
Compare three-dimensional structures

I need to evaluate if two sets of 3d points are the same (ignoring translations and rotations) by finding and comparing a proper geometric hash. I did some paper research on geometric hashing techniques, and I found a couple of algorithms, that however tend to be complicated by "vision requirements" (eg. 2d to 3d, occlusions, shadows, et...

C++ 3D Math Library

Hi What's the best, complex math library in c++? (I'd like to use it in graphics engine) EDIT: I should precise it a bit: it should have all 3d math, like planes, spheres, points, AABB, etc. and of course matrix, vector, quaternion support. ...

Sample COLLADA files for development of an importer?

Hi all, I'm preparing to write a COLLADA importer in Java. There aren't any pre-written importers, and even if there were I would probably be picky, so I believe this is best. I am going with COLLADA 1.4 because I do not need the 1.5 features, and many programs don't yet support it. I found the spec for it and plan on following it, but ...

How do I start with 3D tile based game

Hi, I'd like to write a strategy game where it's map will be 3D tiled. I've read some articles on gamedev but most of them are trying to implement 3D in 2D space. I wonder how in nowadays it is implemented using 3D cards. I wonder if using Irrlich will be an overkill (it has a nice heightmap scene node). Thanks in advance, ternyk ...

What exactly is a surface in OpenGL ES or Direct3D?

I did not find a good definition of the concept of a drawing surface. What properties are associated with a surface? In the context of pure OpenGL there is no surface, since OpenGL has no notion of window system specific things. In OpenGL ES though you have the EGL API, which introduces the concept of a drawing surface, without defining ...

C# Creating generic Vector4 class?

Is there any good way to create a generic Vector4 class in C#? I have a couple of units(force, distance, moment, rotation, acceleration, velocity etc) that all need a 3d-representation and they all behave very similar and should therefore support the basic functions for adding, multiplying etc. Each class also contain some special case...

Best Technology for a medical 3D Planning Software

I am looking to build a new Interactive 3D planning software similar to this one http://www.materialise.com/materialise/view/en/131410-SimPlant.html I was looking for some expert advise about the best technologies to use to build the different components of the software (ie: UI, Image processing, visualization, 3D, etc.. ) The softwar...

How to build a 3D interactive world in a browser based application?

Hi everyone! I have a friend and he recently started to learn "Cinema 4D". He asked me if I could build him a website in which he could build a3D world, or room, using a Cinema4D file, where people could visit his work. Probably by interacting with objects. I've searched a bit in StackOverflow and I found this: http://stackoverflow.co...

Inverse 3D (triangle) projection

Hello, I have a 3D math problem which I just can't seem to solve. I have data of 3 points. The data is a (2D) coordinate on a plane, floating somewhere in 3D space. I also know the (2D) coordinate of the projection. That results in the following array of data: [[[x1,y1], [px1,py1], [[x2,y2], [px2,py2], [[x3,y3], [px3,py3]] Where t...

Equidistant points across a cube

I need to initialize some three dimensional points, and I want them to be equally spaced throughout a cube. Are there any creative ways to do this? I am using an iterative Expectation Maximization algorithm and I want my initial vectors to "span" the space evenly. For example, suppose I have eight points that I want to space equally in...

Does anyone know a good/easy/free/open 3d modeling program?

Hello, Does anyone know of an easy 3D modeling application like sketchup but is opensource? I don't have time for learning blender ( guess I never will ): and I'm a fan of having multiple small tools do their part of the job ( first cut the plank using the saw the nail it using the hammer :) ). Edit: I also might need to do some modi...

Flash CS4 3D Sprite Rotation Z Order Problem

I suspect this is a maths issue rather than a flash one. In a nutshell, I have two cubes that rotate around their common center point. So far so good. Using the appendTranslation and appendRotation matrix functions, I've managed to get the two cubes to rotate ok. The problem is the drawing order seems to have little effect on the Z Buf...

Display triangles in 3D using Python

Disclaimer: The context is a project I'm working on as part of my Master's degree. I guess it qualifies as homework. Introduction (feel free to skip to the bottom line) Curved 3D surfaces are commonly displayed as a large set of very small triangles. Each triangle has the following properties: 3 corners uniform color Such tha...

Looking for tutorials/examples for educating myself on per-poly 3D collision

I've been looking for a tutorial on 3D per-vertex collision systems (using C# and XNA, since I have that readily available), but have only been able to put together bits and pieces. I have a pretty good understanding at this point, but there's one rather large, glaring hole in my understanding. Basically, my problem comes down to: how d...

Good Collision Representation of Player Character in 3d Platform Game?

I am trying to make a simple 3d platform game. The issue I'm having is with the collision detection and response. I am currently representing my player character (for wall and floor collisions) with a sphere. I employ a simple gravity force and directional forces using the arrow keys for movement. My problem occurs when I come to an ...

How Do I Create Cheap Shadows In OpenGL?

I have two models, A and B, and one light, L. I would like model A to cast a shadow on model B. I don't want to bother with shadow volumes or proper shadows for the moment, just a simple circle shadow will suffice. The effect is that model A is treated as a sphere for shadow casting purposes. Here is how I envision the algorithm: Fo...

Rotating 3D cube perspective problem

Hi, Since I was 13 and playing around with AMOS 3D I've been wanting to learn how to code 3D graphics. Now, 10 years later, I finally think I have have accumulated enough maths to give it a go. I have followed various tutorials, and defined screenX (and screenY, equivalently) as screenX = (pointX * cameraX) / distance (Plus offsets ...

Where to find API documentation for NVIDIA 3D Vision?

I'd like to start coding for NVIDIA 3D Vision and wonder where can I find the documentation for it? ...

Calculating 'up vector' from transformation matrix in 3D

Hello! I just came to strange problem with my project in 3D. Everyone knows algorythm of calculating LookAt vector, but it is not so easly to calculate "up" vector from transformation matrix (or at least maybe I simple missed something). The problem is following: "Up" vector is (0, 1, 0) for identity rotation matrix and rotate with ma...

How do I get all the shader constants (uniforms) from a ID3DXEffect?

I'm creating an effect using hr = D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( g_D3D_Device, shaderPath.c_str(), macros, NULL, 0, NULL, &pEffect, &pBufferErrors ); I would like to get all the uniforms that this shader is using. In OpenGL I used glGetActiveUniform and glGetUniformLocation to...