
Why aren't Admob click callback delegate methods getting called?

I'm integrating the latest version of the admob sdk (version 20100412) into my app. The ads get displayed, but I need the app to make some changes when an ad is clicked and admob displays a full-screen browser. However, none of the callback methods (willPresentFullScreenModal, didPresentFullScreenModal, willDismissFullScreenModal, and d...

adding admob widget

i cant seem to figure out how to add the admob widget into my application. i want to add the widget to a linearlayout that is the child of a relative layout. the linerlayout was created just for the ad. and have it update/refresh the ad each time a button is pressed. i have already imported the JAR,edited my manifest to include the per...

Adding admob to an iPhone app with cocos2d make the game crash... ?

Hello, I'm working on a cocos2d game on iPhone. The game work perfectly. Now I want to add an admob ad in the menu of my game. I can see the ad, but after few seconds (or minutes) of playing, the game crash (with no error message...) Can you see where the problem is? Menu.h @interface Menu : CCColorLayer <AdMobDelegate> { AdM...

AdMob ads on Android app are not rotating / refreshing

Has anyone else had this problem? I have a game, and the Ads show at the top of the phone above my game view. When I'm tapping away on the game, the ads just stay the same. BUT, if I don't touch anything and wait the 15 seconds, as is set in my Interval, THEN the ad changes (usually). I don't get any error reports. There's nothing t...

How to show AdMob ads in real iPhone device?

I want to integrate AdMob ads in my iPhone app. I'm using IB way to add the view and follow AdMob's pdf guide: 1. Add AdMob group(AdMobView.h,AdMobDelegateProtocol.h,libAdMob.a) 2. Add required frameworks(AudioToolbox,MediaPlayer,MessageUI,QuartzCore) 3. Add TouchJSON group 4. Add IBSupport group(AdViewController.h,AdViewController.m) ...

Ad Mob on Android Problems

I tried to ad admob to my app but it would not request anything from the site. I followed all of the directions but in the logs I could see that a request went to but that was the end of it. It seems as if nothing was returned. I tried test mode and regular mode and got the same results with both. I guess my question is, ...

Adding advertising to iPhone Application

Hi all, I wanted to integrate advertising platform into my iPhone App and I was wondering which one is better to use Admob or iAd and why? Thanks in advance, Sarah ...

AdMob orientation problem in Android

My application integrates with AdMob ads. When I change the orientation it should fit the screen depending on orientation. In portrait mode it is working fine, but when I changed to landscape mode the ad size I am getting in portrait mode is the same size of the ad displayed in landscape mode. I am adding the following in layout page. ...

Quadruple the size of every iPhone app... just to display simple banner ads?

Has anyone had any luck using AdMob or AdWhirl to put ads in their iPhone apps? AdMob admits it makes apps HUGE. (often increasing them to QUADRUPLE their original size) Does anyone know why so much massive code must be included over and over again... inside every app I write... just to display some simple banners and count them???? ...

AdMob on iOS 4.0

Hey everyone, I'm trying to implement Ad Based Revenue into my iPhone app on iOS 4, I've tried iAd and been less than impressed with the revenue, mostly due to my app being targetted at the UK market where iAd is not yet serving Ads. I've signed up for AdMob, downloaded the SDK and followed the included instructions with IBSupport step ...

Xcode and AdMob on iPhone 3.2

How do I fix the following error: Undefined symbols: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AdMobView", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-AdMobView in AdWhirlAdapterAdMob.o ld: symbol(s) not found ...

Views, View Controllers, Windows.. Huh?

Starting from the base OpenGL ES iPhone project in XCode, I am creating an app which is nearly completed. What I don't understand is the use of views, view controllers, and windows which I apparently need to implement to use iAds (for the iPhone) and AdMob (for the iPad). I was able to follow the AdMob tutorial using the Interface Buil...

Duplicate symbole Admobview problem

Get the following error while using the Admob sdk in project : ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_AdMobView in /Users/gts/Own/Admob/test/libAdMobSimulator.a(AdMobView.o) and /Users/gts/Own/Admob/test/libAdMobDevice.a(AdMobView.o) Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1...

admob crashing with unrecognized selector

I got this error when I integrate admob to my app Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSURLResponse statusCode]: unrecognized selector sent to instance -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] [AdMobURLDownload connection:didReceiveResponse:] it does not crash if I don't implement...

How to implement admob on view controller?

Hi Guys, In my app, I want to implement admob and now only I have started to learn about it. So any one please guide me and is there any nice tutorial or sample? ...

Admob for iPhone/iPad

Hello guys! Can you explain me please in short how to start with admob? I registered, but can't find the download link for the sdk. Any good tutorials? Thank you for your help. ...

Advertising in my iPhoe app

Hello, What you recommend for advertising platform not in the USA. iAd is ot seding ads outside the USA. I'v tried AdMob, ad it also seems not to work. Most of the time it fails to show up an and, ad when showing it shows only one ad again and again (some hotel booking) Any Idea? ...

iAd or AdMob for iPhone/iPad development?

Is there still a point to use AdMob? Has it been or will it be banned by Apple? Is there an third-party interface solution that allows me to switch between the services later on server side? ...

Trouble getting ads to display on android with adMob.

I've included the relevant portion in my manifest: <meta-data android:value="123456789" android:name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID" /> <!-- Track Market installs from AdMob ads --> <receiver android:name="" android:exported="true"> <intent-fil...

Admob prevents TextView UI updates with a CountDownTimer in Android?

I'm adding admob ads to my app that has a CountDownTimer that changes a time countdown display in its onTick() callback function. The time display uses a TextView and is changed via .setText(). Everything works fine until I add the admob code. Seems that the ads break the TextView redraws when running. When I stop the CountDownTimer and ...