'columns' => array('Wychowawca'), 'refTableCla...

PHP Propel-gen to zend framework naming convention

I am playing with the build settings in my build.properties file for propel (version 1.5.4) but don't get it right. Example: Table News should have class Model_News in ./Model/News.php class Model_Base_News in ./Model/Base/News.php My main problems: propel adds the project name as a folder between Model and News.php like: /Model/p...

JQuery Datepicker in Zend Framework not showing correctly

Hi, I have the following problem: I made a form, wich extends from Zend_Form, where I added a ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_Datepicker like you can see in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/uGFpH.png But when I view that page in the browser, the datepicker seems to work, but the layout is messed up. See this picture: i.imgur.com/MuFSQ.png ...

zend framework breadcrumb

Is there way how to get breadcrumbs for specific page by it´s id? My attempt follows but i get only page label. No breadcrumb path. $view = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer')->view; $page = $view->navigation ()->findBy ('id', 'menuCategory29'); // work fine page label is displayed echo $page->getTitle(...

Indexing previous records with Doctrine (and Symfony!) with Zend Lucene

I have a Symfony application that uses Doctrine as its ORM. Based on Symfony's "Practical symfony" book, I have Zend Lucene added to my web app. However, the problem is that there are around 1.1 million rows existing in the database that I want to index for Lucene as well. The only things being indexed are edited rows and the rows have...

How does one register a non menu page with Zend_Navigation?

I have an access denied page, which should not be shown in menus. However, it's possible for the user to be redirected to the access denied page. I also have a breadcrumbs section on the page, and if you go to the access denied page, it shows as blank, which is extremely ugly. I would therefore like to register the page, but not have t...

Zend XMLRPC Array Depth

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the max depth of an XMLRPC response array for a Zend_XmlRpc_Server? I am returning the following without a problem: $response = array('level1' => array('level2' => array('level3'))); but as soon as I do this it fails: $response = array('level1' => array('level2' => array('level3' => array(...

Whats the difference between a front controller plugin and an action helper?

Possible Duplicate: Zend Framework: Controller Plugins vs Action Helpers I know what the difference is technically, and how to register a front controller plugin/action helper, but it would really help me if someone with more experience in zend framework could explain me the different use cases for the two (examples would be g...

Zend_Form: Uppercase in textfield.

I want to create a textfield element in Zend Form which always type in uppercase whether CapsLock is On or Off. Thanks ...

Zend Framework: How to redirect as a POST request?

I need to POST data from inside a controller to a third party website and make sure they receive my website as the HTTP_REFERER. How can I do this? ...

Does anyone know how to get Zend_Gdata_Calendar to fetch events for secondary calendars?

I have got as far as using ClientLogin to log in to the Google Account, I can retrieve a list of the calendar names for this user (using the example code on the Dev Guide). This is great. However, when I demand a list of events (again using Google's example code) only the events for the primary calendar are returned. If it is the case ...

Is it good to cache the Zend application.ini file to make my application run faster?

If I remember correctly, parsing .ini files in PHP takes a long time. So, why not cache it (the file won't change during a request) What is the best way to do this? Or are there any reasons not to do it? ...

Parsing XML response in PHP (and/or Zend Framework)

I am using the Zend Framework and using Zend_Http_Client to make a POST request to a third party API. $client = new Zend_Http_Client('http://api.com'); $client->setParameterPost(array( 'param1' => 'value' )); $response = $client->request('POST'); echo $response->getBody(); This API returns an XML document as its response. <?xml...

performing mysql transactions with master and slave setup?

how do you deal with transactions when you have master and slave db setup? typically i do all the reads from slaves and writes from master but when performing transactions, it seems i need to do reads from master (the one which is performing the transactions) and so i can't have all my transactions all in one place ... im also using ze...