
Displaying dates in localized format on Android

I'm currently building my first app for Android. What I'm having trouble with is the storage and localized display of dates in connection with a SimpleCursorAdapter. I have a class that encapsulates access to an SQLite DB with three tables. This class takes care of storing all dates in ISO format ("yyyy-MM-dd"). When the date values are ...

Internationalization in VB.Net : Choosing the right structure type

Hello! I'm about to start translating my application, and I don't want to use the default methods provided by Visual Studio to do so. I need my application to be very light, and it nearly doubles it size to use the resources option. Therefore, I'm planning to use some thing like a class, of which I would have one instance per la...

Symfony i18n table: Ways to get fallback default value?

Hi, I'm building a city names table in MySQL with about 10K rows to be a Symfony i18n table. Basically, the default culture is en_US and every city in the table is initially of this culture. Over time, I'd like to add to the table only those cities that might have an alternative name in a different language, such as "London (en_US) / Lo...

How to parameterize/transliterate in Javascript?

In Ruby on Rails you can easily convert "any" text into a format which would work for subdomains/pathnames. 1) "I am nobody." -> "i-am-nobody" 2) "Grünkohl is a german word." -> "grunkohl-is-a-german-word" I'd like to do this on the client-side for high responsiveness (alternative would be via Ajax). The last example is called transl...

How does the xml:lang & lang attribute affect the rendering of XHTML Strict 1.0 pages ?

I peeked inside the source of a public website which uses the XHTML 1.0 Strict DOCTYPE and noticed that it specifies two attribute related to the language of the page. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja"> The page is in Japanese by the way. My question is this:- I suspect that the attribute xml:lang & ...

Scanner for missing translation keys in Rails application

I am wondering if there are any tools available to scan for missing translation keys in a Rails application. eg if I have in my code <%= t :Submit %> but my English translation file does not contain submit: submit, I would like to be able to run a tool that tells me which keys are missing. ...

How should I design my application so that it is easy to offer multiple languages?

I am currently building an web app using mostly PHP and JavaScript. What is the best way to design an app so that it is easy to make it available in multiple languages? Originally it will only be in English but I may want to make it available in other languages in the future. ...

Doctrine Sluggable Behavior for Foreign Relations

I have a database design case which I am curios whether Doctrine ORM supports it out-of-box. Product:   columns:     id: {type: integer, primary: true, autoincrement: true }     type_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }     brand_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }   relations:     ProductType:       class: ProductType       loc...

How to enable fallback in I18n with globalize2

So that's the problem. In my application globalize2 returns a NIL string if there's no translation on some record, instead of falling back to default_locale. I wonder how to enable thin functionality? Does anyone figured that out? ...

MPFR, printf, decimal places, locales, file i/o problem

A user of my program has reported problems reading a settings file written by my program. I looked at the settings file in question and instead of decimal points using the period "." it uses commas ",". I'm assuming this is to do with locales? The file i/o is using fprintf and mpfr_out_str for file output and getline combined with ato...

Set a locale for a war different from JVM's ?

My tomcat6 is running in a JVM with locale en_US. I need to deploy several webapps & I want each webapp (packaged in war files) to have a different default locale. Is this possible ? ...

Make yml translations available in Javascript files

I'm using jQuery in my current Rails project and I'd like to have some way to use the translations from my yml files in Javascript. I know that I can easily use them in my .js.erb templates. But what about the javascript files in /public/javascript? It looks like Babilu ( would do exactly what I want. ...

Slugify and Character Transliteration in C#

I'm trying to translate the following slugify method from PHP to C#: Edit: For the sake of convenience, here the code from above: /** * Modifies a string to remove al non ASCII characters and spaces. */ static public function slugify($text) { // replace non letter or digits ...

How I can use i18n Doctrine Behavior??

I'm trying to make this behavior works, but i don't know where it's crashing. How do you use this behavior? ...

i18n yellow screen of death

System.InvalidOperationException:Värdet null kan inte tilldelas en medlem av typen System.Boolean eftersom den är en värdetyp som inte kan ha värdet null. Thank you Microsoft, intentions are good, I know. As if anybody who really finds this information useful would also consider Swedish as the coding lingua franca. The Moldavians can j...

unable to export thai character into excel

Using this code <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@page import="*"%> <%@page import="com.db.action.SearchFormDBImage"%> <%@ page import=" java.util.*"%> <%@page import ="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet"%> <%@page import ="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.H...

Internationalization in a website

Dear All, I m using ResourceBundle method getBundle(Propertyfilename,Local.languagename) class which returns an object of ResourceBundle of the local rb = ResourceBundle.get Bundle("Locale Strings", Locale.ARABIC);-Not Supported How can i use this to support arabic,band english. ...

Alternatives to gettext?

Are there any general localization/translation alternatives to gettext? Open source or proprietary doesn't matter. When I say alternative to gettext, I mean a library for internationalization, with a localization backend of sorts. The reason I'm asking is because (among other things) I find the way gettext does things slightly cumbers...

ICU Unicode Normal vs Fullwidth

I am somewhat new to unicode and unicode strings. I'm trying to determine the difference between "fullwidth" symbol and a normal one. Take these two for example: Normal: Fullwidth: I notice that the fullwidth is def...

Django i18n and SEO

Hi, how do you prepare i18n in your websites? I mean what do you do avoid the situation when you search for i18ned websites in Polish you get English description cause English is the default one. Thanks in advance, Etam. ...