
How to implement multiple language in zend framework?

Hello, I want to implement multiple language in my site using zend framework. I need step by step solution, i got some solution but not able to understand. Thanks in advance. Kanji ...

Social Engine Zend Framework - Dynamic Ajax dropdown for Country / State / City

Hi Friends, I am working with Social Engine which is based on Zend Framework and Smarty Templates. I need to make custom functionality for profile page, where I need Ajax based Dynamic Country / State / City selections like Dropdown for Country -> on selection of some country, State will display belonging to selected country and Stat...

How can I add custom path for validators?

Zend Framework defaultly looks for validators only in this path: Zend_Validate_: Zend/Validate/ How can I make it look also in, for example: My_Validator_: My/Validator/ I can't find anything about this problem in the documentation. ...

Zend Framework, HelperBroker PHPUnit Test

Hello, This is a very specific question and I have googled lots for a potential solution but nothing that points me in the right direction. I have written a Zend_Controller_Action_Helper to help me process some forms in my application. Now in the application it works fine but it seams to of broke my tests. If I comment out the lines ...

Custom Zend_Form element disappearing after validation

I've created a custom form element that allows me to place text in an arbitrary location in my form: <?php class Plano_Form_Element_Note extends Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml { public $helper = 'formNote'; /** * Default decorators * * @return void */ public function loadDefaultDecorators() { if (...

Where does Zend_Form fit in the Model View Controller paradigma

The Zend Framework is mainly meant for MVC use. One of the very usefull components is Zend_Form. I have a bit trouble finding the place of Zend_Form. Is it part of the view, model, or controller and which responsibilities should I give it. The thing is, Zend_Form does two things: decorate and render the form and validate it. The first ...

Is it good practice to make static find methods in Doctrine models

Sometimes I have complicated find procedures and I'm feeling dirty to repeat this code in my Controller. Now I am thinking, it is possible to do something like this: class User extends BaseUser { private static function getTable() { return Doctrine_Core::getTable('User'); } public static function findAll() ...

Is Zend ACL suitable for permissions for content by owner

I think Zend ACL is used to give permissions to user types (student, teacher). Can it be used to give permissions on per content basis. What I mean is this blog post was written by this user and they can edit it. Others can't edit it. Can Zend ACL work with this requirement? ...

Problem with zend validate on zend form element

Hi all, I used to have this form element to validate an email and display an error message if the format was invalid: $email_users = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email_users'); $email_users->setLabel('Email:') ->setRequired(false) ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addFilter(...

Zend_Config_XML encoding issue

Hello I am creating a XML navigation for my website. This line below is causing a simpleXML issue: <label>Osnabr&Atilde;&frac14;ck</label> My PHP code, using HTMLentities has changed Osnabrück into Osnabrck . However, when trying to parse my XML with this line in it, I get this error: /application/configs/navigation.xml:318: parser e...

Youtube API PHP Zend GData Direct Upload

I'm creating a web application that uploads websites from my server to youtube on behalf of the users. I have followed Google's documentation for PHP and been sucessful in obtaining a session token. Here is my code I'm using to retrieve my session token: require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); $...

Zend: Create action in a specific controller in specific module with command line

I want to create a testAction in testController of testModule with command line. So I go to tesModule directory(cd application/modules/test) and run the following command. zf.sh create action test -c test It created a action in application/modules/test/controllers/testController.php but it created testAction's test.phtml file in appl...

How to name files using gettext translations with Zend Framework

I'm using gettext translation adapter in a Zend Framework projekt. But I'm wondering what's the best practise when naming and placing these translation files within my project? At first I had APPLICATION_PATH/languages/sv_SE.po (and sv_SE.mo) But then I read about the auto searching features of Zend Framework and started wondering if it...

zend framework rest controller question

Hi guys, I have a rest controller example im trying to run that is giving me a headache. My url im trying to access is localhost/books/edit/1 For some weird reason this route seems to call the getAction with the Controller instead of the editAction. And it throws errors saying that the object doesnt exist. The controller is, class B...

Zend Lucene is under processing now... crashed my website

{Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception} Index is under processing now This is what i get in my error log which makes crash the 50% of my website. What should i do to fix that please ? Thanks ...

zend framework posting json via rest

Hi guys, Im trying to build an authenticating api with rest and also post a large object. Im talking about posting number of items such as some information about a car and its owner and store the information at a db level. is rest the way to go with this or use soap ? and if so any ideas how i can post json objects ? Much appreciate it....

report generation using zend + mssql server + doctrine ORM

Hi All, I want to create report (.csv) using Zend + Doctrine ORM + MS Sql Server. Can any help on this. Thanks in advance. Raja ...

zend database error output

Hi, I cant see my error of Sql. It cuts my queries, and the error is meaningless except it informs there is an error. Like error in statement "select * from o.." how can I get full query, so i can investigate how the error occured? I previously wrote a sql function that throws debugging string if sql has error. I though zend'ers have...

In your opinion, when using the Zend Framework is it bad practice to have a view script with out an associated action?

I ask because in my Zend Framework app I use some view scrips that do not have an action associated with them. (Similar to the example on page 102 in the Zend Pro Framework Techniques book http://books.google.com/books?id=znA1LgQSxsoC&amp;lpg=PP1&amp;dq=Pro%20Zend%20Framework%20Techniques%3A%20Build%20a%20Full%20CMS%20Project&amp;pg=PP1#...

Propel ORM data fixtures

If I have a yml data fixture file called mydata.yml User: anonymous: nickname: anonymous first_name: Anonymous david: nickname: david first_name: David How do I tell propel where to find this file. Do I need to add any instructions to the build.properties and how do I run it to insert the data into the database ...