
How to move a char from the subdomain to the filename in Apache mod rewrite?

I have this URL: http://hostX.site.com/some_path_here/filename.jpg and need to rewrite it to: http://host.site.com/same_path_here/filenameX.jpg Can you please tell me if this is possible? Basically I am trying to move "X" (it is a number) from the subdomain to the end of the filename, just before the extension. Thanks. ...

How to reduce the number of cert validation requests... (IE is killing me slowly)

On a customer's internal network, I can make a request to my SSL site using IE6 SP1 (on Win2K) and see one cert validation requests, but if I use IE6 SP2 (on XP) 13 separate cert validation requests get fired off. Needless to say, this slows down my page load a lot. Firefox loads the page just fine with no unnecessary cert validation r...

Invoking Wine From Apache

I have Apache/2.2.11 using mod_python 3.3.1/Python 2.5 running under Gentoo linux. In my python script I invoke a win32 exe using wine (os.popen2 call). This works fine outside of Apache but under mod_python I get: wine: cannot open /root/.wine : Permission denied in /var/log/apache/error_log. My apache install is not running as the...

mod_rewrite regex to match only if a certain string does NOT exist

Looking through my server logs, I see that a lot of pages on my site are requesting favicon.ico, favicon.jpg, favicon.png, etc in a variety of different directories. Instead of wading through each page to try to figure out where each incorrect request is coming from, I'm writing some apache redirect rules to change a request for any url...

Whats the best way of caching images on my website ?

I have a website www.somesite1.com which gets all its image content from www.somesite2.com At the moment each time an image is to be displayed we simply use an absolute URL to get it like this <img src="http://www.somesite2.com/images/myimage.jpg" /> So each time a user goes to www.somesite1.com for content www.somesite2.com gets...

Why can't my apache process write to my world-writeable file?

Hi, I'm having this problem and I reached a deadlock, I would try anything I've reached a deadend. My problem goes like this: I have a Perl/CGI script installed on Fedora 9 machine running apache2, this script have a config file which placed in the same directory, this config file has 777 permissions. The script can't write to the fi...

Why doesn't WebBBS work now that I've migrated to a new server?

Hello, I've moved a WebBBS board from one server to another. Ever since the board doesn't work. I'm getting an Apache error whenever I try to access the board. Don't even know where to start the debugging, I'm not a Perl person. The file paths remained the same and there isn't any DB involved. http://gammonline.com/members/board/ Any ...

yslow still not giving me an A for expires header in apache httpd even though I added them

Hi, trying to add an ExpiresDefault ExpiresByType to content on my website so that way it is cached. I use cachebusting in the URL (a revision number in the path) for Javascript, CSS, and images so that way I can set it to forever for these mimetypes. I have the following rules set up in apache httpd: ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault...

Apache Name Virtual Host with SSL

I am attempting to setup our servers to allow traffic over SSL. I am aware that SSL does not work with Name Virtual Host, but we have all of our apache servers on virtual machines with dedicated private IPs. We have a primary virtual machine that has mod_proxy setup to route traffic to the appropriate vms. However, in order to route h...

With Django, what's the correct way to set up paths to the admin content and static content?

I have a Django site set up that uses the Django admin panel, prefixed with /media/, as well as static site content in a directory called /static/. The admin media stuff, of course, lives within the Django package, and the site's static content is stored along with the Python code for the site. Currently, my public_html just contains ap...

Anything wrong with running PHP and Ruby on the same Apache server?

We are trying to figure out the best way to distribute our applications among our available servers, which are few in number. Assuming adequate RAM and CPU power, is there any reason we shouldn't run mod_php and mod_rails (Passenger) within the same Apache server? Would they clash or conflict somehow? ...

mod rewrite apache

I have this in my .htaccess file <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule (.*) /index.cfm?urlparam=/$1 [L,QSA] </IfModule> urlparam only ever returns the first two parameters after the domain i.e if i type www.blahblah.com/competitions/display/competition01/ and then...

Is there a good way to call a CGI script from a PHP script?

I saw that there is a virtual() function in PHP that will call a CGI script, but is that the best way? Can I pass any parameters to that scripts as well? I saw some examples using file_get_contents() or include() and passing in the URL of a CGI script, but that feels like a hack. ...

How can I determine a process' unshared memory size on SunOS?

Is there a way to determine the unshared memory size of a process on SunOS? Specifically the size of a child httpd process running under mod_perl if that helps. ...

htaccess reference problem

Hey I have this htaccess code: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /xm/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php$ RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9]*)\.php$ index.php?page=$1 And I want that when the user goes to, for example, main.php, that this htaccess redirects to index.php?page=main, but every time, and with every page, it redirects to index.php?pa...

Why can't I get Apache's CustomLog directive to work?

I'm trying to use Apache's CustomLog directive to create some custom log files, but can't get it working. Here is the configuration I'm using for the custom logs: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent CustomLog /var/log/apache2/jb_common common CustomLog /var...

Is there a way to start/restart/stop apache server on linux as non-root user?

I'd like to know if it is possible for non-root user on linux (i'm using openSUSE) to run apache without using sudo command. Take into account that the user is in the same group as apache (wwwrun). Thanks in advance. ...

Apache Redirect problem in .htaccess

Hello I am having problems getring a simple redirect statement to take effect on my Godaddy account. I have the following statements in my .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.net$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://mydomain.net/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain.net$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/lis...

Why isn't this mod_rewrite rule working as documented?

I'm trying to debug URL rewriting on a hosted site, where I don't have access to vhost.conf and so can't set up a rewrite log. How else can I debug rules that aren't working? This is the rule I'm trying to straighten out, if anyone has any insight: RewriteRule ^([^/]+)\.([^/]+)$ xslt.php [L] What I expect to have happen: URLs that h...

Why does http://localhost redirect to my default virtual host once I setup virtual hosts in Apache?

This is probably an easy question, but I want to understand better how Apache works with virtual hosts. I am setting up virtual hosts because I work on multiple websites at once and I don't want to use subdirectories. I was pretty much using the default Apache httpd.conf file with the DocumentRoot pointing to something like "/www". I ...