
android html.fromhtml to load image from web

how can we html.fromhtml to load image from web and set into imageview ? ...

using android application framework classes in client-side javascript

Hello, How do I consume Android Application Framework objects in my client-side JavaScript? In the Google I/O 2009 Presentation "How Do I Code Thee" The speaker discusses this pattern (which he calls augmented JavaScript). On the Android developer site, I can't seem to find ...

How do I keep a user logged in to an application on Android?

When a user logs in to my online android application, I want to store a cookie on the user's phone so that he doesn't have to log in to the application on subsequent visits from the same phone. How do I do this on android? ...

Changing Views Example?

I'm new at this, I have not seen any examples on changing Views, what I want to do is when a user presses a button I want to show a map view based on their input on the first view. The examples seem to show only one view. ...

Audio fingerprinting system in Java

Are there any audio fingerprinting systems (PUID, etc) that are implemented in pure Java (for running on Android)? ...

Strange force close on acore when adding a home screen shortcut

I want to add home screen shortcuts to individual chat rooms, in my app. Here's my code to do so: Intent roomIntent = roomIntent(room).putExtra("shortcut", true); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, roomIntent); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME,; Parcelable resource = Inten...

Using Intent from non-activity class

I have three classes one main-activity(named MainMap), one non-activity class(named MyItemizedOverlay), and one activity class(named AudioStream). I want to start AudioStream activity from non-activity class but i don't know how to. i tried this is in third class(called MyItemizedOverlay): Intent myIntentA = new I...

Loading Entire Asset Folder

What I'm trying to do is load files from the Assets folder in App2 and have App1 output the data from App2. Say for instance it's sound files. App1 is already installed on the device and is listening for calls from other packages. App2 gets installed, the data from the asset folder is read and loaded into App1 to be used. I'm having a c...

I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here

Hi All, I'm working on my first Android app, so I apologize if this is extremely obvious. I've got three activities in my app, and the user switches back and forth pretty frequently. I've also got a remote service, which handles a telnet connection. The apps need to bind to this service in order to send/receive telnet messages. E...

Android: How to keep GPS active until more accurate location is provided?

I am using the location manager's requestLocationUpdates() method to receive an intent to my broadcast receiver periodically. The system is correctly firing the intent to my receiver, and I have been able to use it correctly. The only problem is that the GPS location provider only stays active for a few seconds after the initial locati...

Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications?

Hi I'm new to this. My self-teaching project is a small application which plays an audio news stream. To be effective, the application really needs to interrupt any currently playing media players (eg: Last FM, Imeem, music player, Spotify etc). I don't know what will be playing or what application will be playing it, but I want to ...

android storing key , decompiling fear

Im using amazing FPS and i have to store the secret key in the java code. However I am afraid that someone would decompile my apk and find the key. I have decompiled the apk myself and could not find the key, but im no VM expert. Any help? ...

Activity will not start after ACTION_SCREEN_ON is received.

I am creating a Lock Replacement application which obviously requires it to have an activity that starts the ACTION_SCREEN_ON is called. These are the portions of my code relevant to it: public class StartupBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Intent startupI...

Substantial Android development in Scala

Has anyone had success developing a substantial Android app in Scala? Is it a viable option yet? Are there any mature development environments? Given the state of the Scala Eclipse plug-in, it looks as if there is no good IDE support at all other than possibly IntelliJ Ultimate. A few people have posted tutorials describing how to fudge...

Droid-fu library's WebGalleryAdapte with gallery example

Any good tutorial shows how to use Droid-fu library's WebGalleryAdapter with gallery widget ??? here you can found info about droid-fu libaray ...

image included javascript not appear in the webView

hello ,I used webView to show javaScript,one image was included in the javaScrip,but the webView not run the image on the contrary appear a "?"image. Idonot why? my code: demo.html <html> <script language="javascript"> /* This function is invoked by the activity */ function wave() { document....

Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik?

In theory, Dalvik executes any virtual machine byte code, created for example with the compilers of AspectJ ColdFusion Clojure Groovy JavaFX Script JRuby Jython Rhino Scala Are there already working versions of bytecode compilers for Dalvik available for other languages than Java? ...

how to hide the virtual keyboard

I don't want to show the virtual keyboard. I tried the below method but it doesn't make any difference. InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(enter_count.getWindowToken(), 0); enter_count is my edit text I have tried reading up on the InputMethod Ma...

Can Android applications examine OS wide context, for example network related?

Can Android applications see OS wide context in terms of network? For example, what applications are using the network what IP addresses is the OS connected to etc. I'm asking because I know each application runs in it's own Dalvik virtual machine. ...

android transparent blur

Hi, I need to make an activity that will draw on the home screen, actually I simulate that part by making the background transparent to make that effect, but the problem is that I need to blur a geometric area around the touch coordinates, id needs to be a blurry circle with normal text over the blur, I know how to make what I need with...