
Is there any way to communicate between my .exe application and Firefox?

Hi, Is there any way to communicate between my .exe application and Firefox? Because, I have my own webpage. I'm using FireFox to browse it. I have an application (in c++) to process a piece of HTML code from my webpage within FireFox. My application can print something directly to printer (raw print). Since now, I coudn't access fi...

Get the topmost window of my own application ONLY - in C

I'm using the following code to get a handle of the topmost window: HWND hwnd; hwnd = GetForegroundWindow(); The problem with this is that it returns the top most system-wide. Is there any way to get the topmost ONLY from my own application? I want to get the top most window ONLY of my application. This means, that I need an API to ...

Button click event of other third party application

Hello everyone, I have a third party application which is mainly a monitoring system that contains a "Refresh Button", which is used for getting the realtime datas from all the other machines. My requirement is that i want to make the refresh happen automatically at given amount of time regularly. Can anyone suggest me how it can be do...

Sharing Spring Security Configuration Between Applications

I'm brand spanking new at Spring and have gotten a majority of the knowledge I do have from the Spring Recipes book from Apress. I've got LDAP authentication working with Spring Security within one webapp. I would like to rip out my application context beans and properties files from this one webapp, however, and somehow externalize the...

web site file write performance problem

Hi WE use a third party report tool. Report tool uses active-x. At first we generate and run a query accırding to filters, then one report file is created which inculdes the data (result of the query). Then client downloads the report file. But file written operation is a big problem for us. What can we do? Taking file written operations...

Examples of "object dictionaries" in application protocols.

I am working on an application protocol for SCADA type applications. From previous experiences with SNMP and CAN Open, I like the idea of "Object Dictionaries" or "Information Bases" (MIB) as a generic way to describe a device and the fields it sends / receives in messages. Is there a proper name for this type of pattern? Further to t...

How to lock down a running application

I have a little applet that controls requests from the scanner... Its a canon applet, not opensource. Question is: Does anyone know of a program that can lock access to running programs or could point me in the the direction of examples where i could write a small applet myself.. I have looked on google but all programs available such ...

Programmatically call default media player in Blackberry?

Like I said, the application has to call the default Blackberry media player.Does anybody know or maybe point in a direction to implement it Enviroment : Eclipse+BB plugin 4.5 ...

Validating a software for copy protected reasons

Hey, I'm trying to see what are the few good ways to validate my software. I generate a key for each buyer and then want to make sure that key is used only once, and they can't install the app on other computers and use the same key. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks, ...

Tab bar programming

Hi , I have a Tab bar based application. Can I change the tabs highlighted Programatically? I mean can i navigate from one tab to the other without actually clicking on the tab icons ? ...

API's used in iBeer and iMunchies iPhone Applications

Hi all, I just wanted to ask you guys if you have some idea about which API's or techniques were used in iBeer and iMunchies applications? These applications are not useful (in my personal opinion), but does have some cool effects. Theories are welcome :). Just trying to gain some knowledge. Best Regards. ...

Zend Framework. What is the best way to administer your site/app?

When developing for the Zend Framework is it common for developers to have to build a custom backend admin area for each unique app? Or is there a popular 3rd party backend tool people are using to manipulate your app's database? I'm thinking of learning ZF but what stands out is how do you keep an eye on what users are doing with your ...

What is the state of the art Web Application framework?

I am wanting to develop a web application, what is the current state of the art to do so? Google Web Toolkit? Favorite languages: C#, Java, Python. If I understand correctly the respective best ways are ASP.NET, Spring, and Django correct? Also Rails is out there too. I'm just saying general purpose? Suppose you had a version of MSP...

How to go about catching database and software version mismatch on deployed application?

I'm developing a standalone application that accesses a common database on a server. It will be used by a few dozen people in my organization. I know that I will need to update the software and the design of the database. This creates the possibility that someone will perform a query on the database using old software. I already have...

Tool to describe information about infrastructure

I'm looking for something to describe existing infrastructure of working applications. What I need: The ability to create new entities, add/edit properties of entity. Example of entity is Windows server with properties such as IP address, server name etc. Another example is application with properties: name, location etc. Create dep...

How can Facebook's photo upload application access the local harddrive?

I didn't think it was possible for client side applications to access the harddrive? How can this application do it? Can a signed Java applet get access to your peripherals? I know that flash can... ...

Distributing Rails Applications as Native Applications

I would like to distribute a rails application as a double clickable application. When someone double clicks on the app, I think that mongrel should be started and then the user's browser should be started and open to something like localhost:3000 I'm trying to work through what I will need to do this, I think I'm going to need to incl...

Which container is mostly used for load new custom component into flex ?

In AIR application i have link button like winner statistics . if i like this button then show winner statistics (canves) reports full page on my application . I Already created winner statistics using canves component .Which container is mostly used for view data ? Please refer me ? i tried viewstack but it will overwrite Main page ? ...

Specify the port precisely for a webservice in Web.config

I want to precisely set the port for a .NET 3.5 web service using the client services api I have been trying to get this to work using to no avail I have my domain mydomain .com / Appservices where is Appservices is an app root. I can login to my web site using the login page but t...

How to reload Views When User Click on tabs?

Hello I am using a tab bar application. I want to reload a view when user presses on any of tab button. if user presses first button of tab bar, first view is loaded only once. i need when ever user presses first tab bar button, view must be reloaded. this is required, due to following reason in first view - i have list of employees...