Why use Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?
What does another build tool targeted at Java really get me? If you use Gradle over another tool, why? (See also Why use Buildr instead of Ant or Maven) ...
What does another build tool targeted at Java really get me? If you use Gradle over another tool, why? (See also Why use Buildr instead of Ant or Maven) ...
I'm maintaining multiple projects backed by ivy configurations. Many configurations overlap, such as: common build configurations ( pmd, findbugs ); dependency groups ( spring ); Is there a way to import these dependencies by referencing a shared configuration? N.B. Please don't suggest Maven, as I know about it, but it is not (ye...
Any idea on checking the existence of a folder using ANT? We can check the existence of a file but can we do the same for a folder as well? ...
I need an Ant script that will copy one folder to several other places. As a good obedient programmer, I want not to repeat myself. Is there any way of taking a fileset like this: <copy todir="${target}/path/to/target/1"> <fileset dir="${src}"> <exclude name='**/*svn' /> </fileset> </copy> And storing ...
Hello! I would like to store the properties I read from a Java type property file in a list. Is there any way I can do that in ANT? Thanks in advance! ...
I'm obfuscating a library with ProGuard using the Ant task. I'm keeping particular class names and their method names when they have a particular annotation (@ApiAll) and I'm requesting that the InnerClasses attribute be kept: <keepattribute name="InnerClasses" /> <keep annotation="com.example.ApiAll"/> <keepclassmembers annotati...
I've recently had the need to use the managers compiler argument, because the project had an Open Type font embedded, and was generating errors at compilation. Now I need to use the same argument in my ant task, but for some reason it doesn't work. I'm using Flex SDK 3.2. The task looks something like: <mxmlc file="${main....
How to write an Ant script as: ... ... begin of HERE DOCUMENT > ./outfile.txt xxx toto yyy zzz end of HERE DOCUMENT ... ... Of Whom the execution creates a file called ./outfile.txt Whom contains: xxx toto yyy zzz ...
Hi All, I am experiencing issues with existing projects from Netbeans 6.5 in Netbeans 6.7 when selecting a file under "Test Packages" and performing a right click-->Debug, or right click-->Run. The error reported is: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main Exception in thread "main" Java Result: 1 I am using JUnit 4.x I have not changed ...
I would like to get the number of availableProcessors from with my Ant build script (i.e. value that is returned from Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(). Is there an existing property that contains this value or do I have to write a custom ant task? ...
Ok, I'm frustrated! I've hunted around for a good number of hours and am still stumped. Environment: WinXP, Eclipse Galileo 3.5 (straight install - no extra plugins). So, I have a simple JUnit test. It runs fine from it's internal Eclipse JUnit run configuration. This class has no dependencies on anything. To narrow this problem do...
I'm having problems compiling applications with remote ant, something similar to this. However the flex compiler seems to have problems with this. When I run the same script on my local compiles everything without any problems but when I try the remote ant it fails without giving more information. ...
I am evaluating the Hudson build system for use as a centralized, "sterile" build environment for a large company with very distributed development (from both a geographical and managerial perspective). One goal is to ensure that builds are only a function of the contents of a source control tree and a build script (also part of that tr...
Is there a simple way of taking the value of a property and then copy it to another property with certain characters replaced? Say propA=This is a value. I want to replace all the spaces in it into underscores, resulting in propB=This_is_a_value. ...
For various reasons that I won't go into (I promise it's necessary to do this with the current code base; I know it's goofy), I want to execute a target twice in the same build task. For example, I want to execute the target foo, then bar, then foo again. This is a simplified version of what I already tried: <target name="foo"> .....
Let's say my basedir = c:/projects/myapp/1.2 How can I get "1.2" in a property? ...
Is it possible to integrate ANT and the CakePHP Test suite? ...
I must to implement command : java -jar test.jar page.xml | mysql -u user -p base in ant. So i Have tried with this task: <java jar="test.jar" fork="true"> <arg line="page.xml | mysql -u user -p base"/> </java> But i have got en exception with pipe - "|" : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Input already set; can't set to | So,...
I've installed the latest CruiseControl and PHPUnderControl, and followed all the directions. I get stuck at running "../../apache-ant-1.7.0/bin/ant checkout" and get the output below. Searching for the error on Google, it was suggested to add the JVM path to the Ant script, but this did not change anything. Even "ant --version" outputs...
I am trying to rearchitect my build technique for creating Java jar files which depend on common 3rd party jar files. (GlazedLists, Apache Commons, etc.) I had been chucking them all into {Java JRE dir}/lib/ext so they would automatically be seen by the JRE, but that led to problems like not remembering that I need to distribute certain...