
Universal Sorting Function for PHP without the Locale Hassle

I asked a very similar question a while back and I was wondering if correctly sorting an array with UTF-8 chars got a little easier with the new improvements of PHP 5.3+. The solution provided in my previous question works, but I'm looking for a universal solution; one that doesn't depend on the locale specified - kind of what MySQL doe...

How do I use UTF in a Rails URL?

I have the following route in routes.rb: map.resources 'protégés', :controller => 'Proteges', :only => [:index] # # this version doesn't work any better: # map.resources 'proteges', :as => 'protégés', :only => [:index] When I go to "http://localhost:3000/protégés" I get the following: No route matches "/prot%C3%A9g%C3%A9s" with {:met...

Internationalizating images in Flex

I have a button in Flex that has mx:skin set to an image, but i want to set it so that when i change the language the image change as well. The code is something like the following: <mx:Button id="btnMain"> <mx:skin>@Embed(source='main/resources/images/ABA_MAIN_IDLE.png')</mx:skin> The way i handle i18n is by using a class called ...

For a states dropdown, should you list CA provinces by default?

This isn't exactly a programming question, but it relates to web forms, and the generation of markup for states/provinces. My site is by default the en-US locale and there is no Canadian version, should I list the Canadian provinces or should I just have a label that says something like "Other ( Province )" ? I'm realizing th...

Java i18n: use one ResourceBundle accessor per package, or one for whole project?

I don't know anything about internationalization. I have a project with several packages. I am using Eclipse's built-in "Externalize Strings" wizard to extract String constants in my classes to a properties file and replace those Strings with calls to a static accessor. So instead of System.out.println("Hello, world!"); I end up with...

Drupal: displaying a language switcher only when the content is translated

I have multi-language website in Drupal, but not all content is translated. I want the language switcher block to appear in a content page only if there's a translation for that content. The language switcher block uses the function translation_path_get_translations to get the path of the translated version of the content being viewed. ...

Where do I find default translation resources?

I'm looking for default translations for program menu's and button texts (from english to german, french, etc.), in order to avoid making silly mistakes. Are they different for the different platforms (windows vs. mac vs linux)? ...

Best Practices for writing software to be consumed internationally (i18n)

I am looking for opinions from experts that have written software consumed internationally. I would like to understand the best practices people have employeed at each logical softare layer (Data (rdbms), Business (middleware), User Interface). Thanks for any help you can give. ...

i18n and Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES

hi i want translate the names in Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES in ita and so i've put in locales/it.yml this: date: formats: default: "%d-%m-%Y" short: "%d %b" long: "%d %B %Y" day_names: [Domenica, Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato] abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mer, Gio, Ven, Sab] in my view i try to translate a d...

java mail - charset problem

I am having problem with Java Mail API. I can successfully send mail, but some special characters (from ISO-8859-2 languages like czech, slovak) are not shown in mail. They are damaged even in IDE output. What am I doing wrong? Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); msg.setContent(message, "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2") ...

Using EC2 for validation testing

I've got a desktop application that I need to test in several different languages. I could build a VMWare image for each language that I need. But I was wondering if I could somehow use EC2 instead. I've seen this question, but it is asking about running VMWare in EC2. I want to know if I can use EC2 instead of VMWare. What kind of in...

Getting translation strings for jinja2 templates integrated with django 1.x?

I can use jinj2 templates with django via render_to_response defined as below from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist, Context from django.utils import translation from itertools import chain from jinja...

Java i18n: Where to get the decimal grouping character for a locale

Question: Where do I have to look when I want to know which character will be used for decimal grouping when using a given locale? I tried the following code: Locale locale = new Locale("Finnish", "fi"); DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(locale); System.out.println(format.format(12345678.123)); Probl...

iPhone : Is it possible to split Localizable.strings in many files

Hi there, I'd like to know if it is possible to "distribute" the translation resources (my "Localizable.strings" files) in many subfiles. Indeed, in my application, I store text articles in many folders, and I'd like to put the translations of each articles just aside the original article, that means in its own folder. To summarize, I...

i18n cannot find resource bundle

I have placed translation file in folder /WEB-INF/i18n/, but I get following error message. What could be wrong here? java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name, locale fi_FI java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(Unknown Source) java.util.ResourceBundle.getBu...

Design Tables to hold multi-Country data

We're becoming an international company and I have been tasked with designing how we're going to store the different countries' specific data. Such as language, postal code regex, telephone number regex, country calling codes, currency, etc. Currently we have tables like these: Countries, Languages, CountryLanguages, CountryCallingCod...

spring 3 mvc intercept all requests

Hi im wondering would it be possible to create global interceptor and set locale there. I have urlrewrite rules to rewrite /fr/* to /*?siteLang=fr I see examples how to set locale based on parameter but they all are the same and require me to use url mappings. Is it possible to do it globally so that locale interceptor gets called on e...

PHP: Displaying Korean Text in a Webpage

How to display Korean Text in a webpage. i have been using these meta tags and headers <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="ko"/> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/> ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); header('Content-Ty...

Grails set language (internationalization) via URL mappin

Hi all, I'm interested in supporting English and French in my Grails app with user-friendly URL. format: /appname/language/controller/action example: /store/en/product/list What is the best way without passing as a parameter (?lang=fr) then rewriting the URL. Thanks ...

Change encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-2 in Javascript

I would like to change string encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-2 in Javascript. How can I do it? I need it because I've designed a widget. User just copies < script > tag from my site and puts it on his. This script creates div and puts into div widget contents with text. If target website is in UTF-8 encoding - it works fine. But when ...