
Run firefox addons command-line

Hi all, I am working 508 accessible standard for a website. There are a Firefox plugin to help check on each page a website WAVE addons I am having a crawler that walk throught all pages of the website. Now i want to combine WAVE addons + my crawler to check website as 508 accessibility compliance automatically. My question is how to...

Windows Explorer add-ons

How do tools like SVN and Git attach themselves to Windows Explorer, such that they add options to the right-click menu as well as adding the tick/exclamation mark based on whether a file has been edited? (I'm not after Git or SVN-specific information - I just used them as examples) ...

Can't load JS file for firefox extension

I have a working firefox extension that currently consists of a button. When I click that button, my XUL file declares oncommand="test();" which simply is an alert("hi!"); . I am including the file like this: <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://myfirstextension/content/resultscollector.js" /> the resultscollec...

listening and accessing to all the request made by firefox

I am developing an addon which will modify all the http request made by firefox. So, I want to listen and modify all the request url made by browser from different sites. How can I get an access to different http request url and modify them. Is there any event which is fired in firefox before requesting any http-request. So, please sugge...

IE addon development in .net

How do i develop a addon for ie in .net. I am basically looking to develop a inline spell checking addon like IE7Pro. ...

Make itrader auto fill in URL

I am wondering if it is possible to make a button for Itrader (popular vbulletin extension) on the users post that when you press it, it will fill in the deal url from the page you just left . Example: I got to DP than buy something from someones thread, there is a button that says leave itrader and from there I click it and it takes m...

extend IE with .net (VB or C#)

I want to write IE extension in .Net (VB/C#) I already have experience writing firefox addons. All I want to do is, manipulate the DOM before showing it to the user. Like remove some stuff, highlight words, etc... Is it possible to do it using .Net? Or is the only way C++/ATL and those things? I tried searching, but the only useful s...

Sending POST data in XUL?

I'm trying to send POST data to the current tab, based on this ( But it doesn't seem to be working, nothing happens... I'd be very grateful to whoever shines light on the problem! Thanks in advance! :D var dataString = "name1=data1&name2=data2"; var stringStream =...

Having one "brain" in a Firefox Addon?

I have an addon that every 5 minuets or so checks an rss feed for a new post, and if there is one, it displays an alert(). Problem is, I'm afraid that if the user opens multiple windows, that when there's a new post a millions of alerts will popup saying the same thing. Is there anyway to have just one "brain" running at a time? Thanks ...

.htaccess for addon domain

I have (main), and addon domain Structure directory domain b is i want to make .htaccess setting : and be if i sett like this : RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^prod_detail/([0-9][0-9])/$ /prod_detail.php?Code=$1 not working. Why? Thanks ...

"dynamic addons" is this the right term?

i'm assigned to research something about how to use “addons” on building a program. Basically, I have one main program that checks for the available components (ocx, dll, etc). Depending on what components there are, it will dynamically create the menus and load the components. is this possible using .net Framework 2.0 or later ...

Check for Block Ads/Scripts (Browser Addons, Compatibility)

I'm conflicted. you guys decide if this should migrate to SU or not. I would like to test my site against popular browser ad ons. ATM i have tested against noscript and adblock plus for firefox. What other popular ad ons should i check compatibility with? By compatibility i mean to work as intent on browsers i support (opera, firefox,...

White frame around images in WoW Addon

I am having some trouble with my World of Warcraft addon. Whenever I display my TGA files in the addon, there is a thin white frame around them. The same happens when I convert them to BLPs. When I look at the images themselves with Preview, there's no white frame, but WoW decides to display one. How do I resolve this? ...

Call Init from XUL after Page Loads (Firefox add-on)

Hi all, I've been working on some code in js/html and it works great. I'm now trying to package it into an add-on for Firefox, and having some issues getting the XUL document correct. PLAIN OLD HTML/JS In my html test file between the <head></head> I have: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/MyCode.js"></script> At the end of t...

Java IE - internet explorer for java

Do you know what can I use to open page in my application and to manage it using for example DOM (when I want to change content of text area for example ?) I'm talking here about something working which can for example support cookies etc. (Even addon) ...

Browser Helper Object doesnot get loaded in IE8

I have a BHO, which i can see it as enabled in Add On's list. But it does not get loaded when i start my IE on the Win2k8 R2 machines(64 bit). I have disabled IE Enhanced security as well but no help. The same BHO gets loaded in other machines. The registry details under (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Curre...

How can I build Addons to visual studio(ankh)

Hi, I daily make a few commits and publish my webservice and I daily make a few mistakes with this, because I forget about doing update. Is there any way to get mesaage box with question "Did you update changes ?). This message bo could arrise while I'm click publish or commit. I use vs 2008, tortoise, and ankh svn. ...

Firefox Add-on. Install, update, uninstall manually.

My application installs a Firefox add-on (by copying an .xpi to [FF_inst_dir]\extensions). This application periodically has updates (.xpi with new version). How it can be installed correct (how do I use update.rdf)? ...

What is required to integrate .Net control with IE as ActiveX IE Add-on

Hello I need to develop a control in .Net that work as IE ActiveX Add-On. I have read many articles related to this and at first I'm confused about the terminology so I'm describing my problem/requirement in bit detail. The Requirement I have already developed working .Net control. The core functionality of this control is to read a p...

Manually updating FF Add-ons

My application installs my Firefox add-on (by copying an my.xpi to [FF_inst_dir]\extensions). This application interact with my FF add-on. This application periodically has updates (.xpi with new version). When my application is updating it does next: Remove folder and content [FF_inst_dir]\extensions\MyExtension Copy new my.xpi to [FF...