Hi, I've got a form that's dynamically created using ajax (as data for the form elements has to come from a database) and I want to serialize the elements of the form to submit by ajax. I'm currently just testing my theory using code from the jQuery website just to see if I can pick up the form elements and this is where the problem lies...
Hi all.
I've been working on a site that uses jQuery heavily and loads in content via AJAX like so:
$('#newPageWrapper').load(newPath + ' .pageWrapper', function() {
//on load logic
It has now come to my attention that Google won't index any dynamically loaded content via Javascript and so I've been looking for a solution to th...
I'm using mootools.
There's a page with ajax tabs. On click, the new tab gets loaded using the mootools Request.HTML command.
Because there will be some very timeconsuming SQL Queries in the background, I'm displaying a spinning icon until the page has loaded (see code).
122 $('detailContent').set('html', '<img src="common/img/a...
I have dynamically loaded the values of checkbox using php, n m using AJAX in that page to call the processing page.
<form name="form1" id="form1" action="javascript:wait1();getPass('go.php?**place**='+ document.form1.place.value);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="place[]" type="checkbox" value="<?=$ro['artic...
Ten updates a second, what would be the best way to do that? Aside from WebSockets (not fully implemented) what can accomplish this?
Would creating a Java Applet be worth it? Can you interact with the DOM in that fashion?
Im implementing custrom delete by adding to my ASPxGridView GridViewColumnCustomButton.
Then on my GridView I handle ClientSideEvent
<ClientSideEvents CustomButtonClick="function(s, e) { customButton_OnClick(s, e); }" />
function customButton_OnClick(s, e) {
if (e.buttonID == "customButtonId") {
I want to save html markup in my database for a field from an ASP.Net MVC2 application. Upon reading I found that using the [ValidateInput(false)] attribute lets you do that. But it is not working for me. The data comes from the extjs htmleditor form element.
Anyone has any ideas? Is there something else I need to do? Any setting in w...
Hey All
I have a issue with Ajax From Submission and NULL values with php/mysql.
First I have a simple form.
<form mehod="post" action="">
Name: <input type=text" name="person[name]" value="" /><br />
Age: <input type="text" name="person[age]" value="" /><br />
Salary: <input type="text" name="person[salary]" value="" />
<a hr...
Basically it's just:
success: function(msg){
What comes out alert´s. But is it possible for me if i have a var in the file that the ajax call:
$filename = time() . "10";
to use in success?
So i could do
success: function(msg){
(now its not correct) but how can i do this?
It's working in all other browsers, and it was working on IE8 before, but I did some code cleanup and moved some things around, and now its submitting this form to it's self. It's an "ajax" uploader (yes, not really ajax, but you know what I mean)
Here is the JS:
function file_upload($theform,item_id){
Hi, normally my ajax functions look something like this:
function ajaxCallback(url,functionToRun)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for new browsers
myXMLlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6 and lower
myXMLlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
I using a simple ajax script which returns found records using onkeyup in input field.
The problem:
Once a record has been returned from call it will stay printed on screen no matter what input is made or if string is latered on field.
Lets say the string typed on form field is the word red.
red gets printed to screen.
if t...
Ive just had some fantastic help from Sandeepan, thank you!
Please can anyone see what I have done wrong with this ....
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javasript">
function addItemToUsersList(itemId)
'url': 'member-bucketadd-execTEST.php',
'type': 'GET...
So, this is strange, and it was working for me about a month ago, before I made a bunch of code updates. Anyways the issue is the live submit handler wont even run in IE8, however, if i run it on a button click, it works. See below:
<label>Add Attachment</label>
<form class="file_upload" method="post" enctype="mult...
It seems like this question is asked periodically and the common response is "You shouldn't do that with AJAX anyway. Just set the window location to the file."
But I'm trying to request a file that doesn't actually exist out on the server anywhere. It's dynamically generated (by a Django view) given the GET/POST context parameters. The...
I've been googling phrases like "form validation javascript" and "form validation ajax" but I only find code involving form validation upon the form submission. I want to write code that determines whether the field has valid input right when the user is inputting the data. How do I go about this?
I'm experiencing a very weird problem, subscribing to an ActiveMQ topic through Ajax. Here's my simple javascript code:
var priceHandler =
_price: function(message)
if (message != null) {
var store_id= message.getAttribute('store-id')
var job_id = message.getAttribute('job-id')
var status = message.getAttribute...
I've looked around on SO on this topic like this topic here. Also this one. But for one I'm not using a YouTube flash object and also I'm not using an image. Below is a simple AJAX request which retrieves data to populate a table.
function onDocumentReady(){
In controller, i create file. and invoke it by jquery.post. i understand that return file to view is impossible because of ajax. so i create file on disk, and return url of file to user.
i think its not best way, but. my probleb now, is to know when user downloaded file, and delete it, how can i do it? or any others good ways to handle?
Hi guys,
Can anyone tell me, can I invoke third party jquery funcation from html return by ajax call please ?
The problem I am facing is, there is an ajax call, returning some chunk of html (html for jquery datatable). In this html there is one link to add a new row to the table when clicked.
To add this new row dynamically I am calli...