I have my iPhone Apple push notifications (APNS) working in php on my own machine. I do not block port 2195 outgoing, but it seems HostGator does and is reluctant to open up the port. I'd imagine many web hosts are the same, but I'm wondering if anyone's found one that does not block 2195 and 2196.
I realize I could use a VPS to do th...
Is there a way to force all my requests
to be made through my APN and not through wifi,
without having to disable wifi?
I want to know if it is possible for my application
to use exclusively the network access point.
I'm already able to set the default network APN
and to use it but for this I have to disable the Wifi first.
have a jailbroken iPhone
need to write an application which would receive notifications from APNs
Problem: after running the application on iPhone program shows an error: "no valid apps-environment entitlement string found for application" (at registerForRemoteNotificationTypes- call i suppose).
As I've understood the problem s...
How to test feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com? Everything goes right, but I receive empty list.
How to make it consider the device token as inactive?
I installed the application to iPhone using Xcode, received some push notifications, then removed it from iPhone and send some more notifications. But even on the next day feedback.sandbox....
I got APNS working perfectly, after many issues with SSL.
Now, I was wondering how I can filter the notifications sent to the devices.
I have to do it server-side, or client-side (app) ?
For example, a Soccer app that sends the latest game scores to the registered devices.
By default, my device shows all notifications sent by APNS (all...
Have several iPod behind a firewall that does not have access to the internet. What ports / protocols does the iPhone use to connected to the Apple APNS server so it can receive APNS messages from 3rd Party applications.
I know my application will use port 2195 to communicate to the APNS server to push updates to my iPods but what ports...
How would you test the APNS feedback service in the sandbox? Or in other words, how do you force a device to be in the feedback?
I am trying to add push notifications to my app. I have am using an ad hoc profile. My appID does not have a wildcard. I am using the following php code...
$time = time();
$apnsHost = 'gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com';
$apnsPort = 2195;
$apnsCert = 'apns-dev-maui.pem';
$streamContext = stream_context_cr...
When building a public key using the OpenSSL::PKey::RSA module by passing it a .pem file, what is the cause for a response:
OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError: Neither PUB key nor PRIV key:: nested asn1 error
from /Users/Matt/projects/placepop/lib/apn.rb:48:in `initialize'
from /Users/Matt/projects/placepop/lib/apn.rb:48:in `new'
from /Users/Matt/...
I have two apps on the iTunes store - both implement push notifications. While I was testing sending notifications to these production apps, I noticed that a push intended for app A was titled and opened app B.
Both of these apps are installed on the same phone. I looked in my device table and saw that the device Tokens (and of cour...
Hi Guys,
I am successfully fetching Apple APNS feedback data via PHP. The structure that I am getting (after some processing) looks something like this:
device token
My question is how to know which of the device tokens should I remove from my database and stop sending notifications to them.
I've got a ruby script that opens a connection to Apple's push server and sends all the pending notifications. I can't see any reason why, but I get broken pipe errors when Apple disconnects my script. I've written my script to accomodate this happening, but I would rather just find out why it's happening so I can avoid it in the first p...
I've seen other questions here about PNS, in terms of code, but how does the concept work?do I need to tell my client that they need a server? What goes in the server in terms of configuration/cron or whatever?
Please explain the process. Thanks a ton.
Please explain: Do I need to purchase an SSL certificate, or does Apple issu...
Hi I'm getting strange feedback from the feedback sandbox server.
Actually there should be only my device registered so I expect always the same device token (which I already know).
Anyway... I'm getting every time a different device token and always the same timestamp "Wed Mar 04 02:46:40 +0100 1981"
Is that normal or is there somethi...
I recently found this very interesting article on APNS and Emoji characters: EASY APNS - Just for fun
It contains a list with all supported Emojis. However, I couldn't get them to display in my push notifications. All I get is the code, not the image. For example, if I add \ue415 (a smiley) to my message, I never see the image,...
I have a PHP file with the following content that works perfectly on development ceritficates, but when I switch to a production certificate the PHP errors and gives the below message, but it only does this about 50% of the time. The other 50% it works. Anyone know why this might be happening?
// masked for security reason
This is a question that has been bugging me for a while. I started my app (now submitted -- not yet approved) not wishing to get into the mess that is APNS (Push).
I did the following:
iPhone Developer Center: Provisioning Portal->Provisioning:
Then I created a Development and a Distribution Provisioning Profile. I installed both in...
I am trying the Urban Airship APNS development push server. When I run their sample app, I can't seem to get the Device Token. What needs to be done to make sure the token exists?
I've checked the provisioning profile and the bundle id.
Does my server need to push (through UrbanAirship) for the token to be generated for the first time? ...
I am getting a bad token passed to me in
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken
this code crashes on my iPhone but not my clients.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken {
I am using PHP to connect to apns to send some notifications to multiple devices, although the question is more conceptual so it doesn't have to be specific to PHP.
I will be sending to about 7000 devices (and growing) all at the same time.
My process runs ONCE per day and broadcasts to all devices, so I am not constantly re-opening ...