
typeset problem/solution pair (example) in latex

Hey guys, I'd like to know if there is a way in latex to show the following: Example 1: problem statement here Solution: solution here and wrap that in a box so that it will be noticeable. Seems like a common enough problem that there should be ready made solutions If there are any suggestions it would be much appreciated! ...

LaTeX - vertical space equivalent of \makebox ?

I'm making a LaTeX document and I'm getting success with \makebox, which puts text in an invisible box and will add extra horizontal whitespace to the end to make the whole thing fit within the size you specify. Is there something like that for vertical space? I have a few variable length paragraphs, images, etc. that I want to put in ...

What LaTeX packages are available for circuit diagrams?

I am trying to generate publication-quality circuit diagrams within a LaTeX document. What options are available? ...

Using \parindent and \parskip with \paragraph{} has no effect

I'm creating documents using the memoir class in XeLaTeX. I'm having trouble creating proper paragraph presentation, and in particular my when I create paragraphs with \paragraph{}lorem ipsum LaTeX ignores the \parskip and \parindent settings. For example, if I have a document \documentclass[oneside,11pt]{memoir} \usepackage{fontspec}%...

How to create a white-on-black style for LaTeX listings...

I've been looking at Philip Bunge's post on how to create a "Tango" style with LaTeX listings, and trying to adapt this to make the default text style white and the background black (this is for slides, not an article!). This is what I added: \definecolor{Black}{gray}{0.0} \definecolor{White}{gray}{0.9} ... \lstset{ basicstyle=\color{...

LaTeX - Proper vertical spacing on multi-line parboxes with multicols

I'm trying to get two-column typesetting working, with a list of items. However, that list has elements that are either one or two lines, i.e. Alpha Beta Zeta Alternative: Upsilon < (second line of the Zeta) Gamma Alternative: Lambda Epsilon Omega Omicron Alternative: Upsilon ... I'd like to have this list on two column...

LaTeX - Add clickable links to a section/subsection with a PDF document

I am making PDF with LaTeX. I have a few sections and subsections. I want to put a link towards the top of the document so that in the PDF someone can click on it and it'll go to that section/subsection. I know it's possible to have this with a linkable table of contents, but I don't want to make a table of contents, I need more control....

Renumbering figure in LaTeX?

How can I make figures be renumbered in a TeX document? I want the main figures to be 1, 2, 3, ...etc. But then I want a section to have supplementary figures, S1, S2, S3, S4. The "S" does not have to appear in the figure name, but I do want to reset the counter. ...

making TeX documents ragged left justified?

Hi, How can I make my entire LaTeX document (using TeXShop in Mac OS X) left justified, in a "ragged left" mode? I don't want to use blocks of \begin{flushleft} everywhere, I just want to declare somewhere in the document header that the whole document should be this way. Right now everything is fully justified (like newspapers) by de...

Latex column alignment

I have a latex document that is part of an automated system. So I cannot use fixed widths for the table as the inputs are uncertain. \begin{tabular}[t]{|l|@{\hfill}r@{ }|c|@{ }l|} \textbf{\langComponent} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{ \textbf{\shortstack{\leftresultsheader}} } \DTLforeach{resultstableA}{\colA=componentA,\colB=amountfracA,\colC=...

removing prefix from figure captions in LaTeX

I'd like to make my own caption inside \caption{} in figures of LaTeX, how can I turn off the "Figure " prefix from the captions that appear? thanks. ...

breaking up TeX references in two

I have one Bibtex file that I'd like to appear as two references. For example, if I have a set of 20 references, I want one Main References section that shows 1 through 10 and another Supplementary References section that shows references 11-20 (I want them to be numbered consecutively, not like this.) any ideas? thanks. ...

How to change the formatting/font of page numbers in latex?

I don't just mean how to switch to roman numerals, I want to change the font face and size. I'm currently using the article class, but I can't see any particular part of it responsible for the footer, so I wonder if this might not apply to a lot of classes. Edit: I don't need to make a custom page layout or pagestyle, necessarily. ...

How to print out equations in Mathematica

How do i define, that formula should not be computed, but rather displayed in Traditional format. Here are 2 examples, where 1'st one is displayed like I want it, but 2'nd one is simplified. Print["5. ", Limit[f[x]/g[x], x -> a], "=", Limit[f[x], x -> a]/Limit[g[x], x -> a], ", where ", Limit[g[x], x -> a] != 0]; Print["7. ", Limit[c, x...

adding prefix to figure caption in LaTeX?

How can I change the caption of all figures in LaTeX to include a prefix? For example, make all figures appear as "Supplementary Figure 1", "Supplementary Figure 2", ... rather than "Figure 1", "Figure 2"? thanks. ...