
Is it okay to programmatically create UITouch and UIEvent objects to emulate touch events?

I want to simulate some touches on my UI, without using private API. So one simple way to do it is to simply call those -touchesBegan:withEvent:, -touchesMoved:withEvent:, -touchesEnded:WithEvent: and -touchesCancelled:withEvent: methods inside my custom controls. For that, I would have to create UITouch and UIEvent dummy objects with a...

link nasm program for mac os x

i have some problems with linking nasm program for macos: GLOBAL _start SEGMENT .text _start: mov ax, 5 mov bx, ax mov [a], ebx SEGMENT .data a DW 0 t2 DW 0 fry$ nasm -f elf test.asm fry$ ld -o test test.o -arch i386 ld: warning: in test.o, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being l...

iphone web app: open directions in external maps application

I've seen the answers for opening the Maps app in a native iPhone app, but is there any way to do this in a web app? I've tried changing window.location to for example, to no avail. I've tried using a simple anchor tag linked to, also to no avail. Has anyone ...

How do I disable Xcode static analysis (Clang) messages?

I'd like my Xcode project to go through a Build And Analyze step without generating any errors, warnings, or static analysis messages. A problem with this is that my project includes libraries that generate (possibly innocuous) warnings and static analysis messages. I can't find a way to disable specific Clang warnings so that "my" code...

Manually create Airport Password

Here's one I haven't been able to find despite some Googling and playing around: I'm creating a disk image for a school to use on all their new laptops. It's not a fresh install. There are some customizations and software that's being installed (Volume License Office, for example). One of the requests that came in from the school was to...

MPMoviePlayerController doesn't implement MPMediaPlayback protocol as advertised?

I'm trying to use the MPMediaPlayback protocol's currentPlaybackRate() to slow down a video. I'm confused though as the class MPMoviePlayerController states that: You can control most aspects of playback programmatically using the methods and properties of the MPMediaPlayback protocol, to which this class conforms. Except just abo...

In App Purchase no valid Product IDs

I'm trying to get In App Purchase with my existing iPad App working. I'm stuck retrieving the Product Information from App Store: - (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response The SKProductsResponse only contains invalid Product IDs. I tried every potential solution I found here...

How good is ApnsPHP?

Hi guys, I want to build a push server that can handle a heavy load of push notifications that it needs to send. I was wondering if ApnsPHP ( is the right chice for me, or if I should build it using some other language. Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated! ...

Apple Dashcode and Webservices

Hello All, I am developing my first Dashboard Widget and trying to call a webservice. But I keep on getting XMLHTTPRequest status 0. Following is the code var soapHeader = '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n' +'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"...

How to distribute an iPhone app BEFORE the sale date without getting UDIDs or jailbreaking?

I've got an app that's approved by Apple and ready-for-sale, but we're holding off for a few days for press reasons. Anyone know of a way to distribute this thing to beta testers without dealing with UDIDs or jailbreaking phones? Does it matter that it's approved, can I just give select users a file without the provisional stuff? ...

Where is iTunes SDK/API documentation?

I downloaded a zipped archive from Apple that consists of a C++ header file and source. Included in this was a help file. For some reason this help file opens but I cannot read the content. Is there any other documentation outside of a help file for this? For c++ or c#? ...

Unknown and unreproducible crash causes App Store rejection

After submitting our application several times, we continue to receive the following response: Thank you for submitting My App to the App Store. We've reviewed your application and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPad application to the App Store because My App is crashing on iPad running iPhone OS 3....

Implementing Apple's HTTP Live Streaming - problem with mediafilesegmenter tool

Hi, I have MAC OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and according to Apple's guide on HTTP Live Streaming, the mediafilesegmenter tool should be there in /usr/bin/ directory but it isnt. There is only the mediastreamsegmenter there. I need the mediafilesegmenter tool to segment MPEG2 Transport streams. How can I get/install the mediafilesegmenter to...

MonoTouch 3.0.6 supports iPhone OS 4 what about legal issues

Now MonoTouch supports iPhone OS 4 with current 3.0.6 version but Apple banned all programming languages beside C/C++/Objective-C. So it is confusing why Novell supports iPhone OS 4 if it is banned? Is there any exception for MonoTouch we don't know yet? I am aware of previous stackoverflow question Is MonoTouch now banned on the iPhone?...

Does Unlocked iPhones Receive Push Notifications ?

Hi Is there any problem that unlocked iPhones doesn't receive Apple Push Notifications from apps. Thanks, Tharindu ...

Is there a way to create a feed of your recent app store purchases to put on your blog?

I'm trying to put together some feeds for my blog and I would love to include one that shows my recent app store purchases. Is there a way to accomplish this? ...

NSRunningApplication, return list of recent used applications?

i'm trying to get a list of the most recent used applications. NSWorkspace returns me a list of active applications and i can sort them on a few options using NSRunningApplication. see list below: launchDate finishedLaunching processIdentifier i dont want the lauch date but the recent 'active' date (like the way cmd-tab sorts). Does ...

Apple iPad and PDF support

Hi, I have few questions related to the PDF and its use on the Apple iPad: 1) Does the iPad support all Quartz PDF functions (i.e. all CGPDFxxx functions/classes)? 2) Does the iPad support the PDF Kit? 3) Is it possible with any of one of both APIs, based on the coordinates of the finger touch to detect the underlying PDF item (e.g. ...

iphone app acceptance criteria

Is there documentation on what Apple will accept and not accept when submitting an app, or is it trial and error? ...

Can we get the information of customers who have purchased our application from app store ?

Can we get information of all customers like customer's name, customer's email or other information related with customer who have purchased our application from app store ??? ...