
Where can I get free JavaFx pdf books?

Hi everyone, I want to learn JavaFx. Help me by providing some useful book links. ...

Best material (book) to learn plugin architecture using C#

Can someone please suggest good reading material to learn the concepts of plugin architecture using C#? ...

Can anyone recommend any good learning resources for an experienced PHP web developer wanting to move to ASP.NET?

I'm an experienced PHP web developer and am wanting to learn ASP.NET so that I can consider going for ASP.NET jobs. I've looked at a few introduction to ASP.NET books but I always find that they start far to simple and cover the basics of HTML and general web development. I'm looking for learning resources that will help me make that tr...

Good books and resources on user interface testing

I am looking for good books and articles on user-interface testing. What they should contain (one or more of): different test methods/strategies examples, use cases naming pros and cons for different methods testing functionality testing usability (less important for my me but still good) something important I might have forgotten :-) ...

Which Stroustrup book should I use?

I'm a C# programmer that is looking to branch out. I'm bored of writing business software and want to start getting into graphics programming and games/simulators. So I figured, although writing that stuff isn't impossible in managed code, the "right" way to do that would be to look to C++, of course focussing on the language first, th...

C++ Primer (Stanley Lippman) or The C++ programming language (special edition)

I have a Computer Science degree (long2 time ago) .. I do know Java OOP but i am now trying to pick up C++. I do have C and of course data structure using C or pascal. I have started reading Bjarne Stroustrup book (The C++ Programming Language - Special Edition) but find it extremely difficult esp. some section which i don't have expo...

Question about spring manning-in-action

I saw people asking about best book for learning spring, and I came across manning.spring in action was recommended most of the time so I decided to give it a go. The thing is the author offers some pretty reasonable explanations, puzzle by puzzle it gets in your head, than you just need to code it and you're done, you get it(this is h...

Object Oriented PHP books

Hi, I've realised just how rusty my knowledge of PHP 5 and advanced PHP programming is after completing some questions for a test. I seriously need to read a book or something. Any recommendations for PHP 5 books? ...

Best book for Magento

Hi, can any developer tell me the best book of Magento for developer ? ...

WCF Advanced Books

Hi, I've read all questions like mine and found a few good links. My question is about architect of WCF, how it is designed, how is generated reference.vb, wsdl and xsd files. How can I do that manually, some good examples of WCF Systems (mostly on desktop applications over TCP). I'd like a book or documentation or anything else, tha...

What are good educational resources for setting up .Net Webservice on a DMZ connecting to SQL Server?

We are going to begin implementing a web service that will be hosted on a DMZ server. This web server will post data to a SQL server and we're trying to determine the best methodology to handle this. Things that concern us are web service authentication, SOAP, and whether or not to store the database on the DMZ or the local network. This...

R6RS on dead trees?

Is it possible to buy the full R6RS in book form? It has, I believe, been published in the Journal of Functional Programming, but I do not subscribe to it. On the other hand, the full R6RS should be a few hundred pages at most. Is there any way to buy a hard copy? ...

Blackberry Developers Books

Hey guys, So i've been making themes for blackberry for awhile now, and this spring im going to get into development for the blackberry. I have experience in Java so not looking for anything too basic. I know i can just look around in the api and get started, however i rather have some direction and get an overlook before going in head...

SAS tutorial, books

Is there any good tutorial for SAS? Any recommended books? I have seen a lot of materials for R/S-Plus, but so few for SAS. Thanks! ...

Best book regarding NP-hard, NP-complete, P =? NP

What is the best book for a student learning about concepts such as NP-hard, NP-complete and P=?NP? I've already got the CLR but it doesn't really cover these particular topics as thoroughly. ...

Was there a book about the creation of NT4?

Someone told me once there was a good novel around the story of the development of NT4. Does anyone know about this novel, what was its name? ...

What is the most effective concise BOOK if you want to go over C++ aspects in relatively short time?

Hi, this is my first time using stackoverflow. pretty thrilled. lol. anyway, there are hell of a lot books out there to teach you C++. But i was wondering whats the best well-known book to pick? I have pretty solid base in programming and I just wanna go over it fast. so any recommendations?! sorry for the cheesy question! ...

What is the best book on UML for software developers?

There appear to be many ways to apply and use UML in software design. There are also many books which apply UML and seem to have a different spin on the way it is used. Which book or collection of books related to UML would you recommend to improve your software design skills? ...

Blogs / books with advise, tips and information from developers

Good Morning. I've been reading Joel Spolsky's (joelonsoftware) articles and they are full of good information and tips. He's a good writer and well worth reading. I am wondering what other good blogs/articles/books are out there written by similar people - really after leaders/managers/biz owners who are/were developers. Hope that ma...

Good book for sql

I always considered database as a storage . but never thought it can be used for querying across tables etc. Which is a good book for sql for a developer. not just the syntax. How to write a query in different ways How internally queries are executed.etc especially related to microsoft sql server ...