
ABGroupAddMember - Cannot Add Contact to Group (iPhone Address Book)

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me out on this: I'm writing some code to copy a set of contacts received through a web application into the Address Book. I want to put all these new contacts under a certain group. My code successfully creates the group and adds the contacts into the address book. However, the 'ABGroupAddMember' operat...

How do I replace a modal view controller?

I'm using a modal view controller to allow a user to select an address book entry and email address. The ABPeoplePickerNavigationController object is displayed via presentModalViewController:animated: [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; What I want to do is keep the modal dialog up, but when the user selects the ema...

How can I wait for ABPeoplePickerNavigationController be dismissed

How can I wait for the contact to be chosen in my address book, before going on? Hereunder the code I use BPeoplePickerNavigationController *picker = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init]; picker.peoplePickerDelegate = self; [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; //following code Right now it just procee...

how to display CFStringType? Like kABHomeLabel

I know that NSString and CFString are toll-bridge, they can convert in such a way. CFStringRef cfStr; NSString* anStr=(NSString*)cfStr; however,when I convert string in such a case when dealing addressbook NSString* homeLabel=(NSString*)kABWorkLabel; then homeLabel is "_$!<Work>!$_"; the other pre-defined CFStringRef in the address...

Odd error when retrieving phone numbers from iPhone Address Book using API

When I try to retrieve phone numbers from Address Book contacts, the result is always nil if the contact has an e-mail address. This is obviously a big problem...such a big one, in fact, that I have a hard time believing I'm not doing something wrong. But every test I've done--including using other, unrelated code samples--gives the same...

Accessing native iPhone addressbook database and performing add and delete contacts?

Hi, In my application I need to implement the address book which should contains the native addressbook details, and the user should be able to add and delete from the address book and it should be updated in the native iphone addressbook. I read somewhere that the iphone native address book database is accesible. In documentation also...

invoking iphone addressbook add contact view?

Hi In my App, I need to invoke the native add contact view. Is it possible to do it or do I need to develop my own screen and I need to add the record for the contact database? ...

Use openinviter with Rails or Java?

Hi, does anyone know if I can connect my self hosted Openinviter from within a Ruby on Rails or Java app, e.g. through an API? I couldn't find anything in the docs there and the forum isn't very active. It seems to be a good alternative to octazen, who have recently been bought by facebook and won't update their libs anymore. ...

Reading email address from contacts fails with weird memory issue - Solved

Hi all, I'm stumped. I'm trying to get a list of all the email address a person has. I'm using the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to select the person, which all seems fine. I'm setting my ABRecordRef personDealingWith; from the person argument to - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)pe...

iPhone sdk: How do I get a count of all the phone numbers in a address book?

Hi i am developing an app for my QA department. I need to programically get how many phone numbers are there in the entire address book. No user input. Just click a button and then get how many phonenumbers are there in the ENTIRE addressbook. ...

Deal with an edit to a contact within ABPersonViewController

I've got an iPad app that displays information about the contact in a ABPersonViewController displayed within an UINavigationController, within a popover. When the user hits the Edit button and edits the values, then presses Done, I'd like to update my UI if there are any changes that might affect it. I've tried implementing ABAddressBo...

How to save image to iphone's AddressBook using SDK API ?

My purpose is to process one image from image library, and save this image directly to one person record (i,e, "Tom" ), which is selected from AddressBook, I can see the new image replace Tom's previous image, but I can not save it to AddressBook. I implemented delegate ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate, and using following log...

How to add a "Custom Label" to iPhone AddressBook programmaticly?

When manualy adding contact's phone /IMS in iPhone AddressBook you can add Custom Label instead of "Home", "Work", "Other" *(in IMS). How to create "Custom Label" in AddressBook programmaticly? ...

Sync Services With AddressBook

Hi, I've developed an application to sync the Mac address book with another application. I was using an NSNotification (kABDatabaseChangedExternallyNotification) which are sent every time the address book is edited to do the syncing. However I found that if I 'overloaded' the address book (by adding 20 records really quickly or somethin...

Address Book callback not called

I have an iPhone app that makes use of the AddressBook.framework and uses Core Data to store these contacts. In order to make sure I update my own database when the Address Book is updated (whether via MobileMe or editing within my own app), I am subscribing to the notification as to when the Address Book is updating. I call this on star...

iPhone: Accessing Composite Name in AddressBook Causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Hi everyone. I'm new to iPhone development and have a question I hope someone can help me with. I have a programmer working on an iPhone app for me and when I run the app in the simulator, it works great. But when I try to run it on my actual iPhone, I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error and the app locks up. Looking at the debugger, it's refe...

Generate vCard from AddressBook.framework

I'm utilising the AddressBook.framework in my iPhone app, and I'd like to replicate something along the lines of the share feature in This basically attach's a specific contacts vCard to an email. As far as I know, there is nothing in the documentation that mentions generating a vCard. Is this a case of generating one myse...

How do I launch the Mac Address Book from my app and select a specific person?

I have an app and I am reading in the address book information using the ABAddressBook APIs and selecting a person. I would like to provide a link from my app to launch the Mac address book and pre-select a specific user. I'm sure there are several ways to do it - I came up with one that seems to work but it feels a little clunky. I l...

iphone Three20 TTMessageController Address Book

Hey there, I'm trying to use the TTMessageController from Three20 to send messages through a custom web service. I'm not clear on how I can incorporate contacts from the user's address book. I see the model mock address book in the sample app, but the sample only contains names. Is there a way to set the datasource of TTMessageContro...

Algorithm to compare people names to detect identicalness

I am working on address book synchronization algorithm. I would like to reuse some code if there exists, but couldn't find one yet. Does someone know about an algorithm that will tell me in numbers/float/procent how much two names are identical. Levenstein distance is not good in this approach, as names and our adddress books are matchi...