
Override onMissingTemplate handling in Application.cfc

I want to handle a scenario where user hits a url of /somePage.cfm when that template doesn't exist and use a template from another directory. I know I can do this via rewrites in apache etc. but I don't really want to store logic in there so I gave trying to override onTemplateMissing behaviour in my Application.cfc. It seems to be wo...

what is asp's application object java equivalent?

in asp there's an Application object, which is like the Session but it's shared among all sessions... You can use the Application object to share information among all users of a given application. An ASP-based application is defined as all the .asp files in a virtual directory a...

Separating web server and app server, do both need java?

If we are to separate our web server and app server, would we need java on both machines? I've had one coworker say to install jboss on both machines (seems to defeat the purpose if both machines have app server installed) and another says just install jboss on one and apache on the other (app server/web server). I have the web project...

Call my application through keyword

my problem is very simple, but implementation can be hard! I want that my application (Windows Application:: Visual C# .net) is launched whenever the user clicks some keys combinations (on his keyboard). For example it types "Ctrl+W+W" and my application open, that's all, I want the simplest implementation, less code, memory... Thanks...

Resin server error

Hi I get this error in windows xp, when try to access http://localhost:8080. I do not see any errors in resin before hand. Also the JAVA_HOME in windows is set. 500 Servlet Exception Resin can't load Usually this means that the JDK tools.jar is missing from the classpath, possibly because of using a JRE ins...

Add images to subitems in a ListView control

Hi, I need to add multiple images to a list view item that is in each row of the list view and each column has different images ? Regards, Fran ...

iPhone Xcode Project Organization Question

I built a simple iPhone application for a customer This will be distributed via iTunes using Ad Hoc Provisioning profile I need to build two different executables 1) a test application and an 2) official application the only differences between the two applications are: . the Default.png startup screen . some image icons in the applicat...

Storing passwords that can't be hashed in a server application

I have a .NET server application that must store passwords that can't be hashed because some APIs I use need the passwords in plain text. These passwords can also be exported and imported as part of the system configuration into another server instance of the application or for backup purposes. The encrypted data will definitely need ...

Windows Forms: Change application mainwindow at runtime

Normally I would do Application.Run(myMainForm). But I want to do something like this: MyForm1 f = new MyForm1(); f.Close+=OnOpenOverviewWin(); Application.Run(f); void OnOpenOverviewWin() { MyOverViewForm f = new MyOverViewForm (); Application.Run(f); // i want to do this Application.NewMainWindow = f; // or something like that } ...

Website Login monitoring

Is there any software that monitors logins of a CMS? ...

Track application usage - C#

I would like to develop an application (that runs at all times in the background I guess) to track the usage of applications (msword, excel, powerpoint, *.exe, etc.). I can handle posting the data to a database but don't exactly know where to start with monitoring running applications (when they start, when they stop). Anyone have any ...

Where Can I get J2ME Tutorials

Where can I get the good J2ME tutorials. ...

Iphone app PNG sequence animation - How to use OPENgle optimally without crashing

hello everyone. i am making an animation in opegle with pngs and considering to use the highest qaulity compression and not use pvr conversion. Does anyone know the maximum amount of frames you can do before the processor starts getting chuggy? and i have a series of frames i would also note that my png sequence is roughly 75 frames a...

How to justify Facebook Connect/API application development

Hello! I'm currently working for a company that doesn't have any Facebook presence. I've been having thoughts about working a rogue project that involves Facebook connect and API integration with our current web application. My plan is to develop a working demo, then show at 80% completion and somehow justify its existence, but I have ...

Track application Usage - C# .Net 2.0

I asked this question yesterday and got a great response/code example. The only problem is that I forgot to mention that I am forced to work with the .Net Framework 2.0 and can't use the List.Select ( I assume the linq namespace). Does anyone have a good work around for List.Select seen below: class Program { struct ProcessStartTi...

.NET Application Developer uber Framework

I am looking for recommendations on an application developer framework for Visual Studio. A cursory investigation has identified products such as Strataframe, Mere Mortals, CSLA, Deklarit, xEpressApp, Habanero, Spring.Net, etc. What do you recommend, based on your developer experience? Some of the key requirements are that the framework...

Does read-only file system access guarantee a write access?

Hello, I am developing a web application and I am wondering if someone has a full read-only access to my filesystem, can this person (assuming that he is aware of everything necessary) have a write access to the system? For example, if you have a PHP script that outputs contents of any files on the server - will someone really be able ...

Why are subviews of an NSView not sent a release message when a Cocoa application terminates?

The short version: Why are the subviews of NSView objects not sent a release message when a Cocoa application terminates? Is there a way to override this behaviour? An example: The MyView class shown below is nothing more than an NSView subclass that reports to the console when it is created and destroyed. I have tested it out and ...

Django - how to let one application reference another

Hello, i have two Django apps in my Project, call them App1 and App2. App1 is the "Home"-application that displays a text to introduce users and shows some news. App2 is a "Content"-app to display pages that only consist of a title and some html retrieved from the DB. I want App1 to display it's text using the model from App2. I can do ...

Does full version of application replace the lite version or it is downloaded as new app?

Hi all iPhone developers, can anybody knows that, when i am uploading my new version of application to app store for upgrading it. if there is change in my databse so it needs to delete older version to take effect. Now, when user upgrade it , then apple will remove first app and download newone or it just upgrade the application? ...