
Calculating how visible an object is in a 3D-scene for use in game logic/AI

I am starting a game project which will allow characters to hide in dark areas. Hiding in a dark corner should make it harder for other characters to see you. What I need is a way to calculate how the lighting conditions are where the character is located. The ideal would be to have a double getLightFactor(GameCharacter observer, Gam...

Can you make 3d product models in SilverLight 3?

I've been using ViewPoint to make 3d models for some time, but I'm intrigued with the prospect of moving those models to Silverlight. I have pretty good asp.net experience but have never created a Silverlight App. Are there any good tutorials out there on creating 3d models in Silverlight 3 beta? ...

Is there a Java library with 3D spline functions?

In particular, I need a way to represent a curve/spline that passes through a set of known 3D points, and a way of finding other points on the curve/spline, by subdivision/interpolation. For example, if I have a set of points P0 to PN, I want to find 100 points between P0 and P1 that are on a spline that passes through P0 and P1. I see...

WPF 3D textures with alpha channel

With WPF 3D, is it possible to have a texture with an alpha channel? I am wanting to make a 3d scene where everything is flat surfaces (like everything is paper cutouts). I thought the easiest way to achieve this would be to create a plane, divide it into quite a few triangle (like a cloth), then apply a texture with a transparent backg...

good 3d libraries for Flash

We are looking for free, well documented flash 3d engine for a new project. What libraries do you recommend? We will be displaying text and images where images has to be well animated or rotated to some degrees. We need effects like http://www.cooliris.com/ ...

What is the name and most common implementation of this property of 3d graphics engines?

I want to say “unrestricted frame of reference” or “spatially-related independent sub-environments”, but I don't think those are right. Imagine two long, cylindrical spaceships floating next to each other on a level plane with the same orientation. Each ship has its own set of rooms and corridors in which players move freely in a first-...

Embedding a 3-D editor (such as Blender) in a wxPython application

Is it possible to embed a 3-D editor inside my wxPython application? (I'm thinking Blender, but other suggestions are welcome.) My application opens a wxPython window, and I want to have a 3-D editor inside of it. Of course, I want my program and the 3-D editor to interact with each other. Possible? How? ...

How to paint a bitmap with perspective ?

I need to paint a Windows bitmap with perspective, in example: only using Windows API C functions (no MFC, no DirectX, etc.) ...

Decomposing a 3d mesh into a 2d net

Suppose you have a 3 dimensional object, represented as a 3d mesh in some common file format. How would you devise an algorithm to decompose the mesh into one or more 2d 'nets' - that is, a 2-dimensional representation that can be cut out and folded to create the original 3d object. Amongst other things, the algorithm would need to acco...

Curious about differences in vtkMassProperties for VTK 5.04 and VTK 5.4.2

I have a small python VTK function that calculates the volume and surface area of an object embedded in a stack of TIFF images. To read the TIFF's into VTK, I have used vtkTIFFReader and processed the result using vtkImageThreshold. I then use vtkMassProperties to extract the volume and surface area of the object identified after thres...

Plotting a point on the edge of a sphere

So coming from a flash background I have an OK understanding of some simple 2D trig. In 2d with I circle, I know the math to place an item on the edge given an angle and a radius using. x = cos(a) * r; y = sin(a) * r; Now if i have a point in 3d space, i know the radius of my sphere, i know the angle i want to position it around the ...

How to use OpenCV cvProjectPoints2 function

I'm having some troubles with cvProjectPoints2 function. Following is the function overview from O'Reilly's "Learning OpenCV" book: void cvProjectPoints2( const CvMat* object_points, const CvMat* rotation_vector, const CvMat* translation_vector, const CvMat* intrinsic_matrix, const CvMat* distortion_coeffs, CvMat* image_points, ); ...

How to mirror a half 3D mesh object ?

Hi All, Let assume that we have a half 3D mesh object and want to mirror it, in C# 2008 Express. That is, we want to have its simetrical part according to the center line of the object. Could you help me to do that. Thanks in advance. ...

How to quickly count the number of neighboring voxels?

I have got a 3D grid (voxels), where some of the voxels are filled, and some are not. The 3D grid is sparsely filled, so I have got a set filledVoxels with coordinates (x, y, z) of the filled voxels. What I am trying to do is find out is for each filled voxel, how many neighboring voxels are filled too. Here is an example: filledVoxel...

Projecting a sphere onto a cube

I'm currently working on building a game which is on a planet, the way in which I'm planning to store the data is in 6 2dimensional arrays, which are heightmaps around the sphere (on the faces of a cube). The problem I have is this, given a normalised vector which points outwards from the centre of the sphere how can I determine these tw...

Obtaining the camera rotation in radians on the X, Y, and Z axis in OpenGL?

Hi, I'm trying to obtain the camera rotation on various axis in OpenGL (but using Java, LWJGL, and jME specifically). The camera object allows me to get the direction as a Vector3f, but this doesn't seem to work to get the componentised rotation; each axis appears tied to another axis. I found that toAngleAxis with the angle component wi...

Determine if a 3D point is within a triangle

Given a 3D point (x, y & z), and a triangle made of three other 3D points, how can I determine if the point is in triangle? I've read a lot about doing this in 2D, the most helpful being http://imusthaveit.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!B5212D3C9F7D8093!410.entry, but I'm struggling to move the concept to 3D - could anyone help with either th...

Distant 3D object rendering [games]

What is the basic premise behind technology such as is found in Oblivion (and other games, I'm sure; haven't played enough to know), wherein objects from afar are vaguely shown when you view them from a distance? For example, a large tower is a mile away and you see the vague rectangle of it sticking up from the horizon... Obviously a gi...

2d outline algorithm for projected 3d mesh

Hi, Given: A 3d mesh defined with a set of vertices and triangles building up the mesh with these points. Problem: Find the 2d outline of the projected arbitrarily rotated mesh on an arbitrary plane. The projection is easy. The challenge lies in finding the "hull" of the projected triangle edges in the plane. I need some help with inp...

How can 2D text be reflected onto 3D mesh surface ?

Hi All, How can a 2D text be reflected onto 3D mesh surface in C# ? Thanks in advance. Cemo ...