
What is alpha bitmap and colorkey bitmap ?

Hi, I was going through the bitmapmixer sample in dshownet samples folder and I noticed that drawing on the video is done by alphabitmap and colorkey bitmap. I would like to know what these are ? what is the difference between them ? Many Thanks ...

Android alpha animation fadein fadeout with delays

I want to do a very simple alpha animation but I cannot find a valid way. The idea is to perform this animation over a view: alpha from 0 to 1 of 1 second hold alpha at 1 for 5 seconds alpha from 1 to 0 of 1 second hold alpha at 0 for 5 seconds. start again on 1. I've tried to implement that with an AnimationSet as: AnimationSet an...

Putting UIView with alpha 1 on top of UIView with alpha 0.5

Hello everyone, I'm trying to have a modular uiview that will be placed on top of another view. The modular view has an alpha value of 0.5, and appears in the middle of the main view. Now, I would like for text to be rendered on that modular UIView. However, whenever I: [modularView addSubview:text] it looks all hazy. How can I m...

Alpha addition in fading UIView and UIImageView

I feel like this ought to be simple, but after searching high and low I can't find an answer to my question. I'm developing page swiping funtionality similar to Mobile Safari, where one page will fade out as it is swiped out of view and the other page fades in. Each "page" is a plain, white UIView with a small UIImageView, displaying a...

alpha beta pruning problem in python

In alpha, beta pruning algorithm, I have a class in which a fucntion def getAction(self,gamestate) id defined. I made 2 more function in def getAction Like: class BAC: def you(self,gamestate): def me(gamestate,depth,alpha, beta): ------ return v def both(gamestate,depth,alpha, beta): ------------------- ...

How to apply overlay transparency to RGBA image

Hi all, Here's my dilemma: I have to RGBA RAW images: a master image (the first) and a subtitle track (the second), and I want to overlay them in a way based on the alpha channel of the second image: If it's zero, then take the pixels from the second image, if it's 0xFF take the pixels from the first image, otherwise create an overlay o...

Android - using an image resource multiple times but changing alpha on only 1 instance.

I'm pretty sure I saw a specific command for this, but I can't remember what it's called, which means I can't Google it! If I have an image resource, e.g. R.drawable.myimage , which gets used in a Linearview more than once and I want to change the alpha on just a single occurrence of that image, (normally, changing the alpha changes all...

Creating texture with varying alpha values for drawing anti-aliased lines in OpenGL-ES

I am working on drawing anti-aliased lines in OpenGL-ES on iPhone. I am using an approach outlined in iPhone 3D Programming, called "Rendering Anti-Aliased Lines with Textures". The basis idea is to iterate through the line creating a bounding rectangle for each line segment (pair of vertices). This bounding rectangle can be represented ...

Are images in Android global?

This is a strange problem -- may be not a problem. Before the last step to finish writing a application, I would use icon to replace any image. That is, all the things like <ImageButton android:id="@+id/top" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scaleType="center" android...

UIView animated crossfade causes alpha to drop below 1.0?

I'm crossfading between two views using UIView animation. I've noticed the following surprising fact: If I have (say) two identical views in an identical place, and I animate a cross fade between them (e.g. animate the alpha from 0.0 to 1.0 on one while going from 1.0 to 0.0 on the other, in the same animation), during the animation, th...

UIButton only background slightly transparent

Is it possible to make just the background semi transparent? If I change the alpha it changes the title and the boarder. I can change the titleLabel.alpha property but it won't go above the buttons Alpha, only below it. I know I can make a custom one but thought there would be an easier way ...

Pixel Collision iPhone/iPad

Hi This is the first time I have ever attempted to do something like this, and just using rectangle collision with CGRectIntersectsRect for my UIImageViews isn't good enough anymore. What is the absolute simplest/best way of achieving pixel collision? All I need is for the alpha pixels to not collide, right? Hope you can help, thank...

The problem with alpha channel MovieClip (Actionscript3)

Here is my code: var menu = new Menu (); menu.x = 0; menu.y = 0; addChild (menu); menu.alpha = 0; (menu, 10, (alpha: 1)); This works, but transparency varies for each element MovieClip separately, but I would like that would have changed the whole MovieClip transparency as a single image. Menu(); is generated from XML. ...

Getting alpha/opacity of a View in Android

How can I get the alpha/opacity of a View after I've animated it? My fadeIn() is below - fadeOut() is the same with the endpoints switched. public void fadeIn(View view) { Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); animation.setDuration(1000); animation.setFillAfter(true); view.startAnimation(animation); } ...

setAlpha in UINavigationController

I am wanting to set the alpha of the titleView in my UINavigationController. Here is the code for this class: #import "FAQNavigationController.h" @implementation FAQNavigationController /* // The designated initializer. Override if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not appropriate ...

transparency/alpha in CoreGraphics context (iphone, objc)

Hello, I am currently making a basic image editor for iphone. I take the CGImageRef from a UIImage and create a context for it using the following code origImage = result.CGImage; Iheight = CGImageGetHeight(origImage); Iwidth = CGImageGetWidth(origImage); IcolorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); IrawData = malloc(Iheight * Iwidth...

Help with Tkinter Alpha

I have a python program that has no windows frame and doesn't show up in the taskbar because of self.overrideredirect(1). This program has an options menu (a top level widget) that allows for the alpha to be adjusted with self.attributes("-alpha", 0.85). However when I close out of the options menu my program shows up in the task bar. Ob...

Alpha masking in c# System.Drawing?

Hi, I'm trying to draw an image, with a source Bitmap and an alpha mask Bitmap, using the System.Drawing.Graphics object. At the moment I loop X and Y and use GetPixel and SetPixel to write the source color and mask alpha to a third Bitmap, and then render that. However this is very inefficient and I am wondering if there is an faster wa...

formula for alpha value when blending two transparent colors

hello, lets assume an alpha of 1 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent. lets say i have two black images which have 50% transparency (alpha = 0.5). if they are laid on top of each other, the resulting transparency is 0.75, right? if they would have an alpha of 0.25 , the result would be around 0.5, right? if they would ha...

PHP - alpha sort lines from several files in one directory and save them to files of "x" lines max in alpha named folders.

This below goes through files in a directory, reads them and saves them in files of 500 lines max to a new directory. This works great for me (thanks Daniel) but, I need a modification. I would like to save to alpha num based files. First, sort the array alpha numerically (already lowercase) would be the first step I assume. Grab all o...