
AdWhirl and Admob

Hello guys! I have downloaded the latest AdWhirl and AdMob SDK. Read and done with the instructions in the AdWhirlSDKInstructionsforiPhone.pdf I have the following errors: 1. AddRunningClient starting device on non-zero client count 2. Unable to fill ad request. This is a common situation. 3. <AdMob> Must implement required method -cu...

Getting error _OBJC_CLASS_$_AdMobView while compiling in iPhone SDK 4

Hi all I implemented Admob in my application previously in 3.x versions of SDk there i used libAdMobDevice3_0.a frame work. But now i am using 4.o version when i am compiling i am getting the compilation error _OBJC_CLASS_$_AdMobView can any one give me the link from where i can download Admob 4 Thank You Kiran Manthena ...

Android Tabview Layout with Admob

I have an android XML and I am trying to get the ads to show up at the bottom of a tabview, but they are not showing up. I think I am just missing something very simple, but I have been looking at this for far too long and I hope someone can help me out. Here is the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="ht...

Admob ad never displays in View

I am trying to get AdMob ads to display in my android application and have been unable to do so. I have contacted their support and have not received any response in almost a week, so I figured I would now ask for help here. First some code: AndroidManifest.xml <manifest xmlns:android="" ...

How to implement Admob AdView in Android app

I want to use Admob in my app. I've downloaded the SDK and followed the steps. Sometimes, I get an ad in return, but most of the time, I get an entry in LogCat that says "Server did not find any ads" or something to that effect. Test mode is enabled, says the Admob site. I think I might be doing something wrong. Where can I get a step-by...

Can´t get real ads from AdMob in Ipad

I can't get the real ads to work, in the xcode simulator i can see the test ads,now i'm using Xib and AdViewController to display the ad. This are the message that i recieve: Unable to fill ad request. This is a common situation. AdMob: Did fail to receive ad in AdViewController I need some help wiith this issue because i'm stuck, th...

Android - Admob issues!

So I'm trying to just add a simple ad to my app using admob. I've followed the tutorial with the SDK but am getting stuck at one error. Here's the error: Multiple annotations found at this line: - ERROR No resource identifier found for attribute 'secondaryTextColor' in package '' - ERROR No resource identifie...

Not able to get ads from adMob

Hi all, I have to implement AdMob in my application, I have downloaded latest Admob SDK from site, and i followed the instructions given in the PDF and implemented, I have tested the by using -(NSArray)testDevices, I am getting the Test ads but when i commented the test ads i am not able to get the new ads, I am using 4.0.2 Os...

Admob ads not showing - Android

My ads don't display at all, I think I've followed the documentation correctly but they still won't show. The program is basically a webview and I want the ad to display at the bottom. Heres my layout file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:myapp=...

Using iAd as default ad network, and AdMob if iAd fails

I've built my app this way and everything seems to be working more or less. After hearing about the notoriously low iAd fill rate I decided that this would be the best method, but I tried googling it and i couldnt find record of anyone else implementing ads in their app like this. Does this violate the TOS? ...

iPhone applcation crash in admob_iphone_sdk_20100818

My program has crashed: #0 0x3138cec0 in objc_msgSend #1 0x0002bb6e in -[AdMobDelegateWrapper didYouNilOutYourDelegate:] #2 0x0002c392 in -[AdMobDelegateWrapper publisherId] #3 0x0001ab7e in -[AdMobAd buildParamsWithLastClickInfo:] #4 0x0001b044 in -[AdMobAd requestAdFromServer] #5 0x0001963c in -[AdMobAd b...

Ad requests never filled with AdMob

Well, I get this message all the time using AdWhirl: Unable to fill ad request. This is a common situation. I think it's from the AdMob network. I also have a couple of other networks (registered yesterday) and I never seem to be getting any ad requests filled. In test mode it does work though. Now is this common and will it pick ...

admob for android

i follow all the instruction but my ad doesn't appear on my app. My app is already on the market, i configure admob and adwhirl, and it's say it's active, but i can't do it. Can somebody help me ? ...

What is the problem in using admob in iOS 4

As per the guideline, Apple has blocked third party ad engines like admob to be used in applications of iOS4. But i still can see the admob running on OS 4 without any problem. Has apple not blocked the service yet? can i use admob on my OS 4 application for revenue? ...

Admob ad won't display in an dialog themed activity

What i have is a simple activity with some content inside of it. Right below that I have an admob ad. And it works great. However, when i add android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" to the activity in the manifest the activity still loads, the content loads, but then the ad will NOT load. If i simply delete android:theme="@android...

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION on start of app on Device, and no image on Simulator

Hi, I have the above mentioned problem, with an app wich used the AdMob SDK. I'm using latest SDK of AdMob, on 4.0.1 iOS SDK. My problem consists of two parts: In the Simulator, the app boots, and outputs through NSLog that an ad has been received, but the whole screen stays black (my UI is not showing) On the Device, the app won't b...

Admob ads will not display when placed inside a tabview

I've been trying to get my ads to display in this type of layout. Tabs -> LinearLayout -> ListView -> header. The header is set via addHeaderView and is displaying normally. If I were to move the ads anywhere else they display normally (so its not a setup issue). Using ads in the header of a listview works fine in my other projects. So ...

How can I use a wrap a TabHost containing a MapView that also displays an AdMob view below it?

I'm very new to Android (like 2 days), but I'm experienced with other layout toolkits. I'm trying to put an AdView below a TabHost, and it seems that I can either get the TabWidget or the AdView to display correctly, but never both. First, here's an ASCII art version of what I'm trying to accomplish: ----------------------------------...

AdMob Android requesting ads while program is not in view

Hello I am having a problem trying to stop adMob from requesting new ads. If a person hits the back key or home the application goes to sleep, but admob continues to request new ads. The only way it stops is if the user selects quit from the menu. Does anyone know of a way that in my onPause method I could do something such as ad.pause...

iPad AdMob integration issues - ads showing but not much more...

Hi, I have an AdMob ad integrated in my iPad game app and seeing two issues: The test ad I get is the wrong size. I am not sure if this is intentional or will fix itself when the app is live. When I click the test ad in my app (AdMob Test iPhone Ad), it disappears and I get no more ads. Neither 'applicationWillTerminateFromAd' or 'did...